Our Mission

Image of women wearing headset at computer

The Health Program Analysis and Evaluation Division (HPA&E) supports the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense Health Affairs (ASD(HA)) and TRICARE Management Activity (TMA) performance-based decision-making and execution through application of appropriate scientific methods and operational support by highly qualified health scientists. The broad based staff expertise provides a "think tank" for use by medical leaders from HA, TMA, TRICARE Regional Offices (TROs), Military Medical Treatment Facilities (MTFs) and the military services.

Our goal is to generate timely, useable and objective research to help improve the health system and to advance the health of DoD beneficiaries. HPA&E uses a multidisciplinary approach to investigate complex issues in measuring, evaluating and analyzing the performance of healthcare delivery systems and developing innovative methods for financing high quality health care. The staff develop and promote science based tools and methods for analyzing/benchmarking Military Healthcare System (MHS) health care, examine results to ensure accurate presentation and completeness and provide the ability to see the "big picture" by rapidly acquiring the background and knowledge needed to assist HA/TMA leadership in decision making.

Protect Your Personal Information

TRICARE Management Activity contracts with marketing research companies to obtain feedback about you or your family member's experiences with your local military medical facility and TRICARE. These surveys are designed to help us gauge satisfaction and indentify how we can improve patient experiences. No individual information is shared as a result of these surveys. Protecting your personal information is of vital importance and we assure you that our surveyors will not ask for your social security number, age, birth date, address or other personally identifiable information.

WARNING: This is a Department of Defense (DoD) interest computer system. The Military Health System Web Site is the Official Web Presence of the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Health Affairs) and the TRICARE Management Activity.