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Electronic Funds Transfer Payment

How do I make an EFT payment via the USPTO Web site?

You must create an EFT profile containing a user ID, password, address, and banking information on the USPTO Web site at our Office of Finance On-Line Shopping page. Click on the “Create or Modify an EFT Profile” link and enter the appropriate information. Upon initially creating your EFT profile, the banking information provided will be verified by your bank. You will receive an e-mail from the USPTO approximately eight business days later indicating the status of your EFT profile. If the banking information is successfully validated, the e-mail will indicate that your EFT profile has been activated and may be used to pay for most fees online using EFT.

Please verify with your financial institution that EFT payments can be processed through your checking or savings account before creating an EFT profile. If you have an ACH/EFT block or filter on your account, your account must be set up properly and you must provide your financial institution with the USPTO’s ACH company ID number before submitting EFT payments online. The USPTO’s ACH company ID number is 1310000101 .

-- see also EFT definition

 USPTO FAQ - Questions and Answers (06JUL2005)

United States Patent and Trademark Office
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Last Modified: 4/12/2010 2:26:31 PM