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CIA Home > Library > Publications > World Leaders > Key to Abbreviations

Key to Abbreviations

Adm. - Admiral

Admin. - Administrative, Administration

Asst. - Assistant

Brig. - Brigadier

Capt. - Captain

Cdr. - Commander

Chmn. - Chairman

Col. - Colonel

Del. - Delegate

Dep. - Deputy

Dept. - Department

Dir. - Director

Div. - Division

Dr. - Doctor

Fd. Mar. - Field Marshal

Fed. - Federal

Gen. - General

Govt. - Government

Intl. - International

Lt. - Lieutenant

Maj. - Major

Mar. - Marshal

Min. - Minister, Ministry

NDE - No Diplomatic Exchange

Org. - Organization

Pres. - President

Prof. - Professor

RAdm. - Rear Admiral

Ret. - Retired

Sec. - Secretary

VAdm. - Vice Admiral

VMar. - Vice Marshal

Posted: May 03, 2007 04:34 PM
Last Updated: Apr 18, 2012 02:22 PM
Last Reviewed: Apr 18, 2012 02:22 PM

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