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Publications & Products: Capital Punishment (NPS-8)
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Product Type Title (and Summary) Date Product Number
Publication Capital Punishment, 2005 Presents characteristics of persons under sentence of death at yearend and of persons executed. This annual BJS report summarizes the movement of prisoners into and out of death sentence status during the year.
Part of the Capital Punishment Series
12/10/2006 NCJ 215083
Publication Capital Punishment, 2004 Presents characteristics of persons under sentence of death at yearend and of persons executed. This annual BJS report summarizes the movement of prisoners into and out of death sentence status during the year.
Part of the Capital Punishment Series
11/13/2005 NCJ 211349
Publication Capital Punishment, 2003 Presents characteristics of persons under sentence of death at yearend and of persons executed. This annual BJS report summarizes the movement of prisoners into and out of death sentence status during the year.
Part of the Capital Punishment Series
11/14/2004 NCJ 206627
Publication Capital Punishment, 2002 Presents characteristics of persons under sentence of death at yearend and of persons executed. This annual BJS report summarizes the movement of prisoners into and out of death sentence status during the year.
Part of the Capital Punishment Series
11/9/2003 NCJ 201848
Publication Capital Punishment, 2001 Presents characteristics of persons under sentence of death at yearend and of persons executed. This annual BJS report summarizes the movement of prisoners into and out of death sentence status during the year.
Part of the Capital Punishment Series
12/15/2002 NCJ 197020
Publication Capital Punishment, 2000 Presents characteristics of persons under sentence of death at yearend and of persons executed. This annual BJS report summarizes the movement of prisoners into and out of death sentence status during the year.
Part of the Capital Punishment Series
12/11/2001 NCJ 190598
Publication Capital Punishment, 1999 Presents characteristics of persons under sentence of death at yearend and of persons executed. This annual BJS report summarizes the movement of prisoners into and out of death sentence status during the year.
Part of the Capital Punishment Series
12/10/2000 NCJ 184795
Publication Capital Punishment, 1998 Presents characteristics of persons under sentence of death at yearend and of persons executed. This annual BJS report summarizes the movement of prisoners into and out of death sentence status during the year.
Part of the Capital Punishment Series
12/12/1999 NCJ 179012
Publication Capital Punishment, 1997 Presents characteristics of persons under sentence of death at yearend and of persons executed. This annual BJS report summarizes the movement of prisoners into and out of death sentence status during the year.
Part of the Capital Punishment Series
12/1/1998 NCJ 172881
Publication Capital Punishment, 1996 Presents characteristics of persons under sentence of death at yearend and of persons executed. This annual BJS report summarizes the movement of prisoners into and out of death sentence status during the year.
Part of the Capital Punishment Series
12/14/1997 NCJ 167031
Publication Capital Punishment, 1995 Presents characteristics of persons under sentence of death at yearend and of persons executed. This annual BJS report summarizes the movement of prisoners into and out of death sentence status during the year.
Part of the Capital Punishment Series
12/1/1996 NCJ 162043
Publication Capital Punishment, 1994 Presents characteristics of persons under sentence of death at yearend and of persons executed. This annual BJS report summarizes the movement of prisoners into and out of death sentence status during the year.
Part of the Capital Punishment Series
2/1/1996 NCJ 158023
Publication Capital Punishment, 1993 Presents characteristics of persons under sentence of death at yearend and of persons executed. This annual BJS report summarizes the movement of prisoners into and out of death sentence status during the year.
Part of the Capital Punishment Series
12/1/1994 NCJ 150042
Publication Capital Punishment, 1993 This report presents statistics on executions, inmates under sentence of death, and jurisdictions without a death penalty for 1993, along with 1993 court decisions pertinent to capital punishment.
Part of the Capital Punishment Series
12/1/1994 NCJ 150042
Publication Capital Punishment, 1992 This report presents statistical data regarding executions during 1992, death row inmates, and state laws regarding capital punishment.
Part of the Capital Punishment Series
12/1/1993 NCJ 145031
Publication Capital Punishment, 1991 Eight states executed 14 prisoners during 1991, bringing the total number of executions to 157 since 1976, the year that the U.S. Supreme Court reinstated the death penalty.
Part of the Capital Punishment Series
10/1/1992 NCJ 136946
Publication Capital Punishment, 1990 Presents characteristics of persons under sentence of death at yearend and of persons executed. Paper copy only.
Part of the Capital Punishment Series
9/1/1991 NCJ 131648
Publication Capital Punishment, 1989 Presents characteristics of persons under sentence of death at yearend and of persons executed. Paper copy only.
Part of the Capital Punishment Series
10/1/1990 NCJ 124545
Publication Capital Punishment, 1988 This report presents information on inmates under the death sentence in 1988, court decisions pertinent to capital punishment, and state capital punishment laws.
Part of the Capital Punishment Series
7/1/1989 NCJ 118313
Publication Capital Punishment, 1987 This report provides detailed national information on inmates under death sentences.
Part of the Capital Punishment Series
7/1/1988 NCJ 111939
Publication Correctional Populations in the United States, 1985 This statistical report on correctional populations in the United States for 1985 is a consolidation of data collected in various statistical programs currently maintained by the Bureau of Justice Statistics.
Part of the Correctional Populations in the United States Series
12/1/1987 NCJ 103957
Publication Capital Punishment, 1982 Two persons were executed during 1982, one each in Virginia and Texas, bringing to six the total executed since 1967.
Part of the Capital Punishment Series
7/1/1983 NCJ 89395
Publication Capital Punishment, 1981 This report, one in a series published under the National Prisoner Statistics (NPS) program, summarizes data on prisoners under sentence of death in 1981, on prisoners executed since 1930, and on recent trends in capital punishment legislation.
Part of the Capital Punishment Series
12/1/1982 NCJ 86484
Publication Death-Row Prisoners, 1981 This report describes the U.S. Supreme Court decisions and subsequent State law changes that have resulted in the increase to 838 in the number of inmates sentenced to death by the end of 1981.
Part of the Capital Punishment Series
7/1/1982 NCJ 83191
Publication Capital Punishment, 1979 This report provides information on prisoners under sentence of death in 1979, on executions carried out during the 1930-79 period, and on recent developments in capital punishment laws.
Part of the Capital Punishment Series
12/1/1980 NCJ 70945
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