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e-CFR Data is current as of August 21, 2009

Title 27: Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms

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Section Contents

Subpart A—Scope of Regulations

§ 44.1   Exportation of tobacco products, and cigarette papers and tubes, without payment of tax, or with drawback of tax.
§ 44.2   Forms prescribed.
§ 44.3   Delegations of the Administrator.

Subpart B—Definitions

§ 44.11   Meaning of terms.

Subpart Ba—Special (Occupational) Taxes

§ 44.31   Liability for special tax.
§ 44.32   Rate of special tax.
§ 44.33   Cross reference.
§§ 44.34-44.36   [Reserved]

Subpart C—General

§ 44.61   Removals, withdrawals, and shipments authorized.
§ 44.61a   Deliveries to foreign-trade zones—export status.
§ 44.62   Restrictions on deliveries of tobacco products, and cigarette papers and tubes to vessels and aircraft, as supplies.
§ 44.63   Restrictions on disposal of tobacco products, and cigarette papers and tubes on vessels and aircraft.
§ 44.64   Responsibility for delivery or exportation of tobacco products, and cigarette papers and tubes.
§ 44.65   Liability for tax on tobacco products, and cigarette papers and tubes.
§ 44.66   Relief from liability for tax.
§ 44.67   Payment of tax.
§ 44.68   [Reserved]
§ 44.69   Assessment.
§ 44.70   Authority of appropriate TTB officers to enter premises.
§ 44.71   Interference with administration.

Variations From Requirements

§ 44.72   Alternate methods or procedures.
§ 44.73   Emergency variations from requirements.

Subpart D—Qualification Requirements for Export Warehouse Proprietors

§ 44.81   Persons required to qualify.
§ 44.82   Application for permit.
§ 44.83   Corporate documents.
§ 44.84   Articles of partnership or association.
§ 44.85   Trade name certificate.
§ 44.86   Bond.
§ 44.87   Power of attorney.
§ 44.88   Description and diagram of premises.
§ 44.89   Separation of premises.
§ 44.90   [Reserved]
§ 44.91   Additional information.
§ 44.92   Investigation of applicant.
§ 44.93   Issuance of permit.

Subpart E—Changes Subsequent to Original Qualification of Export Warehouse Proprietors

Changes in Name

§ 44.101   Change in individual name.
§ 44.102   Change in trade name.
§ 44.103   Change in corporate name.

Changes in Ownership and Control

§ 44.104   Fiduciary successor.
§ 44.105   Transfer of ownership.
§ 44.106   Change in officers or directors of a corporation.
§ 44.107   Change in stockholders of a corporation.

Changes in Location and Premises

§ 44.108   Change in location.
§ 44.109   Change in address.
§ 44.110   [Reserved]
§ 44.111   Change in export warehouse premises.
§ 44.112   Emergency premises.

Subpart F—Bonds and Extensions of Coverage of Bonds

§ 44.121   Corporate surety.
§ 44.122   Deposits of bonds, notes, or obligations in lieu of corporate surety.
§ 44.123   Amount of bond.
§ 44.124   Strengthening bond.
§ 44.125   Superseding bond.
§ 44.126   Extension of coverage of bond.
§ 44.127   Approval of bond and extension of coverage of bond.
§ 44.128   Termination of liability of surety under bond.
§ 44.129   Release of bonds, notes, and obligations.

Subpart G—Operations by Export Warehouse Proprietors

§ 44.141   Sign.
§ 44.141a   Use of premises.
§ 44.142   Records.


§ 44.143   General.
§ 44.144   Opening.
§ 44.145   Special.
§ 44.146   Closing.


§ 44.147   General.
§ 44.148   Opening.
§ 44.149   Monthly.
§ 44.150   Special.
§ 44.151   Closing.


§ 44.152   Claim for remission of tax liability.
§ 44.153   Claim for abatement of assessment.
§ 44.154   Claim for refund of tax.

Subpart H—Suspension and Discontinuance of Operations

§ 44.161   Discontinuance of operations.
§ 44.162   Suspension and revocation of permit.

Subpart I [Reserved]

Subpart J—Removal of Shipments of Tobacco Products and Cigarette Papers and Tubes by Manufacturers and Export Warehouse Proprietors

Packaging Requirements

§ 44.181   Packages.
§ 44.182   Lottery features.
§ 44.183   Indecent or immoral material.
§ 44.184   Mark.
§ 44.185   Label or notice.
§ 44.186   Tax classification for cigars.
§ 44.187   Shipping containers.

Consignment of Shipment

§ 44.188   General.
§ 44.189   Transfers between factories and export warehouses.
§ 44.190   Return of shipment to a manufacturer or customs warehouse proprietor.
§ 44.191   To officers of the armed forces for subsequent exportation.
§ 44.192   To vessels and aircraft for shipment to noncontiguous foreign countries and possessions of the United States.
§ 44.193   To a Federal department or agency.
§ 44.194   To district director of customs for shipment to contiguous foreign countries.
§ 44.195   To Government vessels and aircraft for consumption as supplies.
§ 44.196   To district director of customs for consumption as supplies on commercial vessels and aircraft.
§ 44.196a   To a foreign-trade zone.
§ 44.197   For export by parcel post.

Notice of Removal of Shipment

§ 44.198   Preparation.
§ 44.199   Disposition.
§ 44.200   Transfers between factories and export warehouses.
§ 44.201   Return to manufacturer or customs warehouse proprietor.
§ 44.202   To officers of the armed forces for subsequent exportation.
§ 44.203   To noncontiguous foreign countries and possessions of the United States.
§ 44.204   To a Federal department or agency.
§ 44.205   To contiguous foreign countries.
§ 44.206   To Government vessels and aircraft for consumption as supplies.
§ 44.207   To commercial vessels and aircraft for consumption as supplies.
§ 44.207a   To a foreign-trade zone.
§ 44.208   For export by parcel post.

Miscellaneous Provisions

§ 44.209   Diversion of shipment to another consignee.
§ 44.210   Return of shipment to factory or export warehouse.
§ 44.211   [Reserved]
§ 44.212   Delay in lading at port of exportation.
§ 44.213   Destruction of tobacco products, and cigarette papers and tubes.

