Full Biography

Mark Critz is currently serving his second term as U.S. Representative for Pennsylvania’s 12th Congressional District. Since coming to Congress, Mark has been a tireless advocate for seniors, veterans and working families. He is currently focusing on initiatives to create jobs, grow the economy, improve our fiscal situation and support active and retired members of our armed forces and their families.

Mark was born and raised in Irwin, Pennsylvania. He attended Norwin High School in Westmoreland County before earning a Bachelor of Science in Management Information Systems from Indiana University of Pennsylvania in 1987. Growing up, Mark witnessed firsthand the struggles that beset southwestern Pennsylvania’s economy as the steel industry began to falter. This instilled in him an abiding desire to enhance the economic vitality of the region and helped motivate him to pursue a career in public service.

In 1999, Mark began a ten-year stint as a staffer for the late Congressman John P. Murtha. During his time working for Congressman Murtha—first as Economic Development Director and then as District Director—Mark did a great deal to strengthen the region’s economy through his close work with local small business owners and community leaders. He also honorably assisted the ground response effort to the 2002 Quecreek mine disaster and capably served as Mr. Murtha’s liaison for the United Flight 93 Memorial.

Mark came to Congress in May of 2010 after winning a Special Election to finish out Congressman Murtha’s term following his death several months earlier. In November of 2010, Mark was re-elected to serve a full two-year term. He currently sits on the House Armed Services and Small Business Committees. On the Armed Services Committee, Mark works to ensure that the men and women of our military are equipped to protect us against threats to our national security. In 2008, he was given the National Guard’s Patrick Henry Award in recognition of his exceptional service to our armed forces. It is the highest civilian honor issued by the National Guard.

Mark serves as the Ranking Member of the House Small Business Committee’s Subcommittee on Agriculture, Energy and Trade. He realizes that small businesses are the drivers of western Pennsylvania’s economy, and is working to advance initiatives that will enhance the ability of these businesses to innovate and create jobs.

Mark feels that a thriving Marcellus Shale Natural Gas industry is also vital to getting our economy moving again. He is a Co-Chair and founding member of the House Marcellus Shale Caucus, and has introduced H.R. 1396, the Marcellus-Shale On-the-Job Training Act, which would require the Secretary of Labor to make grants to local areas for adult on-the-job training or dislocated worker on-the-job training at worksites devoted to exploiting the Marcellus Shale natural gas play.

A member of the Congressional Task Force on Seniors, Mark is working hard to preserve the integrity of the programs elderly Americans rely on to live happy and healthy lives. In September of 2011, he was awarded the Social Security and Medicare Hero Award from the Pennsylvania Alliance for Retired Americans in recognition of all he has done for senior citizens throughout his career in public service.

Mark is also focused on promoting fair international trade practices. He feels that by leveling the playing field between us and our trade partners, we can put Americans back to work in well-paying manufacturing jobs, stimulate economic growth and achieve meaningful deficit reduction. He is a co-sponsor of H.R. 639, the Currency Reform for Fair Trade Act, which would allow countervailing duties to be placed on imports from countries like China, which engage in large scale currency undervaluation that causes us to amass large trade deficits and sends American jobs overseas. While the Currency Reform for Fair Trade Act has been sitting in the House Ways and Means Committee since 2011 without action, Mark is the sponsor of a discharge petition, which will force this bill to the House floor with the signatures of 218 House members.

Mark has successfully served his constituents since coming to Congress through his intimate knowledge of western Pennsylvania, years of experience promoting economic development and passion for public service. Moving forward, he will continue to support policies and initiatives that advance the interests of Pennsylvania’s 12th Congressional District.

Mark resides in Johnstown, PA with his wife, Nancy—a speech pathologist for the Greater Johnstown Area School District—and twin children, Sadie and Joe.


Congressman Critz is a recipient of the following awards:

2008 - National Guard Association of the United States’ (NGAUS’s) "Patrick Henry Award"

2010 - "Friend of the Farm Bureau Award" from the American Farm Bureau Federation 

2011 - Pennsylvania Alliance for Retired Americans' "Social Security & Medicare Hero Award"

2011 - "Golden Triangle Award" from the National Farmers Union

2011 - Veteran Community Initiatives, Inc. (VCI) Laurel Highlands Veteran Community Award 

2012 - 2012 Outstanding Government Honoree by the Greater Westmoreland County Labor Council

2012 - "Golden Triangle Award" from the National Farmers Union

2012 - "Friend of the Farm Bureau Award" from the American Farm Bureau Federation


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