Press Release by Congresswoman Pelosi

Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi

House Passes Campaign Finance Reform

August 6, 1998

Meehan-Shays Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act Passes 252-179

Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), a cosponsor of the Meehan-Shays Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act, today joined with her colleagues in support of campaign finance reform. "The Meehan-Shays bill goes a long way to drain the swamp that our political process has become," said Pelosi. "Every single person who comes to this body to serve takes an oath of office to protect and defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic. The greatest enemy to our democracy is foreign and domestic money poisoning our system."

The Meehan-Shays bill, offered by Reps. Martin Meehan (D-MA) and Christopher Shays (R-CT), addresses some of the major concerns Americans have had with the way campaigns are financed. Among other things, it provides for a ban on "soft money." "Meehan-Shays ends the corrupting influence of big money and levels the playing field so that all Americans can participate in the political process and be heard," Pelosi said.

Meehan-Shays includes:

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