Subpart K—Drawback of Tax

§ 44.221   Application of drawback of tax.
§ 44.222   Claim.
§ 44.223   Drawback bond.
§ 44.224   Inspection by an appropriate TTB officer.
§ 44.225   Delivery of tobacco products, or cigarette papers or tubes for export other than by parcel post.
§ 44.226   Delivery of tobacco products, and cigarette papers and tubes for export by parcel post.
§ 44.227   Customs procedure.
§ 44.228   Landing certificate.
§ 44.229   Collateral evidence as to landing.
§ 44.230   Proof of loss.
§ 44.231   Extension of time.
§ 44.232   Allowance of claim.

Subpart L—Withdrawal of Cigars From Customs Warehouses

§ 44.241   Shipment restricted.
§ 44.242   Responsibility for tax on cigars.


§ 44.243   Bond required.
§ 44.244   Amount of bond.
§ 44.245   Strengthening bond.
§ 44.246   Superseding bond.
§ 44.247   Termination of liability of surety under bond.

Packaging Requirements

§ 44.248   Packages.
§ 44.249   Lottery features.
§ 44.250   Indecent or immoral material.
§ 44.251   Mark.
§ 44.252   Label or notice.
§ 44.253   Tax classification for cigars.
§ 44.254   Shipping containers.

Consignment of Shipment

§ 44.255   Consignment of cigars.

Notice of Removal of Shipment

§ 44.256   Preparation.
§ 44.257   Disposition.
§ 44.258   To officers of the armed forces for subsequent exportation.
§ 44.259   To noncontiguous foreign countries and possessions of the United States.
§ 44.260   To a Federal department or agency.
§ 44.261   To contiguous foreign countries.
§ 44.262   To Government vessels and aircraft for consumption as supplies.
§ 44.263   To commercial vessels and aircraft for consumption as supplies.
§ 44.264   To export warehouses.
§ 44.264a   To a foreign-trade zone.
§ 44.265   For export by parcel post.

Return of Shipment

§ 44.266   Return of cigars from export warehouses.
§ 44.267   Return of cigars from other sources.

Authority:   26 U.S.C. 448, 5701, 5703–5705, 5711–5713, 5721–5723, 5731–5734, 5741, 5751, 5754, 6061, 6065, 6151, 6402, 6404, 6806, 7011, 7212, 7342, 7606, 7805; 31 U.S.C. 9301, 9303, 9304, 9306.

Effective Date Note:   By T.D. TTB–79, at 74 FR 37419, July 28, 2009, the authority citation to part 44 was revised, effective July 28, 2009 through July 30, 2012.

Source:   Redesignated by T.D. ATF–464, 66 FR 43480, Aug. 20, 2001.

Editorial Note:   Nomenclature changes to part 44 appear by T.D. ATF–464, 66 FR 43480, Aug. 20, 2001, and T.D. ATF–480, 67 FR 30801–30803, May 8, 2002.

Subpart A—Scope of Regulations
§ 44.1   Exportation of tobacco products, and cigarette papers and tubes, without payment of tax, or with drawback of tax.

This part contains the regulations relating to the exportation (including supplies for vessels and aircraft) of tobacco products and cigarette papers and tubes, without payment of tax; the qualification of, and operations by, export warehouse proprietors; and the allowance of drawback of tax paid on tobacco products, and cigarette papers and tubes exported.

[T.D. 6871, 31 FR 48, Jan. 4, 1966. Redesignated at 40 FR 16835, Apr. 15, 1975, and amended by T.D. ATF–232, 51 FR 28087, Aug. 5, 1986; T.D. ATF–243, 51 FR 43194, Dec. 1, 1986]

§ 44.2   Forms prescribed.

(a) The appropriate appropriate TTB officer is authorized to prescribe all forms required by this part. All of the information called for in each form shall be furnished as indicated by the headings on the form and the instructions on or pertaining to the form. In addition, information called for in each form shall be furnished as required by this part. The form will be filed in accordance with the instructions for the form.

(b) Forms prescribed by this part are available for printing through the TTB Web site ( ) or by mailing a request to the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau, National Revenue Center, 550 Main Street, Room 1516, Cincinnati, OH 45202.

(5 U.S.C. 552(a) (80 Stat. 383, as amended))

[T.D. ATF–92, 46 FR 46922, Sept. 23, 1981, as amended by T.D. ATF–232, 51 FR 28087, Aug. 5, 1986; T.D. ATF–243, 51 FR 43194, Dec. 1, 1986; T.D. ATF–372, 61 FR 20725, May 8, 1996; T.D. ATF–480, 67 FR 30801, May 8, 2002; T.D. TTB–44, 71 FR 16952, Apr. 4, 2006]

§ 44.3   Delegations of the Administrator.

Most of the regulatory authorities of the Administrator contained in this part are delegated to appropriate TTB officers. These TTB officers are specified in TTB Order 1135.44, Delegation of the Administrator's Authorities in 27 CFR Part 44, Exportation of Tobacco Products and Cigarette Papers and Tubes, Without Payment of Tax, or With Drawback of Tax. You may obtain a copy of this order by accessing the TTB Web site ( ) or by mailing a request to the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau, National Revenue Center, 550 Main Street, Room 1516, Cincinnati, OH 45202.

[T.D. TTB–44, 71 FR 16952, Apr. 4, 2006]

Subpart B—Definitions
§ 44.11   Meaning of terms.

When used in this part and in forms prescribed under this part, the following terms shall have the meanings given in this section, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise. Words in the plural form shall include the singular, and vice versa, and words indicating the masculine gender shall include the feminine. The terms “includes” and “including” do not exclude things not listed which are in the same general class.

Administrator. The Administrator, Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau, Department of the Treasury, Washington, DC.

Appropriate TTB officer. An officer or employee of the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB) authorized to perform any functions relating to the administration or enforcement of this part by TTB Order 1135.44, Delegation of the Administrator's Authorities in 27 CFR Part 44, Exportation of Tobacco Products and Cigarette Papers and Tubes, Without Payment of Tax, or With Drawback of Tax.

Chewing tobacco. Any leaf tobacco that is not intended to be smoked.

Cigar. Any roll of tobacco wrapped in leaf tobacco or in any substance containing tobacco (other than any roll of tobacco which is a cigarette within the definition of “cigarette” given in this section).

Cigarette. (a) Any roll of tobacco wrapped in paper or in any substance not containing tobacco, and

(b) Any roll of tobacco wrapped in any substance containing tobacco which, because of its appearance, the type of tobacco used in the filler, or its packaging and labeling, is likely to be offered to, or purchased by, consumers as a cigarette described in paragraph (a) of this definition.

