Floor Statements by Congresswoman Pelosi

Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi

AIDS Memorial Grove to Become a National Memorial

September 30, 1996

The Omnibus Parks bill (HR 4236), which passed the House of Representatives on Saturday by a vote of 404-4, included legislation authored by Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-San Francisco) to designate San Francisco's AIDS Memorial Grove as a national memorial.

The AIDS Memorial Grove, located in San Francisco's Golden Gate Park, is the nation's first living memorial to the thousands of Americans who have died of AIDS and in support of the thousands living with HIV.

"The AIDS Memorial Grove is a center for remembrance, hope and renewal for people throughout the nation," said Pelosi. "This legislation recognizes the significance of the Grove for those whose lives have been affected by HIV or AIDS. I commend all of the members of the Grove Board, the staff and the volunteers who have worked so hard to make the grove a success."

The Pelosi Presidio Trust legislation became the engine for the Omnibus Parks bill which includes over 100 parks and public lands measures throughout the country. The Omnibus Parks bill remains pending in the Senate where action is anticipated by Thursday.

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