Mission Statement

We salute and support all our Armed Forces! The mission of Operation Troop Aid (OTA) is to provide care packages for U.S. Service members with the revenue generated through professional concert promotions and public financial generosity. OTA is a non-profit 501 (c) (3) corporation striving to make a positive difference and inspire our Armed Forces by letting them know Americans stand with them.

Message from CEO

As our men and women in uniform are deployed all over the world, let us not forget our freedom, for it is because of them, past, present, and future that we can live free. What better way to express our FREEDOM than to reach out to the ones that provide it. Please help us as we let them know they are "NOT FORGOTTEN."

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"PIECES" Stephen Cochran music vid...
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History of Troop Aid Operation Troop Aid (OTA)

It was SEP 2001 when I started to chart the course of creating TROOP AID(TM) / Operation Troop Aid(OTA), Inc. Having been on deployment during the horrific attacks of 9-11, my shipmates and I watched as the second plane hit the WTC. We were on station and ready for any action the President required of us.

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