Cigarette paper. Paper, or other material except tobacco, prepared for use as a cigarette wrapper.

Cigarette tube. Cigarette paper made into a hollow cylinder for use in making cigarettes.

Customs warehouse. A customs bonded manufacturing warehouse, class 6, where cigars are manufactured of imported tobacco.

District director of customs. The district director of customs at a headquarters port of the district (except the district of New York, N.Y.); the area directors of customs in the district of New York, N.Y.; and the port director at a port not designated as a headquarters port.

Exportation or export. A severance of tobacco products or cigarette papers or tubes from the mass of things belonging to the United States with the intention of uniting them to the mass of things belonging to some foreign country. For the purposes of this part, shipment from the United States to Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, or a possession of the United States, shall be deemed exportation, as will the clearance from the United States of tobacco products and cigarette papers and tubes for consumption beyond the jurisdiction of the internal revenue laws of the United States, i.e., beyond the 3-mile limit or international boundary, as the case may be.

Export warehouse. A bonded internal revenue warehouse for the storage of tobacco products or cigarette papers or tubes or any processed tobacco, upon which the internal revenue tax has not been paid, for subsequent shipment to a foreign country, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, or a possession of the United States, or for consumption beyond the jurisdiction of the internal revenue laws of the United States.

Export warehouse proprietor. Any person who operates an export warehouse.

Factory. The premises of a manufacturer of tobacco products or cigarette papers and tubes in which he carries on such business.

Foreign-trade zone. A foreign-trade zone established and operated pursuant to the Act of June 18, 1934, as amended.

In bond. The status of tobacco products and cigarette papers and tubes, which come within the coverage of a bond securing the payment of internal revenue taxes imposed by 26 U.S.C. 5701 or 7652, and in respect to which such taxes have not been determined as provided by regulations in this chapter, including (a) such articles in a factory or an export warehouse, (b) such articles removed, transferred, or released, pursuant to 26 U.S.C. 5704, and with respect to which relief from the tax liability has not occurred, and (c) such articles on which the tax has been determined, or with respect to which relief from the tax liability has occurred, which have been returned to the coverage of a bond.

Manufacturer of cigarette papers and tubes. Any person who manufactures cigarette paper, or makes up cigarette paper into tubes, except for his own personal use or consumption.

Manufacturer of tobacco products. Any person who manufactures cigars, cigarettes, smokeless tobacco, pipe tobacco, or roll-your-own tobacco but does not include:

(1) A person who produces tobacco products solely for that person's own consumption or use; or

(2) A proprietor of a Customs bonded manufacturing warehouse with respect to the operation of such warehouse.

Package. The immediate container in which tobacco products, processed tobacco, or cigarette papers or tubes are put up by the manufacturer and offered for sale or delivery to the ultimate consumer. For purposes of this definition, a container of processed tobacco, the contents of which weigh 10 pounds or less (including any added non-tobacco ingredients or constituents), that is removed within the meaning of this part, is deemed to be a package offered for sale or delivery to the ultimate consumer.

Person. An individual, partnership, association, company, corporation, estate, or trust.

Pipe tobacco. Any tobacco which, because of its appearance, type, packaging, or labeling, is suitable for use and likely to be offered to, or purchased by, consumers as tobacco to be smoked in a pipe.

Processed tobacco. Processed tobacco is any tobacco that has undergone processing, but does not include tobacco products. For purposes of this definition, the processing of tobacco does not include the farming or growing of tobacco or the handling of tobacco solely for sale, shipment, or delivery to a manufacturer of tobacco products or processed tobacco, nor does the processing of tobacco include curing, baling, or packaging activities. For purposes of this definition, the processing of tobacco includes, but is not limited to, stemming (that is, removing the stem from the tobacco leaf), fermenting, threshing, cutting, or flavoring the tobacco, or otherwise combining the tobacco with non-tobacco ingredients.

Removal or remove. The removal of tobacco products or cigarette papers or tubes from either the factory or the export warehouse covered by the bond of the manufacturer or proprietor.

Roll-your-own tobacco. Any tobacco which, because of its appearance, type, packaging, or labeling, is suitable for use and likely to be offered to, or purchased by, consumers as tobacco for making cigarettes or cigars, or for use as wrappers thereof.

Sale price. The price for which large cigars are sold by the manufacturer, determined in accordance with §§40.22 or 41.39.

State. “State” shall, for the purposes of this part, be construed to include the District of Columbia.

Smokeless tobacco. Any snuff or chewing tobacco.

Snuff. Any finely cut, ground, or powdered tobacco that is not intended to be smoked.

Special tax. The special (occupational) tax on manufacturers of tobacco products, manufacturers of cigarette papers and tubes, and export warehouse proprietors, imposed by 26 U.S.C. 5731.

Tobacco products. Cigars, cigarettes, smokeless tobacco, pipe tobacco, and roll-your-own tobacco.

United States. “United States” when used in a geographical sense shall include only the States and the District of Columbia.

U.S.C. The United States Code.

Zone operator. The person to whom the privilege of establishing, operating, and maintaining a foreign-trade zone has been granted by the Foreign-Trade Zones Board created by the Act of June 18, 1934, as amended.

Zone restricted status. Tobacco products, cigarette papers and cigarette tubes which have been taken into a foreign trade zone from the United States Customs territory for the sole purpose of exportation or storage until exported.

[T.D. ATF–48, 43 FR 13556, Mar. 31, 1978]

Editorial Note:   ForFederal Registercitations affecting §44.11, see the List of CFR Sections Affected, which appears in the Finding Aids section of the printed volume and on GPO Access.

Effective Date Notes:   1. By T.D. TTB–78, at 74 FR 29419, June 22, 2009, §44.11 was amended as follows, effective June 22, 2009 through June 22, 2012.

a. The definition of “Export warehouse” is amended by removing the words “tobacco products and cigarette papers and tubes” and adding, in their place, the words “tobacco products or cigarette papers or tubes or any processed tobacco”;

b. The definition of “package” is revised;

c. A new definition of “Processed tobacco” is added in appropriate alphabetical order; and

d. The definition of “Roll-your-own tobacco” is amended by adding at the end before the period the words “or cigars, or for use as wrappers thereof.”

2. By T.D. TTB–79, 74 FR 37419, July 28, 2009, §44.11 was amended by adding a definition of “special tax”, effective July 28, 2009 through July 30, 2012.

