Department of the Interior
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About the Department of the Interior
DOI Quick Facts
The Department of the Interior (DOI) is the nation's principal conservation agency. Our mission is to protect America's treasures for future generations, provide access to our nation's natural and cultural heritage, offer recreation opportunities, honor our trust responsibilities to American Indians and Alaska Natives and our responsibilities to island communities, conduct scientific research, provide wise stewardship of energy and mineral resources, foster sound use of land and water resources, and conserve and protect fish and wildlife. The work that we do affects the lives of millions of people; from the family taking a vacation in one of our national parks to the children studying in one of our Indian schools.

Interior is a large, decentralized agency with over 67,000 employees and 280,000 volunteers located at approximately 2,400 operating locations across the United States, Puerto Rico, U.S. territories, and freely associated states. We discharge our responsibilities on a $16.8 billion total annual budget. DOI raises more than $18.2 billion in revenues collected from energy, mineral, grazing, timber, recreation, land sales, and other revenue producing activities.

Since Congress created the Department of the Interior in 1849, it has become the steward for:


DOI manages 500 million acres of surface land, or about one-fifth of the land in the United States, including:

  • 256 million acres managed by the Bureau of Land Management
  • 96.2 million acres managed by the Fish and Wildlife Service
  • 84.6 million acres managed by the National Park Service
  • 8.7 million acres managed by the Bureau of Reclamation associated with reclamation projects
  • 66 million acres managed by the Bureau of Indian Affairs

Over 200,000 acres of abandoned coal mine sites have been reclaimed through the Office of Surface Mining's Abandoned Mine Land Program.


DOI has responsibility for managing a variety of water and underwater resources.  The Bureau of Reclamation manages 479 dams and 348 reservoirs that deliver irrigation water to one of every five western farmers and provide water for 31 million people. The Minerals Management Service has jurisdiction over approximately 1.76 billion acres of the Outer Continental Shelf, on which it manages about 8,300 active oil and gas leases on 44 million acres.  The U.S. Geological Survey conducts groundwater and surface water studies with offices in all 50 states.

Recreation and Cultural Opportunities

  • 56.9 million visits to 3,602 recreational sites provided by the Bureau of Land Management
  • 274 million visits to 391 national park units, including parks, monuments, seashore sites, battlefields and other cultural and recreational sites provided by National Park Service
  • 43.7 million visits to 548 wildlife refuges provided by the Fish and Wildlife Service
  • 90 million visits to 289 recreation sites provided by the Bureau of Reclamation
  • For more information on camping, fishing, archeology, bird watching and other recreational opportunities on Interior and other Federal lands, go to

Native American Lands and Needs

  • 52.7 million acres of land belong to Indian tribes and individuals
  • The Bureau of Indian Affairs provides education services to approximately 40,000 Indian children in 184 elementary and secondary schools and dormitories
  • The Bureau manages relationships with 562 Indian tribes

U.S. Energy Needs

Energy projects on federally managed lands and offshore areas supply about 30 percent of the nation's energy production. This includes:

  • 39% of natural gas
  • 35% of oil
  • 42% of coal
  • 17% of hydro power
  • 50% of geothermal

Scientific Research

The U.S. Geological Survey scientists:

  • Monitor, analyze, interpret, and disseminate information on earthquakes, volcanoes, and the geology and topography of the United States.
  • Monitor and assess water quality, streamflows and ground water at thousands of sites across the nation
  • Produce more than 55,000 different maps
  • Estimate world and United States energy and mineral supplies
  • Conduct a wide range of research on biology, geology, and water to provide land and resource managers with the information they need to make sound decisions, and to help mitigate the effects of natural hazards

Fish and Wildlife

The Department seeks to work with others to conserve, manage, protect and enhance fish, wildlife, plants and their habitats for the continuing benefit of all Americans. DOI is responsible for:

  • Improving habitats for migratory birds, certain marine animals, freshwater and anadromous fish, as well as providing public enjoyment of these resources
  • Protecting 1,932 endangered or threatened species, 1,358 are U.S.
  • Preventing and controlling invasive species

For more information, please visit:


U.S. Department of the Interior
1849 C Street, NW
Washington, DC 20240
Last Updated on 02/06/09