Technology Transfer

The USDOE Ames Laboratory is committed to developing and transferring technologies. Each year over the past decade, it has generated an average of 10 patents from DOE-supported research, and enters into about five technology license agreements and/or options. Collaborations between industry and the Ames Laboratory can help both parties meet their common technological objectives, while reducing development costs and risks. Knowing what to expect of a partnership with the Ames Laboratory can help both parties identify appropriate opportunities, negotiate agreements, and meet one another’s expectations.

For an interview with the Associate Laboratory Director for Sponsored Research Administration on the Importance of Technology Transfer please view the following video:

For more information on how you may work with the Laboratory, please read  “Doing Business with the Ames Laboratory”.


What’s New…

August 10, 2012

DOE SBIR/STTR FY2013 Phase I (Release 1) Topics Released

Topics for FY2013 Phase I (Release 1) are now open and available for your review and consideration.  The associated funding opportunity announcement (FOA) opens on August 13th.  The Ames Laboratory has one sub-topic listed under this program, Catalyst for Selective Acid TransesterficationFor more information regarding our sub-topic, please click here.  For more information regarding DOE's SBIR/STTR programs, see their website at

July 13, 2012

Want to assess your Intellectual Property awareness?  The United States Patent and Trademark Office has an assessment available on their website at  Try it today!