
List of questions surrounding attack on consulate in Libya keeps growing

Slow response to the attack in Libya sends a disturbing message to potential allies in troubled parts of the world.

In our opinion: Border patrol death raises questions about border security

The death of a border patrol agent in what appears to be an ambush by drug smugglers is a tragic loss for his family and the community at large, and a sad reminder of the treacherous duty facing... Read more »

Oct. 4, 2012


In our opinion: Great expectations for the first debate

Going into tonight's presidential debate between President Barack Obama and his challenger, former Gov. Mitt Romney, the candidates, their campaigns and the pundits have been trying hard to win the... Read more »

Oct. 3, 2012


In our opinion: Economic recovery will not occur without a recovery in housing

Several recent economic reports are pointing in a positive direction, and the impacts are being felt close to home. Read more »

Oct. 1, 2012


In our opinion: Say 'I do' to stem poverty

The most effective anti-poverty program is stable marriage. Consider almost any important measurable outcome related to the long-term well-being of children: physical and emotional health, physical... Read more »

Sept. 30, 2012


In our opinion: Crandall settlement needs to send a message about negligence

The most important thing the U.S. Department of Labor could do in assessing fines against operators of the Crandall Canyon Mine in connection with the disaster that killed nine people in 2007 was... Read more »

Sept. 29, 2012


In our opinion: Humanitarian disaster is unfolding in Syria; world is watching idly

A catastrophic humanitarian disaster is unfolding in Syria, and the world is watching helplessly Read more »

Sept. 28, 2012


In our opinion: Emergency Room care costs will continue to rise without an alternative

Republican nominee Mitt Romney was criticized by several media outlets for his remarks about health care in a recent interview with the CBS newsmagazine "60 Minutes Read more »

Sept. 27, 2012


In our opinion: Tooele County chemical hazards ripple outside the county

The fact that Tooele County is the site of several installations that deal with hazardous materials doesn't mean it's a problem only for Tooele County if something goes wrong with the storage or... Read more »

Sept. 26, 2012


In our opinion: Important opportunity for Obama at United Nations meeting

People in the United States are about to get another stark reminder that the world is facing a set of crises that could, at any moment, set it tumbling into chaos. The United Nations will host the... Read more »

Sept. 25, 2012


In our opinion: Order to reduce urban crime or infringement on constitutionality, balancing act

An order banning members of an Ogden street gang from associating with each other in public has been highly effective in reducing area crime, according to local police. It's also an infringement on... Read more »

Sept. 24, 2012


In our opinion: Reclaiming America's social compact through entitlement reform

Clandestinely recorded comments about entitlements and taxation made by presidential nominee Mitt Romney have excited presidential odds makers this past week. Read more »

Sept. 23, 2012


In our opinion: Wall-to-wall cities

The drive to incorporate a new city called Millcreek, which voters in the area will decide in November, contains many familiar echoes. Read more »

Sept. 22, 2012


In our opinion: Occupy Wall Street movement a failure one year later

A political movement succeeds when it carries a message that resonates, which in turn unites people to effect change. In the United States, where people tend to respect laws and procedures, it can... Read more »

Sept. 21, 2012


In our opinion: Let's get serious about working together to balance the national budget

The White House Office of Management and Budget did little to help the nation on the road to a brokered budget deal by releasing a report last week that was more scare tactic than serious. Read more »

Sept. 20, 2012


In our opinion: Lax enforcement, actions of few at fault, not Utah's liquor laws

Once again, a legislative audit has cast a cloud over the state's Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control. Read more »

Sept. 19, 2012


In our opinion: 'No' to corner bars

Allowing neighborhood bars is not the way to attract more families to move to Salt Lake City. It's not the way to revitalize a city that, unlike the rest of the county in which it resides, has not... Read more »

Sept. 18, 2012


Kathleen Parker: Reactions to Muslims unhappy with film just made things worse

Unfortunately, even we seem to have lost sight of the nature and causes of these incidents, which have less to do with reasons than with excuses. The demonstrations and attacks more likely are a... Read more »

Sept. 18, 2012


On second thought

Apple unveiled its new iPhone5 last week. Consumers are excited about a new feature that will allow users to actually make telephone calls. The new phone has a larger screen than earlier models, allowing the nation's aging... Read more »

Sept. 17, 2012


In our opinion: Honoring the Constitutional Convention of 1787

Two hundred twenty-five years ago today, delegates to the Constitutional Convention of 1787 completed the excruciatingly difficult work of crafting a constitution that, to this day, provides the... Read more »

Sept. 17, 2012


In our opinion: Investing in Utah’s children

Doing more with less has always been one of Utah's signature virtues. But even frugality reaches diminishing returns. Read more »

Sept. 16, 2012


In our opinion: Smoking is no longer cool; campaigns still have work to do

Rarely are reports from the state health department as gratifying as the recent announcement that the use of tobacco among Utah teenagers has reached an historic low level, confirming a dramatic... Read more »

Sept. 15, 2012


In our opinion: Fire season could have been worse, state shouldn't let up next year

At summer's outset, Utahns found themselves staring at a wildfire season with the potential for extreme and widespread damage. There was nothing people could do about the dry and windy weather in... Read more »

Sept. 14, 2012


In our opinion: Effective diplomacy can greatly reduce the need for expensive defense measures

Compared to the massive Defense Department budget, the State Department operates on a shoe string. It consumes a little more than 1 percent of the federal budget, and it typically has to fight... Read more »

Sept. 13, 2012


In our opinion: Health care solutions

While still being vilified by his opponents on the left, Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney has recently come under fire from conservative critics, too. Read more »

Sept. 12, 2012


In our opinion: 11 years later

Eleven years after the attacks on New York, Washington and a thwarted attempt that resulted in a plane crash in Pennsylvania, Americans today find themselves still deep in the shadows of 9/11.... Read more »

Sept. 11, 2012


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