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Office of Climate, Water, and Weather Services

Weather Related Administrator Concerns

  • A year or so ago an administrator of a school spotted a group of children underneath a big oak tree during a thunderstorm. The teacher was having a lesson on listening to thunder. After getting the children inside, the teacher and the administrator were discussing the danger when a bolt hit just outside the school. No one was hurt but ... Did the school have a lightning plan in force? No, but they do now. The NWS Melbourne office has the distinction of being in the most lightning-prone part of the USA and have done some work with schools in their area.
  • Even a heavy rainfall can cause problems in your transportation department. Urban flooding has caused some school bus disasters. Do you have a good plan in force?
  • Heat waves can cause big problems in unairconditioned places. Apply the same safety planning concepts for the community at large to your school and transportation systems.

The National Weather Service can provide some advice and some models of plans which have been developed. For further information contact your local National Weather Service Warning Coordination Meteorologist.

NOAA, National Weather Service
Office of Climate, Water, and Weather Services
1325 East West Highway
Silver Spring, MD 20910
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Last Updated: November 22, 2005