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The Academy of Health Sciences Fort Sam Houston is known as the "Home of Army Medicine" and "Home of the Combat Medic."  The US Army Medical Department Center and School (AMEDDC&S), Academy of Health Sciences (AHS) is the largest medical education and training campus in the world producing nearly 35,000 medical profession graduates every year. Instruction at the AHS includes 315 programs of instruction covering the entire range of Army Medical Department Corps: Medical, Dental, Army Nurse, Veterinary, Medical Service, and Army Medical Specialist Corps. Courses are also available to qualified Department of Defense civilians, other Services, international military and civilian personnel.

To develop, train, and educate highly skilled military medical personnel and leaders through academic excellence.

Empower people to provide the world`s best military medical education and training to the Nation today and tomorrow.

Dash Center for Health Education and Training (CHET)
Dash Center For Pre-Deployment Medicine (CPDM)
Dash Graduate School
Dash U.S. Army School Of Aviation Medicine
Dash Leader Training Center (LTC)
Dash Department of Pastoral Ministry Training
Dash Center for Professional Education and Training
Dash Department of Behavioral Health Sciences
Dash Department of Clinical Support Services
Dash Department of Combat Medic Training
Dash Department of Dental Science
Dash Department of Medical Science
Dash Department of Nursing Science
Dash Department of Preventive Health Services
Dash Department of Veterinary Science
Dash Distributed Learning Division
Dash Curriculum Development Division
Dash Training Program Management Division
Dash International Military Student Office
Dash Staff and Faculty Development Division
Dash Stimson Library
Dash AMEDD Journal Branch
Dash Contact Us
Center for Health Education and Training (CHET)
Center For Health Education and Training  (CHET) Image The Center for Health Education and Training (CHET) is an organization within the Academy of Health Sciences (AHS) consisting of 10 Departments whose primary mission is to instruct advanced or specialty courses enhancing and building upon the initial training that enlisted Soldiers receive from the METC and Officers receive after finishing their basic courses. These departments play an integral role toward the future development and advancement of enlisted and officer personnel throughout the AMEDD and Army.
Center for Pre-Deployment Medicine (CPDM)

The Center for Pre-deployment Medicine (CPDM) analyzes, designs, and develops individual pre-deployment training courses and products to meet Army and Army Medical Department "just-in-time" combat trauma training requirements.  CPDM`s mission is to provide professional expertise and quality medical pre-deployment training to produce technically and tactically competent Physicians, Physician Assistants, Nurses, Health Care Specialists and future military medical leaders that support United States and Coalition Forces.

Center For Pre-Deployment Medicine (CPDM)
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Graduate School

Graduate School Image

The Graduate School is comprised of a wide variety of highly regarded and nationally ranked graduate programs associated with a number of civilian graduate schools. Our programs are located both on the Center and School campus as well as based in hospitals throughout the military health system.  Our mission is to educate and train the next generation of clinical and administrative healthcare professionals in the federal sector. The programs include the following:  the US Army Graduate Program in Anesthesia Nursing; the Doctoral Progam in Physical Therapy; the Inter-service Physicians Assistant Program; the Postgraduate Physicians Assistant Program; the Graduate Program in Nutrition;  the Doctorate of Occupational Therapy Program; the Masters in Social Work Program; and the Masters in Health/Business Administration Programs.     

U.S. Army School of Aviation Medicine

The US Army School of Aviation Medicine (USASAM) operates the Army`s only training hypobaric or altitude chamber and DoD Aeromedical Psychology courses. All Army Flight Surgeons, Aeromedical Physician Assistants, Flight Medics, and Aeromedical Evacuation Officers receive their training at USASAM.  Concurrently, USASAM provides initial and sustainment training in 32 Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC), US Army Safety Center and School of the Americas Programs of Instruction (POI) for both fixed and rotary wing students. Subjects include a variety of Aeromedical Training areas such as Noise, G-forces, Altitude Physiology, Vibration, Night Vision, Hypoxia, and Spatial Disorientation.

Leader Training Center
The Leader Training Center creates Army Medical Department Leaders within the Active and Reserve Components for the 21st Century by providing professional education, doctrinal, and individual leadership training in order to execute the AMEDD`s mission across the full spectrum of military operations.  The Leader Training Center comprises of the following courses:  Basic Officer Leader Course (BOLC); Captains Career Course (CCC), Combined Logistics Captains Career Course (CLC3); Health Services Plans, Operations, Intelligence, Security and Training Course (70H); AMEDD Pre-Command Course; Brigade/Division Surgeons Course; Foward Surgical Team Commander`s Course; Medical Strategic Leadership Program (MSLP) Course; and the Executive Skills Course.


Department of Pastoral Ministry Training

The Department of Pastoral Ministry Training (DPMT) provides US Military Chaplains and Chaplains Assistants the highest quality of pastoral care instruction in clinical and trauma settings.  Our end state is to deliver world-class religious support for military medical operations.  The DPMT provides three training tracks: 1 year ( 4 units) Clinical Pastoral Education Course, multiple 2-week Medical Ministry Courses, and four 1-week Professional Post Graduate Short Courses.  Our goal is to be the nation`s leader in educating and training spiritual care trauma specialists.

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Center for Professional Education and Training
The Center for Professional Education and Training provides a world class education system that is answerable to the US Army and the American people through development of AMEDD education training policies, ensuring adherence to education training policy and accreditation standards; advocating education and training issues; managing quotas and funds for Army, civilian, and federal courses; developing and implementing AMEDD policies and programs to comply with Department of Defense instructions and inter-service training review organizations.
Department of Behavioral Health Sciences

The Department of Behavioral Health Sciences designs and trains the most current, evidenced-based behavioral health-related training to the military medical force and the US Army to support full spectrum operations.

