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Relocation Travel

Travel reimbursement process information for relocations including new regular hires, term assignment hires, post-doctoral or advance study employees, and long-term visiting staff members.


  • Jennifer Chavez or Jody Thome
  • Relocation Office
  • (505) 665-4484
  • Email

Relocation travel process

Relocation travel will be reimbursed only when the following process is used. This includes relocation travel for new regular hires, term assignment hires, post-doctoral or advance study employees, and long-term visiting staff members. Eligible expenses are paid post-hire only.

  1. After receiving an offer letter from LANL Human Resources, review the following materials (also to be sent to you from the Relocation Office).
  2. At least 2 to 4 weeks before relocating, contact the Relocation Office to discuss your plans.
  3. After relocating, hiring on at the Lab, and obtaining a badge, make an appointment with the Relocation Office to review your receipts and complete the applicable reimbursement claim forms.
  4. The Relocation Office sends the completed reimbursement claim forms and receipts to the Payroll Office for processing and payment.
  5. The Payroll Office processes the claim based on Federal travel regulations and reimburses the payee.

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