Home.Freedom of Information Act.TTB FOIA Fee Categories

The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)

TTB FOIA Fee Categories

Once we decide to act on a FOIA request, the disclosure specialist(s) determines the requester's fee category so that we can charge appropriate fees. We base the fee category on projected use of the records and define the requesters as follows: (1) Commercial - Representatives of companies that or people who seek information for a use or purpose that furthers commercial, trade, or profit interests; (2) Educational Institution - Preschools, public or private elementary or secondary schools, and institutions of graduate higher education, undergraduate higher education, professional education, or vocational education that operate a program(s) of scholarly research; (3) Non-commercial Scientific Institution - Noncommercially operated institutions that conduct scientific research not intended to promote any particular product or industry; (4) Representative of the News Media - People who actively gather news for entities organized and operated to publish or broadcast news to the public; and (5) Other Requesters - Requesters who do not fit into any of the above categories.