Department of Health Support Services

The Department of Health Support Services (DHSS) supports a variety of enlisted and officer initial entry and sustainment training programs.  This includes the military occupational speciality (MOS) producing courses such as the Biomedical Equipment Specialist (MOS 68A), Patient Administration Specialist (MOS 68G), Medical Logistics Specialist (MOS 68J), Medical Laboratory Technicians (MOS 68K), Pharmacy Specialists (MOS 68Q), Radiology Technologists (MOS 68P), and Cytotechnologists (MOS 68KM2) courses, plus their corresponding technical tracks following the Advanced Leadership Course (ALC).  In addition, the DHSS capiitalizes on the specialized clinical training received by its biochemists, clinical laboratory officers, microbiologists, pharmacists, as well as the specialized administrative training received by its health administrators, information management specialists, patient administrators, human resource managers, and logisticians to support a number of officer training programs.  These include, but are not limited to, providing general instructional support for the training of physician assistants, physical therapists, nutritionists, and health care administrators, as well as specific Area of Consentration (AOC) technical track training or AOC producting courses such as the Medical Information Management Course (AOC 70D), Medical Logistics Officers Course (AOC 70K), Patient Administration/Associate Healthcare Administrators Course (AOC 70E), and the Health Services Human Resources Managers Course (AOC 70F).


Department of Combat Medic Training

The Department of Combat Medic Training (DCMT) serves as the proponent for the 68W Health Care Specialist and the Army Emergency Medical Service (EMS).  DCMT provides the Army with highly motivated and disciplined 68W, Health Care Specialists (Combat Medics) at skill level 10 and 30 who are National Registry Emergency Medical Technician-Basic (EMT-B) certified. These Soldier Medics possess the additional necessary medical skills to sustain the force, survive the battlefield and accomplish the mission to "Conserve the Fighting Strength."

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Department of Dental Science
The Department of Dental Science trains Soldiers for military occupations as Dental Assistants, Preventive Dentistry Specialists, Dental Laboratory Technicians and Non-Commissioned Officers, serves as Subject Matter Experts for dental issues and supports other civilian, officer and enlisted courses in the US Army Medical Department Center and School.
Department of Medical Science
The Department of Medical Science provides state of the art medical education by assimilating new knowledge, automation and distance learning to maintain quality health care for the US Army during peace and war.
Department of Nursing Science

The Department of Nursing Science coordinates and conducts education and training for resident officer and enlisted courses for which Department of Nursing Science is the proponent or nursing-specific liaison.  We pursue state of the art training technology for all courses and develop and oversee the conduct of distributed training courses for which Department of Nursing Science is the proponent; to serve as nursing subject matter expert for nursing issues and for doctrine developed under the proponency of the AMEDD Center and School.

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Department of Preventive Health Services
The Department of Preventive Health Services mission is "To provide training in Preventive Medicine, Behavioral Sciences, and Medical Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, and Explosive (CBRNE) training to officers, warrant officers, enlisted, civilians, U.S. and allied personnel worldwide."
Department of Veterinary Science

The Department of Veterinary Science is the world`s learning center for U.S. Army Animal Medicine and Food Inspection skills.  We develop and teach course material for Officers, Enlisted personnel, and civilians who are involved in Veterinary care, food technology, military rations, Defense Commissary Agency stores, and Army/Air Force Exchange Service food establishments for the entire United States Department of Defense.

Distributed Learning Division
AMEDD Distributed Learning Division (DLD) is a one-stop support center for Army medical education and training distributed learning products, services, and expertise.  We research, evaluate, and leverage technology-based training tools to enhance and expand our customers` access to military medical education and training.
Curriculum Development Division

The Curriculum Development Division`s mission is to create relevant customer-focused education and training products that support the medical mission.

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Training Program Management Division
The Training Program Management Division implements and manages automated training development and management systems and processes for the AMEDD in support of quality, standardized military medical training programs that meet Army readiness requirements.  We also lead the way in supporting Army training technology growth and evolution with the vision of delivering quality training to anyone, anytime, anywhere.

International Military Student Office
The International Military Student Office provides administrative and academic support to the International Military Students (IMS), their families, maintains international engagement, develop exportable training products, facilitate coordination of non-resident training, and promotes AMEDD courses to the international community.

Staff and Faculty Development Division
The Staff and Faculty Development Division provides professional development training opportunities for US Army Medical Department Center and School (AMEDDC&S) staff and faculty through both innovative and traditional training programs.

Stimson Library
Stimson Library (SL) provides information resources and services to support the training and research mission of the US Army Medical Department Center and School. SL supports medical activities at Fort Sam Houston and serves as an information resource for the Army Medical Department worldwide.

AMEDD Journal Branch
The AMEDD Journal Branch creates and publishes the US Army Medical Department Journal and the Medical Soldiers Outlook.  The AMEDD Journal is a quarterly, professional, peer-reviewed publication with worldwide distribution.  It provides a forum for the presentation and exchange of the most current, high level healthcare, clinical, and medical research information, as well as medically related combat experiences and military doctrine development ideas and proposals.  The Outlook is a training information newsletter.  The publication is distributed worldwide to Active Army and Reserve Component enlisted personnel to provide current information on resident and nonresident training courses, educational opportunities, doctrine revisions, and medical MOS changes and updates.

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(210) 221-1211 | DSN: 471-1211

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3630 Stanley Rd, Suite 215
Fort Sam Houston, TX  78234

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