Marines are instantly and forever transformed the day they earn the title, but the transformation continues throughout each Marine's time in the Corps.
Those who desire our title must first endure our training, and undergo an everlasting change that is external, internal and undeniable. As Marines
begin to serve, learn and lead, their overall skills continue to develop, inspiring those they fight alongside—and ensuring a better future for us all.


There is no comparison between the strength of those who begin the Recruit Training process and those who successfully complete it. Even long-time athletes experience the burning of muscles they never knew they had. This however is not a gym membership, it's the training required to defend our nation and each other. Recruits learn that quitting is not an option, as the consequences are too great, not just for themselves—but for their entire platoon. Marine fitness is a combination of strength, endurance and teamwork, and the results are proven in the battles we win and the missions we accomplish.


It's the high-and-tight haircut, the pristine uniform and the toned physique that parents notice first upon seeing their Marine on the parade deck at graduation.  Soon after reacquainting with their son or daughter, however, the most notable transformation becomes clear. It's not just respect for others that Marines develop; it's a genuine concern for their well-being. Training with, enduring alongside and relying on those to their left and right during such a challenging experience redirects their focus from self to that of accomplishing missions together. Challenge, adventure and prestige are the primary motivations for those entering recruit training. Those who leave as Marines find that being part of something greater is their most fulfilling reward.


After experiencing such an unparalleled and positive transformation in a relatively short period of time, seeking self-improvement becomes a habit for Marines. The Marine Corps fosters this drive in its warriors by continuously assigning Marines with more responsibility and presenting more opportunities to lead. There is great personal benefit in improving oneself, but more importantly, this is transformation for a purpose. The demands of the Marine Corps require our nation's best to continue getting even better.