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EVENT: Commission Meeting Apr 27, 2010

  • Transcript

    Public Meeting to Consider Significant Price Discovery Contract Determinations

    The CFTC held meeting on Tuesday, April 27, 2010, to consider whether contracts offered for trading on the IntercontinentalExchange, Inc. (ICE), the Natural Gas Exchange, Inc. (NGX) or the Chicago Climate Exchange, Inc. (CCX) performed significant price discovery functions.


    Meeting to Consider Significant Price Discovery Contract Determinations


    CFTC Hearing Room, 1155 21st Street, NW, Washington, DC


    Tuesday, April 27, 2010
    9:30 am EDT

    Listening Information:

    Call-in participants should be prepared to provide their first name, last name and affiliation. Conference call information is listed below:

    Domestic/Canada Toll-Free: (866) 312-4390
    International Toll: (404) 537-3379
    Password ID: 71761053
    Call leader name: CFTC

    This meeting is open to the press.

    View archived webcast.

    CFTC’s Press Release 5810-10

    Sunshine Act Notice

    Statement by Commissioners and Panelists:

    Chairman Gary Gensler
    Commissioner Michael V. Dunn

    Commissioner Bart Chilton

    Commissioner Jill Sommers

    Commissioner Scott O’Malia

    Richard Shilts
    , Director, Division of Market Oversight, CFTC
    Dan M. Berkovitz
    , General Counsel, CFTC

    Last Updated: May 12, 2010

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