Congressman David Cicilline
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Congressman David Cicilline

Congressman David Cicilline
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  1. Recent Posts by Others on Congressman David CicillineSee All
    • Congratulations on your win, Congressman Cicilline. Keep on fighting the good fight for us.
      5 hours ago
    •  Seniors Beware! Congressman David Cicilline cut RI-01 by $1.13 billion with his vote for Obamacare. Share if you're against David Cicilline and Barack Obama cutting your Medicare!
      61 · 14 hours ago
    • Amanda Shaivone
      Congressman David Cicilline Susan Hogan Supporting Autism-Awareness Lynn Courchine WJAR NBC10 My yougest brother, Hunter, who has autism was supossed to be picked up and dropped off in front of his house. His first time on the bus was afternoon drop off on Monday, September 9, 2012. His bus driver failed to grab his mail from his box before leaving the bus yard. The bus was up the street letting off children. The bus came towards house and kept going. The driver was yelled at for him to stop. Was asked where Hunter was. The driver said" oh we dropped him off at the corner." My brother was dropped off to no parent and a to a stranger, non the less. The bus driver and aid were not suspended or switched to another route. Our Family was aplolgized to by the bus tansportation company(dispatch), superintendant of schools and the head of bus transportantion. But not from the two people who caused the problem. So Hunter wouldn't get more upset in the situation, he went on the bus this morning. The bus driver didn't say a word. Dispatch was called and the two people are going to be talked to because they didn't apologize. I find this unfair, what if something had happened? What Hunter had went to some stranger? Would the same thing happen with the bus driver not getting any kind of consequence if something terrible had happened? I think more should be done.
      111 · 16 hours ago
    • I believe Congratulations are in order Congressman. Thank you for stopping by to visit!
      Tuesday at 7:18pm
  2. For more than 20 years, Ambassador Christopher Stevens devoted his life to the foreign service and promoting the American ideals of freedom, tolerance, and the rule of law. Like all Americans, I am outraged and deeply saddened to learn that he and three other embassy staff were killed during an attack on our consulate in Benghazi. My thoughts and prayers are with the families of all those affect...
    ed by this tragedy.

    It is absolutely essential that the fledgling Libyan government demonstrates its commitment to the rule of law today and holds accountable those who are responsible for the deaths of these brave Americans.

    At the same time, in the face of protests in Egypt, we need to work with Egyptian officials to ensure order is restored, the safety of our personnel is maintained, and that the country's democratic transition is able to move forward.
    See More
  3. My thoughts are with all those who lost friends and family members on September 11, 2001 - I imagine that the past 11 years still has not brought enough comfort for the loss they feel today.

    I am also mindful of the brave men and women in uniform who are serving our country halfway around the world. I thank them for their sacrifice and look forward to welcoming them home one day soon.
  4. This morning I joined members of the RI delegation to announce the $10.8 Million grant for Rhode Island Hospital
    Photo: This morning I joined members of the RI delegation to announce the $10.8 Million grant for Rhode Island Hospital
  5. Today, I join Rhode Island families in reflecting on the accomplishments that have been made by the American labor movement from the beginnings of the Industrial Revolution through the present day to ensure fair wages and working conditions. Over the years, the labor movement has been unmatched in its advocacy for middle class families and their economic prosperity.

    This year, it is especially important to remember the labor movement's example as we fight to put Rhode Islanders back to work in well-paying jobs. I applaud Rhode Island's hardworking men and women and wish everyone a safe and happy Labor Day.
  6. What a great photo that the ProJo has from our meeting with Secretary Solis yesterday!
    Photo: What a great photo that the ProJo has from our meeting with Secretary Solis yesterday!
  7. Today I joined the announcement for $1.09M to the Blackstone Valley Community Action Program
    Photo: Today I joined the announcement for $1.09M to the Blackstone Valley Community Action Program
  8. In the 92 years since women were given the right to vote, we have made considerable progress. today, as we celebrate Women's Equality Day, we honor those heroes who fought to ensure that women's voices be heard. we remember their vision as we continue to fight for equality for all Americans.
  9. On Tuesday August 28th check out FREE Help for Homeowners Community Event at Gillette Stadium in Foxborough, MA from 1:00PM-8:00PM. Hosted by the Obama Administration's Making Home Affordable Program, HOPE NOW, and other local non-profit and state agencies, the event will be a great resource to many Rhode Islanders. Follow this link to learn more:
  10. Today, I joined Senator Sheldon Whitehouse to help break ground on new apartment buildings for low-income residents in Woonsocket.
    Photo: Today, I joined Senator Sheldon Whitehouse to help break ground on new apartment buildings for low-income residents in Woonsocket.
  11. Spoke with the Pawtucket Rotary Club earlier today
    Photo: Spoke with the Pawtucket Rotary Club earlier today
  12. This morning, along with Senator Reed, Senator Whitehouse and Congressman Langevin, I toured Women and Infants NICU
    Photo: This morning, along with Senator Reed, Senator Whitehouse and Congressman Langevin, I toured Women and Infants NICU

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