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Working with HUD

Question 1: How can I become a HUD grantee?

Answer: HUD offers numerous grants through annual competitions. Our "Grants" page offers a wide array of information about HUD's grant programs and funding opportunities. When grants are awarded, they are announced on that page, as well. We also have a special "one-stop" page for HUD grantees that provides additional information about HUD, its programs, and its requirements. You may want to bookmark both of these pages, and return to them regularly.

Competition for our grants is very intense. There is much more demand for our funding than there are funds available. As a rule, successful applications must be accompanied by a demonstrable record of achievement and success in their chosen fields of expertise. Often, organizations must compete in two or three annual grant competitions before they receive a HUD award.

Question 2: How can I find out about HUD contracts?

Answer: HUD posts all of its solicitations on our web site; so you may want to check our contracting page regularly. In addition, you can also subscribe to a free email notification service for HUD contracting opportunities. On our contracting page, you can view and/or download any HUD solicitation for which you are interested in competing. Each solicitation contains a detailed description of the contract work requirements as well as instructions on how, when and where to submit your bid/proposal. You might also want to check out our "Guide to Contracting with HUD."

Question 3: How can I get a contract to do work on HUD-owned properties?

Answer: Most of the HUD-owned single family properties are sold "as-is". HUD has contracts with management and marketing (M&M) companies who are responsible for these services. You may want to contact the M&M contractor in your area to be placed on their bidders lists for possible future subcontracting opportunities. The same holds true for multifamily properties. You can view a list of HUD's prime multifamily contractors, on our website.

Question 4: How can I get a contract to build new housing for HUD?

Answer: HUD does not build housing; however, we do award grants to others who build housing. You may want to contact one of these entities to see if you might find contracting opportunities with them.

  • HUD awards grants for construction of elderly housing and housing for people with disabilities. We announce the grantees on our website.
  • HUD provides funding to local and State governments for economic development programs. Some of their efforts might entail new construction. You could contact your local or State government purchasing offices and ask to be placed on their bidders lists for possible future contracting opportunities.
  • Public housing agencies receive funds from HUD to create and maintain assisted. You also might want to contact your local public housing agencies to see if they have any contracting opportunities that would be of interest to you.
Question 5: How can I get a grant or loan to start my own business?

Answer: HUD does not offer any direct funding opportunities, grants, or specific assistance for starting a new business. Your best source of information is your local U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) office. The SBA has many programs available to assist you. One good place to start is to visit the SBA's "Starting Your Own Business" website.

Question 6: I own a property that I would like to rent to Section 8 tenants. How do I do that?

Answer: Contact your local public housing agency. They can tell you about the requirements for renting to a Housing Choice (Section 8) voucher holder and place you on their list of potential landlords.

Question 7: Are "third party tracers" legal?

The Department has stepped up its efforts to locate homeowners who are owed FHA refunds. We have hired Immediate System Resources, Incorporated (ISRI) to find homeowners who are owed money. This will save people the "finders fees" normally collected by third party tracers. If someone from Immediate System Resources, Incorporated (ISRI) contacts you, they are officially affiliated with HUD and will help you and won't charge you to get your refund.

Other "tracer" companies are legal. But they do not represent HUD, and they will charge you a fee. You do not have to use a tracer to get your refund, if you are owed one.

You can read about HUD refunds, right on our home page, including how to get yours.

Question 8: How do I become an inspector of HUD assisted and insured properties?

Answer: We have information about how to become an inspector on our website.

Question 9: How can I get on the mailing list for multifamily properties for sale?

Answer: We publish the list of multifamily properties for sale on our website, so you can check them there. You also can subscribe to our mailing list, online.

Question 10: How can I get funds to develop housing for the elderly or for people with disabilities?

Answer: HUD awards grants under the Section 202 program (Supportive Housing For the Elderly) and Section 811 program (Supportive Housing For People with Disabilities) annually, on a competitive basis. Funding opportunities are announced on our website and in the Federal Register.

Question 11: I am a real estate broker, and I'd like to sell HUD homes. What do I need to do?

Answer: We have a section just for real estate brokers. There, you can find out about the requirements for certification, how to get listings, and more.

Question 12: I work for a state/local government, and I'd like to know the requirements that apply to HOME downpayment assistance?

Answer: Be sure to design your program to meet requirements relating to property values, eligible applicants and the recapture/resale provisions. You can find the HOME program requirements on our website.

Question 13: In determining the rent for a HOME unit, are "enhanced Section 8 vouchers" or "sticky vouchers" considered project-based rental assistance or tenant-based rental assistance?

Answer: In determining the rent for a HOME unit, enhanced vouchers are considered tenant-based rental assistance. You can find out more about HOME rents on our website.

Question 14: What changes have been made to the methodology for calculating Section 8 income limits? What impact will these changes have on the calculation of HOME income limits?

Answer: The HOME income limits are calculated using the same methodology that HUD uses for calculating the income limits for the Section 8 program, in accordance with Section 3(b)(2) of the U.S. Housing Act of 1937, as amended. You can find out more about HOME income limits on our website.

Question 15: May participating jurisdictions use Section 8 "exception rent limits" as the basis for determining HOME program rents? What is the difference between "exception rent limits" and "HOME rent exceptions"?

Answer: Section 8 "exception rent limits" do not apply to the HOME program and cannot be used to determine the maximum HOME program rents. You can read about HOME rents on our website.

Question 16: May I use the HUD logo on my website or business cards?

Answer: Please feel free to use any of the equal housing opportunity icons. HUD's official seal is used only by the Department.

Question 17: Does HUD have any job opportunities where I can work from home?

Answer: HUD does not have any jobs specifically for work-at-home employees, although some existing HUD employees may have some limited permission to work from home depending on the job type and situation. You may have seen an advertisement for work tracking down people who are due an FHA refund. While those ads sometimes sound as if you'd be working for HUD from your home, this agency does not endorse, regulate, monitor, or contract out for those services.

Question 18: How can I change my information and status as a housing couseling agency?

Answer: There is a new automated system for changing Housing Counseling Agency and HECM Counselor information. Please contact the Homeownership Center in your area if your information needs to be updated. They will introduce you to the Housing Counseling system. Find out more about Housing Counseling.

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