NATO - North Atlantic Treaty Organization

Basic texts

A thematic overview of NATO's most important official texts:
from the Treaty and its protocols to the Partnership for Peace documents.

Part I - The Antecedents of the Alliance

Part II - Juridical texts and formal agreements

A. Washington Treaty and Associated Declarations, Resolutions and Protocols

Part III - Key policy documents

  1. The Brussels Treaty was modified by a Protocol signed in Paris on 23 October 1954 as part of "The Paris Agreements" (see Part II). The texts of both the original Treaty and of the Treaty as amended by the Protocol are reproduced in Part I for ease of reference.
  2. Approved and published by the North Atlantic Council in Ministerial Session in Ottawa on 19 June 1974 and signed by NATO Heads of State and Government in Brussels on 26 June 1974.
  3. In July 1997, NATO Heads of State and Government agreed that the Strategic Concept should be re-examined to ensure that it remained fully consistent with Europe's new security situation and challenges. The Council was requested to initiate the work with a view to completing it in time for presentation at the next Summit Meeting in 1999.