Navy FAQ: Finding e-mail addresses for Navy Personnel

Finding the e-mail address of a Navy person


Is there a central e-mail directory for Navy people?

The Navy/Marine Corps White Pages of official e-mail accounts is available to those operating on Navy and Marine Corps servers, but there is no central e-mail directory for Navy people or for Navy commands open to the general public. For the general public, your best course of action is to check to see (1) if the command has a web site and (2) if it has information on how to e-mail personnel assigned.

Does the Navy issue e-mail accounts to Sailors?

Many Navy commands, primarily ships and shipboard commands, do provide e-mail accounts as a quality of life issue. Most shore commands provide an official e-mail account, not personal one, since Sailors can easily communicate with family members, either because the family is co-located or the Sailor can easily obtain a personal account through a commercial Internet Service Provider (ISP).

Can I send e-mail to a Sailor aboard ship?

Yes, but it depends upon the ship to which the Sailor is assigned. Many do have e-mail accounts and provide an e-mail account to crewmembers as a quality of life issue. Personnel operating on Navy or Marine Corps servers can use the Navy/Marine Corps White Page to find e-mail addresses. Members of the general public should check our list of
Navy Web Sites or select the Fact File section then the type of ship, for the web sites of various ships to see if the ship's web site lists how to e-mail a Sailor.

Are there other means by which to communicate with a Sailor aboard ship?

Yes. Another means is the Military Affiliate Radio System (MARS). MARS is run entirely by volunteers and has been providing communications between Sailors and their loved ones for many, many years. More information is available at the
Navy-Marine Corps MARS Telecommunications System National Home Page.

Last updated: 01 September 2009