Static Magnetic Fields

The requirements for Static Magnetic Fields in laboratories have been revised and the training/surveillance requirements have changed. For individuals entering these areas, web training is no longer necessary, but must comply with Occupational Medicine Clinic (OMC) medical surveillance.

For employees, this is most easily accomplished during the Physical. Employees may also complete the form, Medical Protocol for Static Magnetic Fields, which must be submitted to and approved by BNL’s Occupational Medicine Clinic (OMC). The form can be downloaded here and faxed to OMC at 631-344-7366.

For guests, a Medical Questionnaire for non-BSA Workers/Students must be submitted to and approved by OMC. This applies to all students, users, contractors, and other BNL personnel (custodians, electricians, etc.) who enter these areas. The form can be downloaded here and faxed to OMC at 631-344-7366.

All experimenters must comply with OMC medical surveillance before using any of the following equipment or entering the areas where the equipment is located:

Proximal Probes Facility:

  • Attocube Low-Temperature Confocal Microscope,
  • WiTec Alpha Combination Optical/Scanning Probe Microscope,
  • VEECO Multimode V Ambient SPM,
  • Bruker Fourier Spectrometer.

Materials Synthesis Facility:

  • Signatone Electrical Probe Station
  • Lakeshore Cryogenic Probe Station
  • Rucker-Kolls Electrical Probe Station/Solar Spectrum Simulator


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Last Modified: April 1, 2009
Please forward all questions about this site to: Pam Ciufo.