• Introducing Data.gov Next Generation

    Data.gov starts an exciting new chapter in its evolution to make government data more accessible and usable than ever before. The data catalog website that broke new grounds just two years ago, is once again redefining the Open Data experience. Learn more about Data.gov’s transformation into a cloud-based Open Data platform for citizens, developers and government agencies in this 4-minute introductory video.
  • Redefining the Citizen Experience

    The Data.gov Next Generation platform makes public data universally accessible in a new engaging online experience. Data.gov users can now interactively discover, explore, share and contribute to data. Whether it's finding relevant data, visualizing it with charts and maps, or sharing it on social networks, Data.gov Next Generation makes it easy.
  • Empowering Government Agencies

    Data.gov Next Generation also makes it easier for government agencies to share their public data. Agencies can now upload their data to the FISMA-compliant Data.gov cloud platform, link it in real-time to systems of record, or even federate data from their own sites. Data.gov brings it all together into one virtualized government-wide catalog.
  • Enabling Developers

    Every dataset hosted on the Data.gov Next Generation platform is now readily and uniformly accessible programmatically. The Data.gov RESTful APIs are open, non-proprietary, standards-based and widely used in the Open Data community. Learn more on dev.socrata.com
  • Introducing Data.gov Next Generation
  • Redefining the Citizen Experience
  • Empowering Government Agencies
  • Enabling Developers
  • AGI & Wage Income, By State, in 2007 AGI & Wage Income, By State, in 2007

    Total taxed Adjusted Gross Income and Wage & Salary Income, by state, in 2007.

  • Hospital Outcome Of Care Measures Hospital Outcome Of Care Measures

    From Data.Medicare.Gov: A list of hospitals and the corresponding Outcome of Care rates for certain conditions. "Outcome of Care Measures" show what happened after patients with certain conditions received hospital care.


Department of Energy Department of Health and Human Services Department of Homeland Security Department of Housing and Urban Development Department of Justice Department of Labor Department of State Department of Transportation Department of Veterans Affairs Department of the Interior Department of the Treasury Election Assistance Commission Environmental Protection Agency Executive Office of the President Export-Import Bank of the US Federal Communications Commission Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Federal Election Commission Federal Housing Finance Agency Federal Reserve Board General Services Administration Institute of Museum and Library Services Merit Systems Protection Board Millennium Challenge Corporation National Aeronautics and Space Administration National Archives and Records Administration National Capital Planning Commission National Endowment for the Arts National Endowment for the Humanities National Labor Relations Board National Science Foundation National Transportation Safety Board Nuclear Regulatory Commission Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission Office of Navajo and Hopi Indian Relocation Office of Personnel Management Overseas Private Investment Corporation Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation Railroad Retirement Board Securities and Exchange Commission Selective Service System Small Business Administration Social Security Administration Tennessee Valley Authority US Agency for International Development US Consumer Product Safety Commission US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission US International Trade Commission US Office of the Special Counsel
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