Sec. 19.231

Filing of operations or unit bonds

Every person intending to establish a distilled spirits plant shall file an operations or unit bond as prescribed in this subpart, covering distilled spirits operations at such plant, with the regional director (compliance), at the time of filing the original application for registration of the plant, and at such other times as are required by this part. Such bond shall be conditioned that he shall faithfully comply with all provisions of law and regulations relating to activities covered by such bond, will pay all taxes imposed by 26 U.S.C. Chapter 51, and shall pay all penalties incurred or fines imposed for violation of any such provisions.

The regional director (compliance) may require, in connection with any operations or unit bond, a statement, executed under the penalties of perjury, as to whether the principal or any person owning, controlling, or actively participating in the management of the business of the principal has been convicted of or has compromised any offense set forth in Sec. 19.237(a)(1) or has been convicted of any offense set forth in Sec. 19.237(a)(2).

In the event the above statement contains an affirmative answer, the applcant shall submit a statement describing in detail the circumstances surrounding such conviction or compromise. No person shall comence or continue distilled spirits operations at such plant unless he has a valid operations or unit bond (and consent of surety, if necessary), as required in respect of such operations by this part.

(Sec. 201, Pub. L. 85-859, 72 Stat. 1394, as amended (26 U.S.C. 5551); Sec. 805(c), Pub. L. 96-39, 93 Stat. 276 (26 U.S.C. 5173))

[T.D. ATF-198, 50 FR 8464, Mar. 1, 1985; 50 FR 23410, June 4, 1985]



This was last updated on September 17, 1999