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Agency for Healthcare Research Quality

RFA HS-96-003 Projects: Research on the Outcomes of Pharmaceutical Therapy

Community-Based Pharmaceutical Care: A Controlled Trial

Principal Investigator:  Morris Weinberger, Ph.D., Indiana University, Indianapolis, IN 46202-5167
Grant Number: HS09083
Project Period:  06/96-05/00
NTIS Number: PB2001-108114

Summary:   The purpose of this study was to develop algorithms to facilitate pharmaceutical care for the treatment of asthma.  A randomized controlled trial, with 460 patients in a pharmacy intervention group and 2 control groups (peak flow monitoring, usual care), was undertaken.   The pharmacy intervention group was given patient-specific clinical information displayed on their computer workstations when filling prescriptions.  Asthma patients receiving the pharmaceutical care program had more emergency department visits and hospitalizations for acute exacerbation than the usual care group.  Authors concluded that while the pharmaceutical care program demonstrated substantial improvement in both medication compliance and health related quality of life at 6 months and sustained at one year, similar levels of improvement were observed in both control groups.

Publications to Date

Amsler, M.F., Murray, M.D., Tierney, W.M., Brewer, N., Harris, L.E., Marrero, D.G., & Weinberger, M. (2001). Pharmaceutical care in chain pharmacies: beliefs and attitudes of pharmacists and patients. Journal of the American Pharmacological Association (Wash) 41(6):850-5.

Hanlon, J.T., Schmader, K.E., Ruby, C.M., & Weinberger, M. (2001). Suboptimal prescribing in older inpatients and outpatients. Journal of American Geriatrics 49(2):200-9.

Stroupe, K.T., Gaskins, D., & Murray, M.D. (1999). Health-care costs of inner-city patients with asthma. The Journal of Asthma 36(8):645-55.

Tierney, R.M., Horton, S.M., Hannan, T.J., & Tierney, W.M. (1998). Relationships between symptom relief, quality of life, and satisfaction with hospice care. Palliative Medicine 12(5):333-344.

Weinberger, M., Murray, M.D., Marrero, D.G., Brewer, N., Lykens, M., Harris, L.E., & Tierney W.M. (2001). A pharmaceutical care program for patients with reactive airways disease. American Journal of Health-system Pharmacy 58(9):791-6.

Weinberger, M., Murray, M.D., Marrero, D.G., Brewer, N., Lykens, M., Harris, L.E., Newell, A.J., Collins, J., & Tierney, W.M. (2002). Issues in conducting randomized trials of health services research interventions in practice settings: the case of retail pharmacies. Health Services Research 37(4):1067-77.

Weinberger, M., Murray, M.D., Marrero, D.G., Brewer, N., Lykens, M., Harris, L.E., Seshadri, R., Caffrey, H., Roesner, J.F., Smith, F., Newell, A.J., Collins, J.C., McDonald, C.J., & Tierney, W.M. (2002). The effectiveness of pharmacist care for patients with reactive airways disease: a randomized controlled trial. Journal of the American Medical Association 288(13):1594-602.

Zhou, X.H., Li, C., Gao, S., & Tierney, W.M. (2001). Methods for testing equality of means of health care costs in a paired design study. Statistics in  Medicine 20(11):1703-20.

Impact of Prospective Drug Use Review on Health Outcomes

Principal Investigator: Frank M. Ahern, Ph.D., Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 16802
Grant Number: HS09075
Project Period: 08/96-07/98
NTIS Number: PB2003-102310

Summary:,   The purpose of this study was to compare two different models of outpatient prospective drug utilization review (ProDUR) programs in the State of Pennsylvania. One model allowed active participation by a pharmacist in the process while the other did not.  The study aimed to 1) conduct a descriptive epidemiological analysis of psychotropic drug use, prescribing patterns, and yield of ProDUR interventions; 2) compute estimates of drug-related outcome measures; and 3) evaluate the independent effects of two different ProDUR procedures on health outcomes.  The investigators used data from the Pharmaceutical Assistance Contract for the Elderly (PACE) and Medicaid.  While findings suggest that both ProDUR systems had an impact on prescription drug utilization and on exposure to inappropriate drug use, the program that allowed active participation by a pharmacist had a more positive impact on utilization measures than the program that did not allow such participation.

Publications to Date

Ahern, F.M. (2002). Impact of prospective drug use review on health. Final report for August 1996-July 2000. Pennsylvania State University; National Center for Health Statistics, Hyattsville, MD; Div. of Health Examination Statistics; Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD.

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