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Saluting Those Who Have Served on Memorial Day

-- Randy’s Roundup --

A Weekly Newsletter from Congressman Randy Neugebauer

May 25, 2009

Saluting Those Who Have Served on Memorial Day

Over the weekend, families across the 19th Congressional District gathered to celebrate the beginning of summer. And while we enjoyed the weekend celebration with friends and loved ones, we must also recall the real reason we mark the fourth Monday in May. This year, as our troops continue to serve in Iraq and Afghanistan, we should all pause to honor the brave sacrifices made by America’s Armed Forces. The freedoms we cherish today are a result of the courageous acts of countless Americans who answered their nation’s call to serve the cause of liberty.

On this Memorial Day, I attended the dedication ceremony of the new Texas Veterans' Cemetery in Abilene. I was honored and humbled to have the opportunity to pay tribute to those brave souls who have made the ultimate sacrifice.

Today, I ask each of you to remember our men and women in the Armed Services. I encourage you to pay tribute to those who gave their lives in the line of duty.

Funding for Veterans

I am pleased to announce the Department of Veterans Affairs will release federal funding for projects aimed at improving health care for veterans in rural areas such as West Texas and the Big Country.  These additional funds will aid in the establishment of better electronic communication between patients and doctors, as well as offer improved options for transportation to community clinics.

Our veterans are the pride of our nation; they have defended our shores and kept us free. I believe the veterans in our community deserve the best facilities and services we can provide and am pleased to know these enhancements are being made.  

Survey Results

Thanks to all those who participated in last week’s survey. Nearly 53% of you said government spending and debt was the most important issue facing Congress right now, and an overwhelming 75% of you chose an issue related to the economy.

I agree that the federal government needs to reign in its out-of-control spending and create policy that empowers individuals and small businesses. The federal government must become a more responsible custodian of taxpayer dollars. As your Representative, I will continue to advocate fiscal responsibility in Congress.


As always, when events unfold in Washington, I will be sure to update you. In the meantime, do not hesitate to visit my website or call my office toll free district wide at (888) 763-1611 or my Washington, DC office at 202-225-4005.