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Success Stories for March 2011

Oct 26, 2011

Qualcomm Inc.
San Diego, CA 92121

“When you’re being innovative, there are always skeptics.”So says Dr. Irwin Jacobs, co-founder of the world’s leading provider of wireless technology and services, Qualcomm.

Jacobs knows this lesson well. In 1985, Qualcomm was a small company providing R&D to the government. But its real goal was to become...

Aug 1, 2011

GATR Technologies
Huntsville, Alabama 35803

Benefits of Technology Transfer - Project:  Large Inflatable Thin Film Antenna with Rigidized Support Structure

Collaboration helped achieve FCC certification, enabling inflatable antenna technology to aid relief effort 

A technology with...

Jul 30, 2011

A123 Systems
Watertown, MA 02472

Highlights: 2200 employees, $24 million revenues, “green technology”

A123 Systems makes advanced lithium-ion battery technology for the transportation, power grid, and commercial/industrial products industries. The company was founded in 2001 based on novel nanoscale technology initially developed at the...

Mar 18, 2011

Mountain View, CA 94043

Highlights: 17,500 empoyees in more than 40 countries

Symantec, an outstanding example of the values of the SBIR program, was inducted into SBA’s Hall of Fame on February 15, 2011. It was the first recipient of a grant via the SBIR program in 1982, established at the time by Roland Tibbett.  This grant was...

Mar 15, 2011

Martek Biosciences
Columbia, MD 21045

Highlights: 525 employees, product present in 99% of infant formulas, $300 million revenue

Life’s DHA and life’s ARA - “We don’t cure cancer. But we’ve impacted probably more people than any biotechnology company ever.” Peter Buzzy, the chief financial officer of Martek Biosciences, makes a...