ISE Mission Partners: Department of Justice

Department of Justice Overview

As a counterterrorism tool, the criminal justice system has proven incredibly effective in both incapacitating terrorists and gathering valuable intelligence from and about terrorists. The question of how to overcome obstacles to sharing information among law enforcement and other justice system components is a significant issue in the fight against terrorism. All law enforcement and justice agencies-local, state, and federal-need to find ways to overcome obstacles to sharing information. Doing so not only increases their ability to solve crimes and keep communities safer, it also helps them meet their increasing responsibilities.

More Department of Justice Overview

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Department of Justice

Federal Bureau of Investigation

Drug Enforcement Agency

Bureau of Prisons

Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF)

National Criminal Intelligence Resource Center

Nationwide SAR Initiative

Mission Partners: 
A U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Officer, his girlfriend and an associate have been charged in Brownsville, Texas, for engaging in a multi-year bribery and alien smuggling operation along the U.S./Mexico.
1 day 12 min ago
A Los Angeles medical equipment supplier, who submitted almost $1 million in false claims to Medicare for expensive, high-end power wheelchairs, was sentenced today to serve 30 months in prison.
1 day 1 hour ago
Louis Fazzini, 45, of Caldwell, N.J., pleaded guilty today to participating in a racketeering conspiracy involving illegal gambling and theft from an employee benefit plan.
1 day 3 hours ago
Arizona State Representative Paul Ben Arredondo pleaded guilty today in Phoenix federal court, admitting that he solicited and took a bribe in exchange for promises of official action both as a city councilmember and a state representative.
1 day 3 hours ago
The Justice Department announced today that it has entered into a settlement to resolve allegations that the city of Selma, Texas violated Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 by engaging in retaliation against a firefighter for filing a complaint against a superior for using ethnic slurs in the workplace.
1 day 6 hours ago
Effects of Wrongful Conviction Cases
The National Institute of Justice has funded a study examining the impact of wrongful convictions on crime victims. The study is looking at the impact on the original victim of the crime to get a better understanding of what their service needs are, and how we can better serve them both in terms of policy and practice. In...
1 week 4 days ago
The Statewide Automated Victim Information and Notification (SAVIN) Survey
The National Institute of Justice has funded an evaluation of the Statewide Automated Victim Information and Notification. The program, funded by the Bureau of Justice Assistance, provides funds to states automate and improve how victims are notified about information surrounding their...
1 week 4 days ago
Hidden Victims of Human Trafficking
The National Institute of Justice has funded a study looking at the barriers that local communities face identifying, investigating and prosecuting human trafficking cases under new state human trafficking laws. In this interview, Amy Farrell, assistant professor in the School of Criminology and Criminal Justice at...
1 week 4 days ago
Ballistic-Resistant Vest Standards
In this interview, Deanna Rivard, Minneapolis Police Department, Minneapolis, MN, discusses how agencies can get help funding body armor, work on improving the fit of body armor and the importance of wearing it. Learn more about body armor ( and standards ( work NIJ. Recorded at the 2012 NIJ Conference (go...
1 week 4 days ago
Director John H. Laub Introduces Joan Petersilia at the 2012 NIJ Conference
NIJ Conference 2012, introduction to the keynote address This morning's plenary is on a topic that is currently in crisis level in this country: incarceration. It's a topic of great importance to NIJ, as it is, I'm sure, to many of you. And before I introduce our speaker...
2 months 1 week ago

Department of Justice on Facebook

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TheJusticeDept: Would you know how to help a teen end an abusive relationship? Learn more:
8 hours 6 min ago
TheJusticeDept: Teach boys early, and teach them often. There is no place for violence in a relationship. To learn more go to:
1 day 7 hours ago
TheJusticeDept: October is National Domestic Violence Awareness Month. For more information about domestic violence go to:...
1 day 7 hours ago
TheJusticeDept: RT @CivilRights: DOJ celebrates Hispanic Heritage Month - Attorney General Holder's remarks here:
2 days 3 hours ago
TheJusticeDept: Medicare Fraud Strike Force Charges 91 Individuals for Approximately $430 Million in False Billing
2 days 5 hours ago