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Your Guide to Performance Excellence
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Baldrige Criteria for Performance Excellence

The Baldrige Criteria are a proven performance excellence model based on validated management practices.

Criteria for Performance Excellence

Education Criteria for Performance Excellence
Health Care Criteria for Performance Excellence

Other Baldrige Publications

Are We Making Progress? (English and Spanish versions)
Assess your workforce's perceptions of your organization, and learn what you can improve.

Are We Making Progress as Leaders? (English and Spanish versions)
Assess your senior leaders' perceptions of your organization, and learn what you can improve.

Award Recipients: Profiles, Application Summaries, and Contact Information
Descriptions of Baldrige Award recipients' performance excellence practices and condensed versions of their applications.

Baldrige 20/20: An Executive’s Guide to the Criteria for Performance Excellence
Learn how the executives of Baldrige-award-winning organizations used the Baldrige Criteria to achieve organizational success and sustainability.

Baldrige 25th Anniversary Flyer (PDF)
For twenty-five years, the Baldrige Criteria for Performance Excellence have provided leading-edge guidance for organizations. 

Baldrige Asks, How Do You Know?
Ask yourself critical questions about your organization's success and sustainability.

Baldrige Award Application Forms
Instructions and forms for the two-phase Baldrige Award application process.

Baldrige Board of Overseers Report

This year was marked by accomplishments, challenges, and an unprecedented outpouring of support from all corners of the Baldrige community.

Baldrige: Business/Education Partnerships Are Working Well
Create win-win relationships through partnerships that benefit the community and your organization.

Baldrige: Ethics--A Strategic Imperative
Five Baldrige Award recipients share approaches to balancing ethics with profit and loss considerations.

Baldrige: For Hiring and Keeping the Best Employees
Use the Baldrige Criteria for Performance Excellence to improve your focus on workforce recruitment and retention.

Baldrige: A Global Approach for a Global Economy
Use the Baldrige Criteria for Performance Excellence to address issues arising from globalization.

Baldrige: Performance Excellence Delivers World-Class Results
The performance improvement of ten Baldrige Award recipients illustrates the value of Baldrige to manufacturing, service, and small businesses.

Baldrige in Education: Performance Excellence Delivers World-Class Results
The performance improvement of seven Baldrige Award recipients illustrates the value of Baldrige to education organizations.

Baldrige in Health Care: Performance Excellence Delivers World-Class Results
The performance improvement of five Baldrige Award recipients illustrates the value of Baldrige to health care organizations.

A Baldrige Perspective for the Board of Directors
As a board member, you can use the Baldrige Criteria to guide your organization.

The Baldrige Program: Self-Assessment for Continuous Improvement

Award-recipient school districts improved their performance by focusing on the seven Baldrige Criteria Categories. (Principal magazine, 2006)

Baldrige: Recognizing Role Model Practices of World Class Organizations

What characteristics make Baldrige Award recipients role models?

Baldrige, Six Sigma, & ISO: Understanding Your Options

Use these three performance improvement tools individually or in combination to ensure your organization's success.

Case Study Packet (current)—Tillingate Living Case Study Resources 2012

Case Study Packets (Prior Years)
Fictional Baldrige Award applications, each with a scorebook and feedback report reflecting an evaluation by an examiner team.

easyInsight: Take a First Step toward a Baldrige Self-Assessment
Submit a snapshot of your organization, your key influences, and your key challenges, and receive a comparison of your organization with others.

Economic Evaluation of the Baldrige National Quality Program (PDF Version) October 2001
From an evaluation perspective, the benefit-to-cost ratio of the Baldrige Program for the U.S. economy is conservatively 207 to 1.

Economic Evaluation of the Baldrige Performance Excellence Program December 2011
In this study, Albert N. Link and John T. Scott report that the Baldrige Program's benefit-to-cost ratio is 820 to 1. To arrive at this ratio, they compared the benefits received by the 273 Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award applicants from 2007 to 2010 with the cost of operating the Baldrige Program.

Get on Board as a Baldrige Examiner
As a Baldrige Examiner, you'll benefit from networking and training opportunities while helping to enhance the competitiveness, quality, and productivity of U.S. organizations.

Insights on the Road to Performance Excellence

Learn the latest leadership insights in this monthly column

Malcolm Baldrige Award Applicant Scoring Data
Blinded scoring data for Baldrige Award applicants from 1990 to 2006.

Measuring What Matters Most
In K-12 education, why should you measure, what should you measure, and how should you measure it? (EdWeek.org, 2009)

Peer Learning: Bring Improvements Home (PDF) by Harry Hertz
Article about the Baldrige Fellows Program published in the July 2012 issue of Leadership Excellence magazine.

Quest on the Go! DVD (for purchase)
Plenary and breakout sessions from the Quest for Excellence Conference.

Tillingate Living Case Study 2012
Includes the Case Study, Scorebook, and Feedback Report. Tillingate Living describes a fictional, for-profit, privately held company with 23 skilled nursing and assisted living facilities spread across four states: Pennsylvania, Kentucky, Tennessee, and Virginia.

Current and past issues of the newsletter for the Baldrige performance excellence community. Subscribe to Update

Your Reference Guide to Performance Excellence

Introduction to the Baldrige Program and performance excellence.

Additional Baldrige Resources

Assessment of Leadership Attitudes about the Baldrige National Quality Program
Organizational leaders' perceptions of the Baldrige Award and Baldrige Criteria.

Baldrige Stock Studies
Performance of the Baldrige Index, a fictitious stock fund including the stock of publicly traded U.S. companies that have received the Baldrige Award.

CEO Survey Finds "Globalization" among Top Challenges, U.S. Firms Doing Only Fair Job
NIST press release, July 2, 1998. Available on request: e-mail baldrige@nist.gov

Conference Report: Quest for Excellence VII
Cap Frank and Robert E. Chapman. Reprinted from The Journal of Research of the National Institute of Standards and Technology, 100(3), May-June 1995, 287-299. Available on request: e-mail baldrige@nist.gov

Conference Report: Quest for Excellence VIII
Cap Frank. Reprinted from The Journal of Research of the National Institute of Standards and Technology 101(3), May-June 1996, 387-393. Available on request: e-mail baldrige@nist.gov

Conference Report: Quest for Excellence IX
Cap Frank. Reprinted from The Journal of Research of the National Institute of Standards and Technology 102(2), March-April 1997, 249-251. Available on request: e-mail baldrige@nist.gov

The Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award Concept: Could It Help Stimulate or Accelerate Health Care Quality Improvement?
Harry S. Hertz, Curt W. Reimann, and Mary C. Bostwick. Quality Management in Health Care 1994, 63-72. Available on request: e-mail baldrige@nist.gov

The Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award and ISO 9000 Registration: Understanding Their Many Important Differences
Harry S. Hertz and Curt W. Reimann. ASTM Standardization News, November 1993, 42-53. Available on request: e-mail baldrige@nist.gov

The Nation's CEOs Look to the Future
U.S. CEOs' views on the future business environment and the value of the Baldrige Award and Baldrige Criteria.

Ten Years of Business Excellence for America
Impact of the Baldrige Award and Baldrige Program over their first ten years.

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