Subpart Ba—Special (Occupational) Taxes

Source:   T.D. ATF–271, 53 FR 17563, May 17, 1988, unless otherwise noted.

§ 44.31   Liability for special tax.

(a) Export warehouse proprietor. Every export warehouse proprietor shall pay a special (occupational) tax at a rate specified by §44.32. The tax shall be paid on or before the date of commencing the business of an export warehouseman, and thereafter every year on or before July 1. On commencing business, the tax shall be computed from the first day of the month in which liability is incurred, through the following June 30. Thereafter, the tax shall be computed for the entire year (July 1 through June 30).

(b) [Reserved]

(c) Each place of business taxable. An export warehouse proprietor under this part incurs special tax liability at each place of business in which an occupation subject to special tax is conducted. A place of business means the entire office, plant or area of the business in any one location under the same proprietorship. Passageways, streets, highways, rail crossings, waterways, or partitions dividing the premises are not sufficient separation to require additional special tax, if the divisions of the premises are otherwise contiguous.

(d) Payment of tax. Special tax must be paid by return. The prescribed return is TTB Form 5630.5t, Special Tax Registration and Return—Tobacco. Special tax returns, with payment of tax, must be filed with TTB in accordance with the instructions on the form and the requirements of subpart D of part 46 of this chapter.

(26 U.S.C. 5731, 5733)

Effective Date Note:   By T.D. TTB–79, 74 FR 37419, July 28, 2009, §44.31 was amended by removing and reserving paragraph (b) and adding a new paragraph (d), effective July 28, 2009 through July 30, 2012.

§ 44.32   Rate of special tax.

(a) General. Title 26 U.S.C. 5731(a)(3) imposes a special tax of $1,000 per year on every export warehouse proprietor.

(b) Reduced rate for small proprietors. Title 26 U.S.C. 5731(b) provides for a reduced rate of $500 per year with respect to any export warehouse proprietor whose gross receipts (for the most recent taxable year ending before the first day of the taxable period to which the special tax imposed by §44.31 relates) are less than $500,000. The “taxable year” to be used for determining gross receipts is the taxpayer's income tax year. All gross receipts of the taxpayer shall be included, not just the gross receipts of the business subject to special tax. Proprietors of new businesses that have not yet begun a taxable year, as well as proprietors of existing businesses that have not yet ended a taxable year, who commence a new activity subject to special tax, qualify for the reduced special (occupational) tax rate, unless the business is a member of a “controlled group”; in that case, the rules of paragraph (c) of this section shall apply.

(c) Controlled group. All persons treated as one taxpayer under 26 U.S.C. 5061(e)(3) shall be treated as one taxpayer for the purpose of determining gross receipts under paragraph (b) of this section. “Controlled group” means a controlled group of corporations, as defined in 26 U.S.C. 1563 and implementing regulations in 26 CFR 1.1563–1 through 1.1563–4, except that the words “at least 80 percent” shall be replaced by the words “more than 50 percent” in each place they appear in subsection (a) of 26 U.S.C. 1563, as well as in the implementing regulations. Also, the rules for a “controlled group of corporations” apply in a similar fashion to groups which include partnerships and/or sole proprietorships. If one entity maintains more than 50% control over a group consisting of corporations and one, or more, partnerships and/or sole proprietorships, all of the members of the controlled group are one taxpayer for the purpose of this section.

(d) Short taxable year. Gross receipts for any taxable year of less than 12 months shall be annualized by multiplying the gross receipts for the short period by 12 and dividing the result by the number of months in the short period as required by 26 U.S.C. 448(c)(3).

(e) Returns and allowances. Gross receipts for any taxable year shall be reduced by returns and allowances made during such year under 26 U.S.C. 448(c)(3).

(26 U.S.C. 448, 5061, 5731)

§ 44.33   Cross reference.

For additional rules pertaining to liability for special (occupational) tax, filing special tax returns, issuance and examination of special tax stamps, and notification of changes to special tax stamps, see subpart D of part 46 of this chapter.

Effective Date Note:   By T.D. TTB–79, 74 FR 37419, July 28, 2009, §44.33 was revised, effective July 28, 2009 through July 30, 2012.

§§ 44.34-44.36   [Reserved]
Subpart C—General
§ 44.61   Removals, withdrawals, and shipments authorized.

(a) Tobacco products, and cigarette papers and tubes may be removed from a factory or an export warehouse, and cigars may be withdrawn from a customs warehouse, without payment of tax, for direct exportation or for delivery for subsequent exportation, in accordance with the provisions of this part.

(b) Tobacco products and cigarette papers and tubes are not eligible for removal or transfer in bond under this part unless they bear the marks, labels or notices required by this part.

(72 Stat. 1418, as amended; 26 U.S.C. 5704)

[T.D. ATF–421, 64 FR 71925, Dec. 22, 1999]

§ 44.61a   Deliveries to foreign-trade zones—export status.

Tobacco products, and cigarette papers and tubes may be removed from a factory or an export warehouse and cigars may be withdrawn from a customs warehouse, without payment of tax, for delivery to a foreign-trade zone for exportation or storage pending exportation in accordance with the provisions of this part. Such articles delivered to a foreign-trade zone under this part shall be considered exported for the purpose of the statutes and bonds under which removed and for the purposes of the internal revenue laws generally and the regulations thereunder. However, export status is not acquired until an application for admission of the articles into the zone with zone restricted status has been approved by the district director of customs pursuant to the appropriate provisions of 19 CFR chapter I and the required certificate of receipt of the articles in the zone has been made on Form 5200.14 as prescribed in this part.

(48 Stat. 999, as amended, 72 Stat. 1418, as amended; 19 U.S.C. 81c; 26 U.S.C. 5704)

[T.D. 6961, 33 FR 9491, June 28, 1968. Redesignated at 40 FR 16835, Apr. 15, 1975, and amended by T.D. ATF–232, 51 FR 28087, Aug. 5, 1986; T.D. ATF–243, 51 FR 43194, Dec. 1, 1986; T.D. ATF–421, 64 FR 71925, Dec. 22, 1999]

§ 44.62   Restrictions on deliveries of tobacco products, and cigarette papers and tubes to vessels and aircraft, as supplies.

