Hearings & Current Rulings

Public Accommodation:

Virginia Graeme Baker Pool and Spa Safety Act; Public Accommodation, CPSC-2010-0102, as of December 22, 2010
March 18, 2011
Type: Public Comments
Public comments received on the proposed interpretive rule on public accommodation.

Public Accommodations Facility: Proposed Interpretive Rule and Withdrawal Notice
October 6, 2010
Type: Proposed Rule
Text of proposed interpretive rule on public accommodation.

Virginia Graeme Baker Pool & Spa Safety Act; Final Interpretive Rule on Unblockable Drains
March 30, 2010 (Comment Period is over)
Type: Proposed Rule
Text of proposed interpretive rule on public accommodation.

Compliance Form

Ballot Vote on Draft Federal Register notice for Virginia Graeme Baker Pool & Spa Safety Act Compliance Form [TEXT VERSION]
September 21, 2009 (Comment Period is over)
Type: Request for Comments
Federal Register notice soliciting written comments from all interested people about the proposed compliance form.

Unblockable Drains

Presentations and Written Comments: Public Hearing Virginia Graeme Baker Pool & Spa Safety Act—Unblockable Drain Guidance
November 4, 2009
Type: Public Hearing
The Commission conducted a public hearing on November 4, 2009 to receive views from all interested parties about the draft guidance for industry on unblockable drains.

Staff Draft Technical Guidance on Unblockable Drains
June 16, 2009
Type: Staff Draft Technical Guidance
CPSC Staff draft technical guidance on unblockable drains.

Request for Comments on the Staff Draft Technical Guidance on Unblockable Drains
July 15, 2009 (Comment Period is over)
Type: Request for Comments
Request for comments on CPSC Staff draft technical guidance on unblockable drains.

Public Comments Received (Comments 1 through 69) on Technical Guidance on Unblockable Drains (July 2009)
August 11, 2009
Type: Public Comments
Comments 1 through 69 on the July 2009 technical guidance on unblockable drains.

Section 1404

Section 1404 Public Comment Period
March 2008 (Comment Period is over)
Type: Request for Comments
CPSC staff requested comment on its guidance document that interprets the technical requirements of Sec. 1404 of the Act.

Public Comments Received (Comments 1 through 28)
April 1, 2008
Type: Public Comments
Comments 1 through 28 on the March 14, 2008 draft of the CPSC staff interpretation of the Baker Pool and Spa Safety Act of 2007.

Section 1406

CPSC Staff Draft Technical Guidance on Section 1406 on Minimum State Requirements for Grant Program Public Comment Period
October 2008 (Comment Period is over)
Type: Request for Comments
CPSC staff requested comment on its guidance document that describes the technical requirements of Section 1406 of the Act.

Public Comments Received (Comments 1 through 23)
October 20, 2008
Type: Public Comments
Public comments on the CPSC staff guidance document that describes the technical requirements of Section 1406 of the Act.

Who is Virginia Graeme Baker?

Seven-year-old Virginia Graeme Baker’s tragic death inspired her family to advocate for pool and spa safety and moved Congress to act to prevent entrapments.
Read more about her story

The Pool and Spa Safety Act: Staff interpretation and updates


Find the most up to date requirements for the Virginia Graeme Baker Pool and Spa Safety Act.