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NSLS Enables Critical Assessment of Proposed Solar Material

In a study conducted in part at NSLS, a research group has gained valuable information about a material being investigated for use in an emerging technology for renewable energy production: using sunlight-absorbing semiconductors to split water molecules and yield hydrogen gas, which can be fed into a fuel cell to generate electricity or used as fuel itself. More...

A New Approach for Solving Protein Structures

Recently, scientists from NSLS, the New York Structural Biology Center and Columbia University discovered a new method to determine molecular structures that would have been difficult or impossible to solve otherwise. More...

BNL’s Researchers Help Connect Nuclear Science and Nanoscience for Safer Reactors

Simerjeet Gill has been using the NSLS and the CFN to study radiation damage-tolerant nanocomposites, which may hold the key to solving problems of cracking, swelling and embrittlement in nuclear materials. More...

NIH Grants $1 Million Dollars for New Detectors at NSLS

New technology at the National Synchrotron Light Source will allow biologists to study proteins from a different perspective. More...

For Scientists & Facility Users


As a national user research facility funded by the U.S. Department of Energy's Office of Science, the National Synchrotron Light Source (NSLS) offers scientists from academia, government labs, and other institutions exciting research possibilities in a wide variety of fields. Infrared, ultraviolet, and x-ray light produced by NSLS allow scientists to examine materials and processes at a scale that is not possible at other types of research labs or facilities.

The successor to NSLS, NSLS-II is scheduled to be operating by 2015 as the world's most advanced synchrotron light source. The new facility will have extremely high brightness and flux; exceptional beam stability; and a suite of advanced instruments, optics, and detectors. Taking advantage of these new capabilities, scientists will be able to image materials with nanoscale resolution and determine chemical activity in fine detail.

At NSLS, guest scientists can choose from a range of research techniques and equipment. As an NSLS (and future NSLS-II) user, you will discover that Brookhaven Lab's synchrotron facilities can provide the tools to perform cutting-edge research that is not possible at your home institution. You will also have the support of a well-trained staff.


Industrial Collaborators

Industrial Collaborators

GM's Joseph Ziegelbauer uses a potentiostat and galvanostat to test his electrochemical system in the new battery lab on the NSLS experimental floor.

The National Synchrotron Light Source (NSLS) and its future successor, NSLS-II, can help companies large and small solve research and manufacturing problems, generate new technologies and products, and stay competitive.

The Photon Sciences Directorate would like to encourage greater use of its facilities by industrial researchers and facilitate collaborations between industry and NSLS staff, as well as government and academic institutions.


For Educators


Teachers and students are welcome to experience science first hand at NSLS and NSLS-II. We work primarily in partnership with Brookhaven Lab's Office of Educational Programs, which coordinates programs aimed at boosting teachers' content knowledge and improving student achievement in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). These programs help motivate and prepare all students, especially minorities and females, and address the serious under representation of minorities and females in STEM careers. A diverse workforce of scientists, engineers, and educators will help keep America at the forefront of innovation. More...

Educational Programs Fact Sheets

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For Journalists


Exciting science is happening every day at NSLS, while construction moves ahead at NSLS-II. Journalists are invited to use the links below for the latest news and developments at both facilities. Please contact a Brookhaven media rep for more information and to arrange interviews.

News Science Highlights Images

Videos Media Contacts Construction Cams

What's a synchrotron?

General Public

The human eye can see only visible light. It comes in the form of different wavelengths. These wavelengths are what create the colors of the rainbow. Other wavelengths of lights are not visible to the human eye. Although, we cannot see them, these types of light are also used in our everyday life. For example, a TV remote control uses infrared light to adjust the volume or change the channel of the TV. Airport scanners use x-rays to scan luggage. Tanning lamps use ultraviolet light to tan the skin. Microwave ovens use microwaves to cook your food.

A synchrotron is a huge machine that produces very bright light of many different wavelengths. The light is much brighter than that found in your TV remote, microwave oven, or dentist's x-ray machine because the synchrotron beams of light are focused into very small spots. Think of a synchrotron as a giant microscope, allowing us to see matter at the atomic scale. More...

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Next Lecture

Photon Sciences Directorate

"Last improvements in high stability mirror systems for Synchrotron beam lines - Automation of crystallography beam lines"

Presented by Raphael Richaud, IRELEC - ALCEN, France

Tuesday, October 16, 2012, 10:00 am

Large Conference Room, Building 703

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IRELEC ( is a French engineering company providing turnkey components, as well as complete beam lines, for Synchrotrons worldwide, for more than 20 years. In a close relationship with the French and European scientific communities, IRELEC offers its know-how and expertise in the fields of high x-ray optics, precision mechanics, robotics, ultra-high vacuum, and particles physics. The current mechanical and optical requirements for the mirror systems of the new generation light sources are very challenging for beam line components suppliers. Micron and sub-micron focussing capabilities, nanometric motion resolutions, implementation of new functionalities (dynamic mode operation, precision beam monitoring by drain current measurement, multi-mirrors system ...) are combined performances that are nowadays most of the time requested. The operation of the XALOC and CIRCE beam lines at ALBA (Spain) shows that high stability requirements can be fulfilled without concession on the optical and mechanical performances. Through the example of the refocusing system for I06 beam line at DIAMOND (UK), the implementation of in-vacuum dynamic motion system to a KB system will be presented. Discussion about stability issues will follow. The future of crystallography experiments at Synchrotron light sources is strongly linked to the full automation of the beam line end-stations. The CATS system developed by IRELEC enables to drastically improve the efficiency, reliability and versatility of crystallography experiments. An overview of the CATS functionalities (high storage capacity, multi-standard, crystallisation plates ...), performances and future developments will be discussed.

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