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This list of Internet Real Audio files is not comprehensive, and inclusion does not constitute an endorsement by Human Genome Management Information System.  For additional information, including copyright and usage, please contact the responsible organization included in each listing.

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Charlie Rose Show

Nightly PBS interview program. Archives available by topic on their website. A few of the programs are listed below. See also "Related Videos" on each page.

Talk of the Nation

National Public Radio's talkshow, Talk of the Nation, airs daily. Show hosts interview scientists and experts on a myriad of topics including genetics. Archives of their show, including tapes and transcripts, are available at the Talk of the Nation website.

Some of the genetics programs are listed below.

Morning Edition and All Things Considered

National Public Radio's daily morning and afternoon news shows

Congressional Testimony About Genomics
ongoing, periodic

Genomics and Genetic Epidemiology: General Principles and Application to Disease Studies

Courses provide a detailed introduction for physicians and PhD investigators who are interested in learning more about the broad field of genomics and genetic epidemiology.

April 2003 Scientific Symposium: From Double Helix to Human Sequence - and Beyond

The DNA Files
Recipient of the 2001 Peabody award and a 2000 Silver Baton DuPont-Columbia University television and radio award

Is our fate in our genes? The genetic revolution affects us every day: our health, our food, our families. The DNA Files explains how. Join host John Hockenberry on a radio journey through the world of genetics. Details about the programs are available at this web site

The DNA Files first aired nine (1-hour) documentaries on National Public Radio stations beginning in November 1998. In November 2001 the series returned with five new programs and five short features. Audio clips from both series are on The DNA Files Web site, where free transcripts and interactive scenarios from the 1998 series are downloadable. Tapes can be ordered from the same page. These programs were sponsored by the US Department of Energy, the National Science Foundation, and the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation.

2001 Series

  • DNA The Code of the Wild
  • Planet of the Bugs: The Neverending Tale of DNA and Infectious Diseases
  • Life: How to Make a Cosmic Omelet
  • The Search for the Fountain of Youth: The Genetics of Aging and Longevity
  • Prescription for Conflict: Genetic Medicine

2001 Short Features

  • The Human Cloning Race
  • Tissue Rejuvenation
  • Life in Hell
  • Hospital Superbugs
  • Low-Mow Lawns

1998 Series

  • The Human Genome Project: Mapping the Future
  • Gene Therapy: Medicine for Your Genes
  • DNA & Behavior: Is Our Fate in Our Genes?
  • Genetics & Biotechnology: DNA in the Marketplace
  • Prenatal Genetic Testing: Do You Really Want to Know Your Baby's Future?
  • Predictive Genetic Testing: Do You Really Want to Know Your Future?
  • LAW & The Genetics of Aging: The Science of DNA Fingerprinting
  • Genetics of Human Evolution: Where Did We Come From?  Where Did We Go?
  • Plants, Animals, and Transgenics: A Tomato By Any Other Name
has provided our site with five segments from the DNA Files. Listen to the following:

The Human Genome Project: Exploring Our Molecular Selves

Video documentary and online multimedia material in English and Spanish designed for high school students and teachers as well as the general public. Produced by the NIH NHGRI in conjunction with the U.S. Department of Energy Human Genome Program and others.

Sequence and Analysis of Working Draft Published in Science, Nature

Special issues of Science (Feb. 16, 2001) and Nature (Feb. 15, 2001) contain the working draft of the human genome sequence. Nature papers include initial analysis of the descriptions of the sequence generated by the publicly sponsored Human Genome Project, while Science publications focus on the draft sequence reported by the private company, Celera Genomics.

Discovering the Double Helix

An online lecture by Dr. James Watson, President of Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory. Dr. Watson recounts events that led up to the discovery of the double helix structure of DNA in 1953. A link to the presentation is at the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Website.

Genes and Society: Impact of New Technologies on Law, Medicine, and Policy
View the CD-ROM of the 2000 conference Genes & Society: Impact of New Technologies on Law, Medicine & Policy sponsored by the American Society of Law, Medicine, and Ethics. Speakers include Supreme Court Justice Stephen G. Breyer on "Genetic Advances and Legal Institutions" and Harold E. Varmus, MD on "The Challenge of Making Laws on the Shifting Terrain of Science." Videos and audios of speakers. Media of other conferences are at the ASLME Multimedia web site.

