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We welcome submissions from members of the defense health community for feature articles and blog posts. In addition, we are happy to publicize your events, awards, recognitions and milestones.

Before submitting an article or blog post, please read these general guidelines

  • Articles and blog posts should follow AP style and be in compliance with DoD policies.
  • Provide full identification for each person mentioned (first and last name, rank, position/job/MOS/rate, organization) including service branch of military personnel.
  • Identify the service branch of service-specific programs.
  • Supply a recommended headline and include a brief summary of the 5 W’s (who, what, when, where and why) for the blog or article.
  • Avoid acronyms in headlines and write out acronyms the first time you mention them.
  • A suggested length for blog posts is 200-400 words; a suggested length for articles is 400-700 words.
  • Send submissions that recap events or meetings in a timely fashion.
  • When possible, include two photos (one vertical, one horizontal), full-sized, with cutlines/captions and credit information; we can only publish credited DoD or other rights cleared images. All photos must be full-sized and should not be embedded in any other document. We can only publish credited DoD or other rights cleared images.
  • Include full URLs for hyperlinks below the article (we can add hyperlinks to text words if you indicate where they belong.)
  • Include metadata keywords separated with commas.
  • Include contact information for the author or submitter in case we have questions.

Double-check that the following information is included

For news about events and awards

  • What is the event/award description
  • Who’s involved in this event; name, service branch, job position, org
  • Where did the event take place?
  • When did it take place?
  • Who is the POC for this submission?
  • Do you have any web links you would like to include?

For photos

  • Who is in the photo? (if applicable) Name, Service Branch, Job Position, Organization for each person.
  • What is taking place in the photo?
  • Where was the photo taken?
  • Who took the photo?

Important information about the submission and review process

Articles are chosen for publication based on multiple factors including:

  • technical accuracy
  • usefulness to readers
  • timeliness
  • quality of writing

Articles rejected by editors often are outdated, overly broad, inappropriate in tone, written for the wrong audience, or inadequately supported/researched

Editors reserve the right to edit all submissions for length and content

All content published on must comply with our copyright policy as below

Note to authors regarding copyright and publication submissions

Content selected for publication on are subject to editing at the discretion of the MHS STRATCOM editorial staff. All content and photos published on are public domain. All content and photos posted on must, therefore, be rights cleared images and information and are subject to subject matter expert review before publication.

By submitting to, I am certifying that I have read the publication submission checklist and the “Note to Authors Regarding Copyright” and I agree to comply with these standards.