Tobacco products, and cigarette papers and tubes may be removed from a factory or an export warehouse and cigars may be withdrawn from a customs warehouse, without payment of tax, for delivery to vessels and aircraft, as supplies, for consumption beyond the jurisdiction of the internal revenue laws of the United States, subject to the applicable provisions of this part. Deliveries may be made to vessels actually engaged in foreign, intercoastal, or noncontiguous territory trade (i.e., vessels operating on a regular schedule in trade or actually transporting passengers and/or cargo (a) between a port in the United States and a foreign port; (b) between the Atlantic and Pacific ports of the United States; or (c) between a port on the mainland of the United States and a port in Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, or a possession of the United States; between a port in Alaska and a port in Hawaii; or between a port in Alaska or Hawaii and a port in Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, or a possession of the United States); to vessels clearing through customs for a port beyond the jurisdiction of the internal revenue laws of the United States; to vessels of war or other governmental activity; or to vessels of the United States documented to engage in the fishing business (including the whaling business), and foreign fishing (including whaling) vessels of 5 net tons or over. Such deliveries to vessels shall be subject to lading under customs supervision as provided in §§44.207 and 44.263. As a condition to the lading of the tobacco products, and cigarette papers and tubes, the customs authorities at the port of lading may, if they deem it necessary in order to protect the revenue, require assurances, satisfactory to them, from the master of the receiving vessel that the quantities to be laden are reasonable, considering the number of persons to be carried, the vessel's itinerary, the duration of its intended voyage, etc., and that such articles are to be used exclusively as supplies on the voyage. For this purpose, the customs authorities may require the master of the receiving vessel to submit for customs approval, prior to lading, customs documentation for permission to lade the articles. Where the customs authorities allow only a portion of a shipment to be laden, the remainder of the shipment shall be returned to the bonded premises of the manufacturer, export warehouse proprietor, or customs warehouse proprietor making the shipment, or otherwise disposed of as approved by the appropriate TTB officer. Deliveries may be made to aircraft clearing through customs en route to a place or places beyond the jurisdiction of the internal revenue laws of the United States, and to aircraft operating on a regular schedule between U.S. customs areas as defined in the Air Commerce Regulations (19 CFR part 122). Deliveries may not be made to a vessel or aircraft stationed in the United States for an indefinite period and where its schedule does not include operations outside such jurisdiction.

(72 Stat. 1418, as amended; 26 U.S.C. 5704)

[T.D. 6871, 31 FR 48, Jan. 4, 1966. Redesignated at 40 FR 16835, Apr. 15, 1975, and amended by T.D. ATF–232, 51 FR 28088, Aug. 5, 1986; T.D. ATF–243, 51 FR 43194, Dec. 1, 1986; T.D. ATF–421, 64 FR 71925, Dec. 22, 1999; T.D. ATF–480, 67 FR 30801, May 8, 2002]

§ 44.63   Restrictions on disposal of tobacco products, and cigarette papers and tubes on vessels and aircraft.

Tobacco products, and cigarette papers and tubes delivered to a vessel or aircraft, without payment of tax, pursuant to §44.62, shall not be sold, offered for sale, or otherwise disposed of until the vessel or aircraft is outside the jurisdiction of the internal revenue laws of the United States, i.e., outside the 3-mile limit or international boundary, as the case may be, of the United States. Where the vessel or aircraft returns within the jurisdiction of the internal revenue laws with such articles on board, the articles shall be subject to treatment under the tariff laws of the United States.

(72 Stat. 1418, as amended; 26 U.S.C. 5704; 19 U.S.C. 1317)

[T.D. 6871, 31 FR 49, Jan. 4, 1966. Redesignated at 40 FR 16835, Apr. 15, 1975, and amended by T.D. ATF–232, 51 FR 28088, Aug. 5, 1986; T.D. ATF–243, 51 FR 43194, Dec. 1, 1986]

§ 44.64   Responsibility for delivery or exportation of tobacco products, and cigarette papers and tubes.

Responsibility for compliance with the provisions of this part with respect to the removal under bond of tobacco products, and cigarette papers and tubes, without payment of tax, for export, and for the proper delivery or exportation of such articles, and with respect to the exportation of tobacco products, and cigarette papers and tubes with benefit of drawback of tax, shall rest upon the manufacturer of such articles or the proprietor of an export warehouse or customs warehouse from whose premises such articles are removed for export, and upon the exporter who exports tobacco products, and cigarette papers and tubes with benefit of drawback of tax.

(72 Stat. 1418, as amended; 26 U.S.C. 5704)

[T.D. 6871, 31 FR 49, Jan. 4, 1966. Redesignated at 40 FR 16835, Apr. 15, 1975, and amended by T.D. ATF–232, 51 FR 28088, Aug. 5, 1986; T.D. ATF–243, 51 FR 43194, Dec. 1, 1986]

§ 44.65   Liability for tax on tobacco products, and cigarette papers and tubes.

The manufacturer of tobacco products and cigarette papers and tubes shall be liable for the taxes imposed thereon by 26 U.S.C. 5701: Provided, That when tobacco products, and cigarette papers and tubes are transferred, without payment of tax, pursuant to 26 U.S.C. 5704, between the bonded premises of manufacturers and/or export warehouse proprietors, the transferee shall become liable for the tax upon receipt by him of such articles. Any person who possesses tobacco products, or cigarette papers or tubes in violation of 26 U.S.C. 5751(a)(1) or (2), shall be liable for a tax equal to the tax on such articles.

(72 Stat. 1417, 1424; 26 U.S.C. 5703, 5751)

[T.D. 6871, 31 FR 49, Jan. 4, 1966. Redesignated at 40 FR 16835, Apr. 15, 1975, and amended by T.D. ATF–48, 44 FR 55856, Sept. 28, 1979; T.D. ATF–232, 51 FR 28088, Aug. 5, 1986; T.D. ATF–243, 51 FR 43194, Dec. 1, 1986]

§ 44.66   Relief from liability for tax.

A manufacturer of tobacco products or cigarette papers and tubes or an export warehouse proprietor is relieved of the liability for tax on tobacco products, or cigarette papers or tubes upon providing evidence satisfactory to the appropriate TTB officer of exportation or proper delivery. The evidence must comply with this part. Such evidence shall be furnished within 90 days of the date of removal of the tobacco products, or cigarette papers or tubes: Provided, That this period may be extended for good cause shown.

(72 Stat. 1417; 26 U.S.C. 5703)

[T.D. 6871, 31 FR 49, Jan. 4, 1966. Redesignated at 40 FR 16835, Apr. 15, 1975; T.D. ATF–232, 51 FR 28088, Aug. 5, 1986; T.D. ATF–243, 51 FR 43194, Dec. 1, 1986; T.D. ATF–480, 67 FR 30801, May 8, 2002]

§ 44.67   Payment of tax.

