U.S. Department of Commerce

Census on Campus

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Census On Campus: Find it.  Fill it out.  Be counted.


The Census on Campus Initiative seeks to educate, engage, and mobilize college and university students, administration, faculty, and parents so that in the 2010 Census, every individual is counted—once, and in the right place.

2010 Census: Be counted. Historically, the highly mobile college student population living on and off campus has been hard to count – in part, because many people believe that college students are counted on their parents' questionnaires. However, students living away from home will receive their own questionnaires, so to prevent students from being counted twice (or not at all!) in the census, they and their parents need to know this.

As powerful grassroots organizers, students and other educational leaders can have an influential voice in reaching others with the message of the 2010 Census.

American FactFinder lets you search, browse, retrieve, view, map, print, and download census data, including decennial census information.

In addition, the Census Bureau conducts nearly 100 other surveys and censuses each year.

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Help ensure that your community receives its fair share of Congressional representation and federal funds and services by helping raise awareness about the 2010 Census.

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Source: U.S. Census Bureau | Partnership and Data Services Branch | fld.pds.web.support@census.gov | Last Revised: February 08, 2012