Accomplishments, Articles and Reports (not chemical specific)


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Emerging Contaminants

  • DOD's Emerging Contaminants program was selected as a finalist (top 2% of 600+ nominations) for Harvard University’s 2009 “Innovations in American Government” award. Click here to see the video of our presentation to the selection committee.
  • We developed and implemented a three-tiered “scan-watch-action” process for identification, assessment, and risk management of emerging contaminants.
  • We screened over 288 emerging contaminants of potential significance to DoD.
  • As of December 2009, we have completed 22 Phase I Impact Assessments that provide an initial evaluation of mission risks associated with specific emerging contaminants. These Phase I Assessments use subject matter experts from various DoD functions.
  • As of December 2009, we have completed 7 detailed Phase II Impact Assessments for those Action Listed emerging contaminants (i.e., those initially thought to warrant risk management due to the initial findings of the Phase I Impact Assessment.
  • To date, 20 Risk Management Options (RMOs) have been endorsed by the DoD Emerging Contaminants Governance Council (which provides enterprise wide executive/flag officer guidance to the program and ensures broad support for addressing emerging contaminants); we are tracking DoD’s implementation of these measures to proactively reduce risks from emerging contaminants of significance to DoD.
  • We implemented a DoD-wide perchlorate database and public web site with state-by-state summaries on sampling results.
  • We developed a landmark policy, signed by USD(AT&L) for the minimization of hexavalent chromium DoD-wide.
  • We created and co-lead a DoD working group addressing nanomaterial risk management practices and developed a framework for cooperation with the National Institute for Occupational Health and Safety on assessment and identification of best management practices.
  • In partnership with the Environmental Protection Agency and Environmental Council of States (ECOS), we forged consensus on policy “white papers” addressing 3 specific issues related to emerging contaminants. These consensus based policies were endorsed by EPA and by an ECOS resolution and incorporated into DoD policy.


  • We developed a Green Procurement Strategy and training that increased Green Products purchasing by 25% and trained over 5000 procurement professionals.
  • We designed the DoD Chemical Management Strategy to reduce use of especially toxic and hazardous chemicals and improve use of inherently safer materials.

ESOH Considerations in Acquisition

  • Integrated ESOH requirements into official DoD acquisition policies.
  • Reviewed and commented on hundreds of major DoD Acquisition activities to ensure adequate consideration of ESOH risks and compliance with policies.
Last Modified: 05 May 2011 at 13:44