(a) General. The taxes on tobacco products, and cigarette papers and tubes with respect to which the evidence described in §44.66 is not timely furnished shall become immediately due and payable. The taxes shall be paid to TTB, with sufficient information to identify the taxpayer, the nature and purpose of the payment, and the articles covered by the payment. (TTB Form 5000.24 may be used for this purpose.)

(b) Large cigars. The amount of tax liability on large cigars shall be based on the maximum tax rate prescribed in §40.21 of this part, unless the person liable for the tax establishes that a lower tax rate is applicable.

(All recordkeeping requirements have been approved under OMB Control No. 1512–0180)

[T.D. ATF–80, 46 FR 18311, Mar. 24, 1981, as amended by T.D. ATF–232, 51 FR 28088, Aug. 5, 1986; T.D. ATF–243, 51 FR 43194, Dec. 1, 1986; T.D. ATF–251, 52 FR 19341, May 22, 1987; T.D. ATF–307, 55 FR 52745, Dec. 21, 1990; T.D. ATF–460, 66 FR 39093, July 27, 2001]

§ 44.68   [Reserved]
§ 44.69   Assessment.

Whenever any person required by law to pay tax on tobacco products, and cigarette papers and tubes fails to pay such tax, the tax shall be ascertained and assessed against such person, subject to the limitations prescribed in 26 U.S.C. 6501. The tax so assessed shall be in addition to the penalties imposed by law for failure to pay such tax when required. Except in cases where delay may jeopardize collection of the tax, or where the amount is nominal or the result of an evident mathematical error, no such assessment shall be made until and after notice has been afforded such person to show cause against assessment. The person will be allowed 45 days from the date of such notice to show cause, in writing, against such assessment.

(72 Stat. 1417; 26 U.S.C. 5703)

[T.D. 6871, 31 FR 49, Jan. 4, 1966. Redesignated at 40 FR 16835, Apr. 15, 1975, and amended by T.D. ATF–48, 44 FR 55856, Sept. 28, 1979; T.D. ATF–232, 51 FR 28088, Aug. 5, 1986; T.D. ATF–243, 51 FR 43194, Dec. 1, 1986]

§ 44.70   Authority of appropriate TTB officers to enter premises.

Any appropriate TTB officer may enter in the daytime any premises where tobacco products, or cigarette papers or tubes are produced or kept, so far as it may be necessary for the purpose of examining such articles. When such premises are open at night, any appropriate TTB officer may enter them, while so open, in the performance of his official duties. The owner of such premises, or person having the superintendence of the same, who refuses to admit any appropriate TTB officer or permit him to examine such articles shall be liable to the penalties prescribed by law for the offense.

(68A Stat. 872, 903; 26 U.S.C. 7342, 7606)

[T.D. 6871, 31 FR 49, Jan. 4, 1966. Redesignated at 40 FR 16835, Apr. 15, 1975, and amended by T.D. ATF–232, 51 FR 28088, Aug. 5, 1986; T.D. ATF–243, 51 FR 43194, Dec. 1, 1986]

§ 44.71   Interference with administration.

Whoever, corruptly or by force or threats of force, endeavors to hinder or obstruct the administration of this part, or endeavors to intimidate or impede any appropriate TTB officer acting in his official capacity, or forcibly rescues or attempts to rescue or causes to be rescued any property, after it has been duly seized for forfeiture to the United States in connection with a violation of the internal revenue laws, shall be liable to the penalties prescribed by law.

(68A Stat. 855; 26 U.S.C. 7212)

[25 FR 4716, May 28, 1960. Redesignated at 40 FR 16835, Apr. 15, 1975]

Variations From Requirements
§ 44.72   Alternate methods or procedures.

A manufacturer of tobacco products, an export warehouse proprietor, or a customs warehouse proprietor, on specific approval by the appropriate TTB officer as provided in this section, may use an alternate method or procedure in lieu of a method or procedure specifically prescribed in this part. The appropriate TTB officer may approve an alternate method or procedure, subject to stated conditions, when he finds that—

(a) Good cause has been shown for the use of the alternate method or procedure.

(b) The alternate method or procedure is within the purpose of, and consistent with the effect intended by, the specifically prescribed method or procedure, and affords equivalent security to the revenue, and

(c) The alternate method or procedure will not be contrary to any provision of law, and will not result in an increase in cost to the Government or hinder the effective administration of this part. No alternate method or procedure relating to the giving of any bond or to the assessment, payment, or collection of tax, shall be authorized under this section. Where a manufacturer or proprietor desires to employ an alternate method or procedure, he shall submit a written application to the appropriate TTB officer. The application shall specifically describe the proposed alternate method or procedure, and shall set forth the reasons therefor. Alternate methods or procedures shall not be employed until the application has been approved by the appropriate TTB officer. The manufacturer or proprietor shall, during the period of authorization of an alternate method or procedure, comply with the terms of the approved application. Authorization for any alternate method or procedure may be withdrawn whenever in the judgment of the appropriate TTB officer the revenue is jeopardized or the effective administration of this part is hindered. The manufacturer or proprietor shall retain, as part of his records, any authorization of the appropriate TTB officer under this section.

[T.D. 6871, 31 FR 49, Jan. 4, 1966. Redesignated at 40 FR 16835, Apr. 15, 1975; T.D. ATF–480, 67 FR 30801, May 8, 2002]

§ 44.73   Emergency variations from requirements.

The appropriate TTB officer may approve methods of operation other than as specified in this part, where he finds that an emergency exists and the proposed variations from the specified requirements are necessary, and the proposed variations—

(a) Will afford the security and protection to the revenue intended by the prescribed specifications,

(b) Will not hinder the effective administration of this part, and

(c) Will not be contrary to any provision of law. Variations from requirements granted under this section are conditioned on compliance with the procedures, conditions, and limitations set forth in the approval of the application. Failure to comply in good faith with such procedures, conditions, and limitations shall automatically terminate the authority for such variations and the manufacturer, export warehouse proprietor, or customs warehouse proprietor, thereupon shall fully comply with the prescribed requirements of regulations from which the variations were authorized. Authority for any variations may be withdrawn whenever in the judgment of the appropriate TTB officer the revenue is jeopardized or the effective administration of this part is hindered by the continuation of such variation. Where a manufacturer or proprietor desires to employ such variation, he shall submit a written application to the appropriate TTB officer. The application shall describe the proposed variations and set forth the reasons therefor. Variations shall not be employed until the application has been approved. The manufacturer or proprietor shall retain, as part of his records, any authorization of the appropriate TTB officer under this section.

