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1989-90 DOE Human Genome Program Report

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U.S. Department of Energy
Human Genome

Program Report

Date Published: March 1990

This document is a status report on DOE OHER's Human Genome Program and includes a brief background to this agency's initiative, as well as an explanation of the program's projected focus over the next 15 years. Of special interest are the section on research highlights, the narratives on major genome research efforts conducted at three of DOE's national laboratories, and the abstracts of work in progress. PDF, 8830 kb scanned from printed document.


  • Introduction to the DOE Human Genome Program
    • Development of the Human Genome Initiative
    • The HERAC Recommendation
  • OHER Mission
  • Management of the Human Genome Program
    • Program Management Structure
      • Program Management Task Group
      • Human Genome Coordinating Committee
    • Interagency Coordination
      • Joint DOE/NIH Activities
      • International Human Genome Organisation
    • Resource Allocation
    • Continuing Implementation :
      • Short-Term Focus (1-5 Years)
      • Mid-Term Focus (5-10 Years)
      • Long-Term Focus (10-15 Years)
  • Research Highlights
  • Research Facility Narratives
    • Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory
    • Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
    • Los Alamos National Laboratory
  • Abstracts of DOE-Funded Research
    • Project Categories and Principal Investigators
    • Resource Development
    • Physical Mapping
    • Mapping Instrumentation
    • Sequencing Technologies
    • Informatics
    • Small Business Innovative Research (SBIR)-Phase I (1989 Awards)
    • Small Business Innovative Research (SBIR)-Phase II (1988, 1989 Awards)
    • Index to Project Investigators
  • Appendices
    • A. Primer on Molecular Genetics
    • B. "The Alta Summit, December 1984" (reprinted from Genomics)
    • C. Glossary

Last modified: Wednesday, November 28, 2007

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