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Director D. Kappos


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Director's Forum: David Kappos' Public Blog

Friday Jun 29, 2012

Paving the Way Toward the Unitary Patent

Thanks to the tireless efforts of our colleagues in the European Union, and the leadership of Denmark, the last remaining obstacle to the Unitary European Patent System has been removed. Under the new system, innovators will be able to obtain patent protection and enforce patent rights in Europe at lower cost and with greater certainty, creating an optimal environment for growing innovation-based businesses and jobs. I applaud the tireless work of the European Union, and its members, in working toward this unified system—an important step in empowering innovators to compete in the global marketplace.

Coming on the heels of the 2011 America Invents Act, which is substantially revamping our own patent system and infrastructure, the Unitary Patent System will also bring greater harmony between American and European patent laws, improving trans-Atlantic trade, enhancing collaboration between our patent offices, and providing a more consistent global marketplace. This is an important milestone of which Europeans should be justifiably proud.


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