[T.D. 6871, 31 FR 50, Jan. 4, 1966. Redesignated at 40 FR 16835, Apr. 15, 1975; T.D. ATF–480, 67 FR 30801, May 8, 2002]

Subpart D—Qualification Requirements for Export Warehouse Proprietors

Source:   25 FR 4716, May 28, 1960, unless otherwise noted. Redesignated at 40 FR 16835, Apr. 15, 1975.

§ 44.81   Persons required to qualify.

Every person who intends to engage in business as an export warehouse proprietor, as defined in this part, shall qualify as such in accordance with the provisions of this part.

(72 Stat. 1421; 26 U.S.C. 5711, 5712, 5713)

§ 44.82   Application for permit.

Every person, before commencing business as an export warehouse proprietor, must apply on TTB Form 2093 (5200.3) and obtain the permit provided for in §44.93. All documents required under this part to be furnished with such application shall be made a part thereof.

(72 Stat. 1421; 26 U.S.C. 5712)

[25 FR 4716, May 28, 1960. Redesignated at 40 FR 16835, Apr. 15, 1975, as amended by T.D. ATF–480, 67 FR 30801, May 8, 2002]

§ 44.83   Corporate documents.

Every corporation, before commencing business as an export warehouse proprietor, shall furnish with its application for permit required by §44.82, a true copy of the corporate charter or a certificate of corporate existence or incorporation, executed by the appropriate officer of the State in which incorporated. The corporation shall also furnish, in duplicate, evidence which will establish the authority of the officer or other person who executes the application for permit to execute the same; the authority of persons to sign other documents, required by this part, for the corporation; and the identity of the officers and directors, and each person who holds more than ten percent of the stock of such corporation. Where a corporation has previously filed such documents or evidence with the appropriate TTB officer, a written statement by the corporation, in duplicate, to that effect will be sufficient for the purpose of this section.

(72 Stat. 1421; 26 U.S.C. 5712)

§ 44.84   Articles of partnership or association.

Every partnership or association, before commencing business as an export warehouse proprietor, shall furnish with its application for permit, required by §44.82 a true copy of the articles of partnership or association, if any, or certificate of partnership or association where required to be filed by any State, county, or municipality. Where a partnership or association has previously filed such documents with the appropriate TTB officer, a written statement by the partnership or association, in duplicate, to that effect will be sufficient for the purpose of this section.

(72 Stat. 1421; 26 U.S.C. 5712)

§ 44.85   Trade name certificate.

Every person, before commencing business under a trade name as an export warehouse proprietor, shall furnish with his application for permit, required by §44.82, a true copy of the certificate or other document, if any, issued by a State, county, or municipal authority in connection with the transaction of business under such trade name. If no such certificate or other document is so required a written statement, in duplicate, to that effect by such person will be sufficient for the purpose of this section.

(72 Stat. 1421; 26 U.S.C. 5712)

[T.D. 6961, 33 FR 9491, June 28, 1968. Redesignated at 40 FR 16835, Apr. 15, 1975]

§ 44.86   Bond.

Every person, before commencing business as an export warehouse proprietor, shall file, in connection with his application for permit, a bond, Form 2103 (5220.5), in accordance with the applicable provisions of §44.88 and subpart F, conditioned upon compliance with the provisions of chapter 52, I.R.C., and regulations thereunder, including, but not limited to, the timely payment of taxes imposed by such chapter and penalties and interest in connection therewith for which he may become liable to the United States.

(72 Stat. 1421; 26 U.S.C. 5711)

[25 FR 4716, May 28, 1960. Redesignated at 40 FR 16835, Apr. 15, 1975, as amended by T.D. ATF–480, 67 FR 30801, May 8, 2002]

§ 44.87   Power of attorney.

If the application for permit or other qualifying documents are signed by an attorney in fact for an individual, partnership, association, company, or corporation, or by one of the partners for a partnership, or by an officer of an association or company, or, in the case of a corporation, by an officer or other person not authorized to sign by the corporate documents described in §44.83, power of attorney conferring authority upon the person signing the documents shall be manifested on Form 5000.8 in accordance with its instructions.

[25 FR 4716, May 28, 1960. Redesignated at 40 FR 16835, Apr. 15, 1975, as amended by T.D. ATF–480, 67 FR 30802, May 8, 2002]

§ 44.88   Description and diagram of premises.

The premises to be used by an export warehouse proprietor as his warehouse shall be described, in the application for permit required by §44.82, and bond required by §44.86, by number, street, and city, town, or village, and State. Such premises may consist of more than one building, which need not be contiguous: Provided, That such premises are located in the same city, town, or village and each located is described in the application for permit and the bond by number and street. Where such premises consist of less than an entire building, a diagram, in duplicate, shall also be furnished showing the particular floor or floors, or room or rooms, comprising the warehouse.

(72 Stat. 1421; 26 U.S.C. 5712)

§ 44.89   Separation of premises.

Where the export warehouse premises consist of less than an entire building, the premises shall be completely separated from adjoining portions of the building, which separation shall be constructed of materials generally used in the construction of buildings and may include any necessary doors or other openings.

(72 Stat. 1421; 26 U.S.C. 5712)

§ 44.90   [Reserved]
§ 44.91   Additional information.

The appropriate TTB officer may require such additional information as may be deemed necessary to determine whether the applicant is entitled to a permit. The applicant shall, when required by the appropriate TTB officer, furnish as a part of his application for permit such additional information as may be necessary for the appropriate TTB officer to determine whether the applicant is entitled to a permit.

§ 44.92   Investigation of applicant.

(a) Investigation . The appropriate TTB officer shall promptly cause such inquiry or investigation to be made, as may be necessary, to verify the information furnished in connection with an application for permit and to ascertain whether the applicant is eligible for a permit. Any of the following conditions may be grounds for denial of a permit:

(1) The premises on which it is proposed to conduct the business are not adequate to protect the revenue; or

(2) The applicant (including, in the case of a corporation, any officer, director, or principal stockholder and, in the case of a partnership, a partner)—

(A) Is, by reason of his business experience, financial standing, or trade connections or by reason of previous or current legal proceedings involving a felony violation of any other provision of Federal criminal law relating to tobacco products, processed tobacco, cigarette paper, or cigarette tubes, not likely to maintain operations in compliance with this chapter;

(B) Has been convicted of a felony violation of any provision of Federal or State criminal law relating to tobacco products, processed tobacco, cigarette paper, or cigarette tubes; or

(C) Has failed to disclose any material information required or made any material false statement in the application therefor.

