Thoughts on Makers at NASA

| Makers explore, reach into the unknown, and strive to bring something back that makes it worth the trip. Throughout NASA’s history, the exploration culture is easy to see – the Apollo Program, International Space Station, the Mars Science Laboratory and Curiosity’s 7 minutes of terror – things that bring technology and knowledge back for humanity [...]

Makers explore, reach into the unknown, and strive to bring something back that makes it worth the trip.

Throughout NASA’s history, the exploration culture is easy to see – the Apollo Program, International Space Station, the Mars Science Laboratory and Curiosity’s 7 minutes of terror – things that bring technology and knowledge back for humanity to use every day.

At NASA we have lofty goals, and large programs to bring them to life. In order to make these programs succeed it requires each individual to explore in their own role – each doer, each maker, every heart and soul. Give them a problem and they’ll solve it! The square air duct needs to fit in the round hole to allow the Apollo crew to breathe – the toothbrush needs to help a critical bolt to fit into the ISS – and you just can’t be without a mohawk-sporting attitude to put a lander the size of a car on another planet by remote control. The teams that solve these problems are composed of some incredibly bright, committed, and energetic people – makers at heart, always exploring, striving for that unknown solution.

Outside of NASA, we see a thirst for exploring the unknown in a community that’s growing exponentially. The drive to take things apart, tweak, hack, change, learn, and create on an individual level is spurred on by the kinship that is created between these makers. Indeed, reminiscent of New York City, this community never sleeps!

So join NASA and the Open Innovation Program in our quest to explore the overlap between the explorer and maker – the similarity between folks inside and outside NASA – and how we all can help humanity go boldly where we have never gone before.

Find us at World Maker Faire this coming weekend in New York City. We’d love to chat about all we have in common, and all of the places we’ll go.

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