Midwest Forensics Resource Center

Due to new policies within Ames Laboratory, the MFRC was required to change the Partner's account password (in June 2011). Please contact us to obtain the new login credentials.


What's New at the MFRC

September 25, 2012
Web roundtable discussing: DUID, Juvenile Drug Court, Synthetic Cannabinoids, Midwest drug trends (using Tulsa as a starting example), and more.
Web Chat Document

September 7, 2012
Webinar on Application of Shape Measurement and Statistical Tools to Fingerprint and Footwear Evidence.
Web Chat Document

July 31, 2012
Web Chat on Conversion to Fast GC/MS and Hydrogen gas
Web Chat Document

May 15-17, 2012
The Midwest Crime Lab Directors and MFRC Annual Meetings will be held in Columbus, OH.

April 15-20, 2012
The SWGSTAIN biannual meeting will be held in Salt Lake City, UT. 

December, 2011
The MFRC has released the 2011 Funded Projects List.

November, 2011
The MFRC is pleased to release the 2011 Research and Development Program Summary. 

November, 2011
The MFRC is pleased to release the 2011 Training and Professional Development Program Summary. 

November 6-10, 2011
The SWGSTAIN biannual meeting was held in Salt Lake City, UT.

May 24-26, 2011
The Midwest Crime Lab Directors and MFRC Annual Meetings were held in St. Louis, MO

February 21, 2011
The MFRC has issued its 2011 Request for Proposals

February 11, 2011
The MFRC has released the 2010 Funded Projects list

February 7, 2011
The MFRC is pleased to release the 2010 Research and Development Program Summary.

October 20, 2010
The MFRC is pleased to announce its 2011 Training Events.


MFRC Mission Areas

  • Casework Assistance
    • The MFRC works to improve crime laboratory access to established local, regional, and national casework resources, and to assist regional crime laboratories to establish new casework resources.
  • Training
    • The MFRC initiates innovative training and professional development in the forensic sciences and delivers these opportunities in the Midwest.
  • Education
    • The MFRC sponsors events during which forensic science educators and crime laboratory personnel can meet and develop collaborations. One of the goals of this collaboration is to better prepare the next generation of forensic scientists and to influence those whose careers will have an impact on forensic science.
  • Research and Development
    • The MFRC funds research and development projects to support the practical needs for improvements in current practice, as well as next generation methods that will change the nature of forensic science.
  • TIMI
    • The MFRC administers the Technical Innovations in Management and Infrastructure (TIMI) program, which addresses the application of new technology to the infrastructure and management of crime laboratories.