Other American Society of Law, Medicine, and Ethics-Sponsored Events

Practical Application of Genetics: What the Genomics Revolution Means to You and Your Company and Legal Challenges in Genetics and Reproductive Medicine. Audios of speakers.

NIH NHGRI Billion Base Pair Celebration

The Billion Base Pair Celebration Tuesday, November 23, 1999. This is a webcast of an event held to celebrate the completion of the sequencing of the rough draft of the first billion base pairs of the human genome. Featured speakers are Bruce Alberts, President, National Academy of Sciences and early planner of the Genome Project; Francis Collins, Director, NHGRI; Secretary of HHS, Donna Shalala; Secretary of Energy, Bill Richardson (Total Running Time: 01:09:45 Bandwidth: 146 Kbps)

Informatics Meets Genomics --White House Millennium Evening

Informatics Meets Genomics is the WebCast of the Eighth in a series of Millennium Evenings held at the White House. The meetings were held to explore technologies and issues of the next century. The event featured Dr. Vinton Cerf, Senior Vice President of Internet Architecture and Technology at MCI WorldCom and known as the Father of the Internet, and Dr. Eric Lander, Director of the Whitehead Institute/MIT Center for Genome Research. Together with President and Mrs. Clinton, Dr. Cerf and Dr. Lander led a discussion on the advantages and challenges posed by the increasingly powerful developments of information technology and genetic research, and knowledge about our own natural information system. (Tuesday, October 12, 1999; Total Running Time: 02:09:22; Bandwidth: 146 Kbps) Note: Audio is slow to start.

Scientists try to build a better chromosome

Videos about artificial chromosome research.

Understanding the Genome: Technological and Mathematical Challenges

Understanding the Genome: Technological and Mathematical Challenges was the title of a 1998 conference. Lectures from this conference are presented in both video and slide form. Scroll down to Understanding the Genome, then click on individual speakers. Topics covered include

  • David Botstein Of Genes and Genomes
  • Elbert Branscomb Comparative Genomics: What, Why, Problems and Challenges
  • Phil Green Genome Sequence Assembly
  • David Haussler Using Hidden Markov Models for Biosequence Analysis: Recent Tests and New Methods
  • Leroy Hood Future Mathematical Challenges Posed by the Systems Analysis of Genomes and Proteomes
  • Robert Lipshutz Genes, Chips, and Genomes
  • Pavel Pevzner Gene Hunting Without Genomic Sequencing: the Twenty Questions Game with Genes
  • David Siegmund Statistical aspects of gene mapping
  • Donna Slonim Mining Gene Expression Data
  • Gary Stormo Uncovering Regulatory Networks Using Pattern Recognition Algorithms
  • Ellen Wijsman Statistical and Computational Contributions to Gene Mapping: History and Current Developments

A User's Guide to Genetics: The Medicine of the Future

Campus on the Mall --an online lecture series sponsored by the NIH National Genome Research Institute and the Smithsonian Institution. Topics covered include

  • Genetic Medicine of the Future: the Human Genome Project and Beyond
  • Everything You Need to Know about Genes
  • Personality Genes
  • Mapping and Sequencing: Transcribing the Human Genetic Recipe
  • Genetics of Cancer
  • Genetics of Rare Diseases
  • Gene Therapy
  • Genetic Testing: a Personal View

PBS Online News Hour

Genetics, Ethics, and Theology
Counterbalance interviews with Francis Collins and Ted Peters on Genetics, Ethics, and Theology.

These interviews are part of Counterbalance's Science and Religion project. Counterbalance is a non-profit educational organization working to promote counterbalanced perspectives on complex issues. Their work is featured many places including PBS Online and is funded by donations and the Adrian M. Wyard Charitable Trust.

Human Genetics Webcast
Howard Hughes Medical Institute 1998

Four lectures exploring the genetics of cardiovascular disease and the role of the kidney in hypertension.

Last modified: Wednesday, August 27, 2008

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Publications and webpages on this site were created by the U.S. Department of Energy Genome Program's Biological and Environmental Research Information System (BERIS). Permission to use these documents is not needed, but please credit the U.S. Department of Energy Genome Programs and provide the website All other materials were provided by third parties and not created by the U.S. Department of Energy. You must contact the person listed in the citation before using those documents.

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Site sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science, Office of Biological and Environmental Research, Human Genome Program