153D - UH-60 Black Hawk Pilot

The Black Hawk is the military’s most versatile helicopter, suited for a variety of missions, including:

  • Command and control
  • Air assaults
  • Medical evacuations
  • Lift operations

Capable of carrying four crewmembers (two pilots, two crew chiefs) plus a fully equipped 11-person infantry squad, the Black Hawk can also hold a 105 mm howitzer or a High Mobility Multi-purpose Wheeled Vehicle (HMMWV) suspended below the aircraft during sling load operations. 

Duties/Job Description: 

Pilot, navigate and communicate under combat and noncombat conditions.

Operate aircraft in all types of weather conditions during the day and night, and under night vision systems.

Perform all military aircraft operations, including:

  • Reconnaissance
  • Security
  • Gunnery
  • Rescue
  • Air assault
  • Internal/external load
  • Paradrop/rappelling operations
  • Command and Control

Perform aerial route, zone and/or area reconnaissance in support of combat operations.

Routinely participate in real-time and training operations that include combat, combat support or combat service support operations.

Perform administrative or liaison missions to transport passengers, mail or cargo.

Maintain aviator flight requirements according to current aircraft Aircrew Training Manual.

Minimum Prerequisites:

  • Any MOS may apply
  • Must be at least 18, but not have reached their 33rd birthday at the convening of the selection board
  • Must score 90 or higher on the Alternate Flight Aptitude Selection Test (AFAST)
  • Must successfully pass a Class 1A Flying Duty Medical Examination (FDME) in accordance with Army Regulation (AR) 40-501 that has been approved by the Commander, U.S. Army Aeromedical Center
  • Waivers will be considered for applicants with exceptional qualifications and only on a case-by-case basis.

It is recommended, but not required, that applicants have a letter of recommendation from a Guard Aviator in the rank of CW3 to CW5, or Major and above. If the unit commander or above is a field grade aviator, the aviator interview may be part of the commander's endorsement. In this case, the commander's endorsement must contain the same statement required for the aviator interview. Use a memorandum format and start with the statement: “I have interviewed (your name) and find (he/she) has the needed personal characteristics, motivation, physical stamina and qualifications to be appointed a U.S. Army National Guard Reserve Warrant Officer, and appears acceptable for selection into the WOFT program as a warrant officer candidate.” Applicants from other military services may be interviewed by a field grade aviator from their branch of service if a Guard aviator is not readily available. Guard aviators will conduct the interviews whenever possible.

Acceptance to Warrant Officer Flight Training (153A) will require attendance and successful completion of:

  • The U.S. Army Aviation Center Survival Escape Resistance and Evasion (SERE-C) course
  • HOST - Helicopter Overwater Survival Training (Dunker Training)

Note: The waiver authority for this requirement is the Commanding General, U.S. Army Aviation Center, Fort Rucker, AL 36362-5000.

*Note: Army National Guard programs and benefits are subject to change. Your local warrant officer recruiter has the most up-to-date information about job availability and bonuses in your state.