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Admissions : Glossary

Glossary of Terms
BarracksThe residence facilities where Cadets live while at West Point
BeastThe last week of the 6-week basic training for Cadets
Bugle NotesThe “plebe bible”
Cadet Honor CodeThe pledge that all cadets live by, that a cadet will not lie, cheat, or steal, or tolerate those who do
CadreUpper Class cadets orienting new Cadets
CandidateSomeone, typically High school seniors and/or juniors applying for West Point
Candidate KitAn online “package” of forms and instructions you need to complete your application
Candidate PortalA portal where current candidates can access their application files online, a password-protected site where you find your Candidate Kit
Candidate QuestionnaireAn initial candidate application which is considered "starting a file"
Candidate StatementThree questions that the applicant (Candidate) answers in essay form as part of the application package (Candidate Kit)
CFA Candidate FitnessPhysical assessment that you must pass to be considered for admission to West Point
CompaniesThe groups of cadets that you live with
Corps of CadetsThe population of Cadets at West Point
Corps of CadetsThe student body at West Point
CowsCadets in their 3rd year at West Point, similar to being a college junior
Cullum NumberReference and identification number assigned to each graduate, often referred to as the "C-number"
DADDirectorate of Admissions or the Admissions Office
DMIDepartment of Military Instruction
DoDMERBDepartment of Defense Medical Examination Review Board which schedules the required medical exam prior to acceptance consideration at West Point
First CaptainHighest ranking Firstie, also known as the Brigade Commander
FirstieCadets in their 4th Year at West Point, similar to being a college senior
Full BirdA Colonel in the US Army
Goat Engineer GameA football game between the "Goats" (the bottom half of the senior (Firstie) class academically), and the "Engineers" (the top half). Held just before the Army-Navy game
IOCTIndoor Obstacle Course Test
JAGJudge Advocate General - the ‘law firm’ of the Army
Letter of AssuranceCommunication to an applicant (Candidate) that he or she will most likely be offered admission upon completion of their application (Candidate Kit)
Ma'amHow to address a female officer
MessThe Mess Hall is the facility where cadets eat their meals every day
NominationA formal recommendation from a Congressional member or other authorized official that is required for admission
Parents AlmanacHelpful information for parents that is posted on the Candidate Portal, usually in February or March
Parents ClubsA support network for families of cadets located throughout the U.S.
Personal Data RecordA basic form that the applicant (Candidate) fills out as part of the application process (Candidate Kit)
PlebeCadets in their 1st year at West Point, similar to being a college freshman
ProspectusThe "viewbook" is available in print and online, it explains requirements and important aspects of a West Point education.
Reception Day or R-DayThe day that the incoming class of cadets reports to West Point, usually the last Monday in June
ScramblingThe changing of companies
SirHow to address a male officer
SLSSummer Leadership Seminar, a week-long immersion experience for prospective students the summer before their senior year of high school
Thayer AwardGiven annually by the academy since 1958, the award honors an outstanding citizen whose service and accomplishments in the national interest exemplify the academy’s motto, “Duty, Honor, Country”
The AreaDesignated area of the cadet barracks courtyard
The HowitzerAnnual yearbook
The Long Gray LineThe prestigious corps of West Point graduates who represent high achievement and the promise of outstanding, ethical leadership
USMAUnited States Military Academy, also synonymous with West Point
USMAPSUnited States Military Academy Prep School
West Point Field ForceActive duty, retired Army officers, or civilian members who help recruit future cadets
WPPSPWest Point Preparatory School Program
Yucks or YearlingsCadets in their 2nd year at West Point , similar to being a college sophomore