5@5 You Define #WARFIGHTING

Last week we asked YOU for the answers. We asked for your BEST definition of Navy #Warfighting. Here are your answers.

1. Joseph Lacayo: to be anywhere around the world ready at any given time to deter threats and protect freedom

2. Sam Pabón: Navy #Warfighting – Superior Execution & Total Domination by Sea, by Air, and by Land!

3. Jonathan Pevec: Navy Warfighting starts in the training of warfighters from the recruit in bootcamp to the cadet at the Naval Academy and after graduation, more training in “A” schools and in the Fleet. Navy Warfighting couples these trained officers and enlisted with the best equipment, and a clear mission statement. Navy Warfighting preparedness is our Country’s best deterrent to War. Should we have to go to war Navy warriors will end that war.

4. Derrick Flanagan: 4.5 acres of sovereign U.S. territory any time, any where, at a moments notice.

5. Jeff ‘Koa’ Boire: #Warfighting: I assume this watch and stand at the ready; to fight and earn victory, so that my dear Country may carry on smartly.