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Admissions : FAQ_Soldiers

FAQ - Soldiers Interested in Becoming Cadets
How is the application process different for Soldiers?
The application steps are the same for Soldiers and civilians who apply. However, Soldiers can obtain a nomination from their company commanders and are automatically considered for the Preparatory School if not directly admitted to West Point.
Can I come straight to West Point?
Yes. Soldiers are directly admitted to West Point each year. One has to have a strong academic, leadership and physical background. Most Regular Army Soldiers have been out of high school for a while which makes the Prep School a logical start.
When should I apply?
You can apply at anytime. The class starts each year in July which means admissions decisions are made usually no later than April. It is best to apply early (Aug/Sep) to give yourself time to complete required tests and evaluations and to complete the admissions packet.
What happens after I complete the candidate questionnaire (CQ)?
Once you complete your CQ and the admissions office reviews it, you will receive some type of correspondence. Competitive candidates will receive an admissions packet that must be completed by mid-March. Other Soldiers will need to turn in more information (e.g., SAT/ACT scores, high school transcripts).
Where can I take a SAT or ACT? Can I use the ASVAB instead?
West Point only accepts the SAT or ACT. You can use your post education center for the test. They have study materials and offer more test dates than are available for civilians. No ASVAB scores are required.
Who completes my commander's endorsement?
Your first-line commander should complete the recommendation (i.e., company commander).
While at the Prep School do I get paid?
Yes. You will receive pay at your current enlistment grade (Regular Army Soldiers only). The time at USMAPS counts as time in service, too. At West Point, you receive cadet pay, but your time at West Point is not counted as time in service.
Is there a Service Remaining Requirement for the Prep School and/or Do I have to reenlist to go to USMA/USMAPS?
Yes, you must have enough time remaining in your enlistment that extends 13 months past the scheduled USMAPS graduation (usually late May). If directly admitted to West Point, you must have enough time to complete one year.
Is it hard to get accepted?
You will never know unless you apply. West Point values the life experiences Soldiers have and how they enhance the Corps of Cadets. Take your SAT/ACT early and often if need be, and complete your packet ASAP. If you want to be an officer in the US Army, West Point will give you a comprehensive education and training to lead Soldiers.
What must I score on the SAT/ACT?
Keep in mind there is not a dedicated score as we evaluate several areas. Academics are 60% of our evaluation while 30% is your leadership potential (based on high school and solider experiences) and 10% is your physical aptitude. Competitive scores for USMAPS in the past were SAT 1100 and ACT 23.
Are there any out-of-pocket expenses?
Tuition at USMAPS and West Point are fully funded by the Army.
If I am eligible for G.I. Bill benefits, can I collect them while at West Point?
No, but the value of your education at West Point (over $250K) will far exceed your GI Bill benefits. Additionally, you can use the GI Bill for graduate school after West Point.
Are there age waivers?
Yes, but only for five Solider per year who had previously been unable to apply to West Point or complete their application to West Point due to a deployment in support of the Global War on Terror. The waiver, if approved, can allow for Soldiers to be up to the age of 25 on July 1st of the year entering West Point. For all other Soldier candidates who do not meet this strict waiver criteria, you cannot be older than 22 years of age on July 1st of the year entering West Point (21 on July 1 of the year entering the Prep School).
What if I do not have a high school diploma?
You can apply with a GED. Be aware your SAT/ACT score will carry more weight in your academic evaluation.
What do I do if my unit is deploying?
Every year we work with Soldiers who are forward deployed. Many of these areas have education centers and medical facilities. You still can complete the admissions process while deployed. It is imperative to start early and do as much as possible while in garrison.
How long is the Prep School?
It is ten months long and is located at West Point, New York.
How can I learn more about the Prep School?
Visit for more information.
What happens to my current service obligation?
Soldiers admitted to West Point are exempted their prior service obligations when they graduate. Those who do not graduate may be required to serve the remainder of their commitment left when they reported to West Point.
How do I apply?
Please vist and complete the candidate questionnaire online. 
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