(b) TTB action . An appropriate TTB officer who has reason to believe that the applicant is not entitled to a permit shall promptly give the applicant notice of the contemplated disapproval of his application and opportunity for hearing thereon in accordance with part 71 of this chapter, which part (including the provisions relating to the recommended decision and to appeals) is made applicable to such proceedings. If, after such notice and opportunity for hearing, the appropriate TTB officer finds that the applicant is not entitled to a permit, he shall, by order stating the findings on which his decision is based, deny the permit.

(72 Stat. 1421; 26 U.S.C. 5712)

[T.D. TTB–75, 74 FR 14485, Mar. 31, 2009]

§ 44.93   Issuance of permit.

After the application for permit, bond, and supporting documents, as required under this part, has been approved, the appropriate TTB officer will issue a permit to the export warehouse proprietor. The proprietor must keep such permit at the export warehouse and make it available for inspection by an appropriate TTB officer.

[T.D. ATF–480, 67 FR 30802, May 8, 2002]

Subpart E—Changes Subsequent to Original Qualification of Export Warehouse Proprietors

Source:   25 FR 4717, May 28, 1960, unless otherwise noted. Redesignated at 40 FR 16835, Apr. 15, 1975.

Changes in Name
§ 44.101   Change in individual name.

Where there is a change in the name of an individual operating as an export warehouse proprietor he shall, within 30 days of such change, make application on Form 2098 (5200.16) for an amended permit.

(72 Stat. 1421; 26 U.S.C. 5712)

[T.D. 6961, 33 FR 9491, June 28, 1968. Redesignated at 40 FR 16835, Apr. 15, 1975]

§ 44.102   Change in trade name.

Where there is a change in, or an addition or discontinuance of, a trade name used by an export warehouse proprietor in connection with operations authorized by his permit, the proprietor shall, within 30 days of such change, addition, or discontinuance, make application on Form 2098 (5200.16) for an amended permit to reflect such change. The proprietor shall also furnish a true copy of any new trade name certificate or document issued to him, or statement in lieu thereof, required by §44.85.

(72 Stat. 1421; 26 U.S.C. 5712)

[T.D. 6961, 33 FR 9491, June 28, 1968. Redesignated at 40 FR 16835, Apr. 15, 1975]

§ 44.103   Change in corporate name.

Where there is a change in the name of a corporate export warehouse proprietor the proprietor shall, within 30 days of such change, make application on Form 2098 (5200.16) for an amended permit. The proprietor shall also furnish such documents as may be necessary to establish that the corporate name has been changed.

(72 Stat. 1421; 26 U.S.C. 5712)

[T.D. 6961, 33 FR 9491, June 28, 1968. Redesignated at 40 FR 16835, Apr. 15, 1975]

Changes in Ownership and Control
§ 44.104   Fiduciary successor.

If an administrator, executor, receiver, trustee, assignee, or other fiduciary, is to take over the business of an export warehouse proprietor, as a continuing operation, such fiduciary shall, before commencing operations, make application for permit and file bond as required by subpart D of this part, furnish certified copies, in duplicate, of the order of the court, or other pertinent documents, showing his appointment and qualification as such fiduciary, and make an opening inventory, in accordance with the provisions of §44.144; Provided, That where a diagram has been furnished by the predecessor, in accordance with the provisions of §44.88, the successor may adopt such diagram. However, where a fiduciary intends merely to liquidate the business, qualification as an export warehouse proprietor will not be required if he promptly files with the appropriate TTB officer a statement to that effect, together with an extension of coverage of the predecessor's bond, executed by the fiduciary, also by the surety on such bond, in accordance with the provisions of §44.126.

(72 Stat. 1421, 1422; 26 U.S.C. 5711, 5712, 5721)

§ 44.105   Transfer of ownership.

If a transfer is to be made in ownership of the business of an export warehouse proprietor (including a change in the identity of the members of a partnership or association), such proprietor shall give notice, in writing, to the appropriate TTB officer, naming the proposed successor and the desired effective date of such transfer. The proposed successor shall, before commencing operations, qualify as a proprietor, in accordance with the applicable provisions of subpart D of this part: Provided, That where a diagram has been furnished by the proprietor in accordance with the provisions of §44.88, the proposed successor may adopt such diagram. The proprietor shall give such notice of transfer, and the proposed successor shall make application for permit and file bond, as required, in ample time for examination and approval thereof before the desired date of such change. The predecessor shall make a closing inventory and closing report, in accordance with the provisions of §§44.146 and 44.151, respectively, and surrender, with such inventory and report, his permit, and the successor shall make an opening inventory, in accordance with the provisions of §44.144.

(72 Stat. 1421, 1422; 26 U.S.C. 5712, 5713, 5721, 5722)

§ 44.106   Change in officers or directors of a corporation.

Where there is any change in the officers or directors of a corporation operating the business of an export warehouse proprietor, the proprietor shall furnish to the appropriate TTB officer notice, in writing, of the election of the new officers or directors within 30 days after such election.

(72 Stat. 1421; 26 U.S.C. 5712)

§ 44.107   Change in stockholders of a corporation.

Where the issuance, sale, or transfer of the stock of a corporation, operating as an export warehouse proprietor, results in a change in the identity of the principal stockholders exercising actual or legal control of the operations of the corporation, the corporate proprietor shall, within 30 days after the change occurs, make application for a new permit; otherwise, the present permit shall be automatically terminated at the expiration of such 30-day period, and the proprietor shall dispose of all cigars, cigarettes, and cigarette papers and tubes on hand, in accordance with this part, make a closing inventory and closing report, in accordance with the provisions of §§44.146 and 44.151, respectively, and surrender his permit with such inventory and report. If the application for a new permit is timely made, the present permit shall continue in effect pending final action with respect to such application.

(72 Stat. 1421, 1422; 26 U.S.C. 5712, 5713, 5721, 5722)

[T.D. 6871, 31 FR 50, Jan. 4, 1966. Redesignated at 40 FR 16835, Apr. 15, 1975]

Changes in Location and Premises
§ 44.108   Change in location.

Whenever an export warehouse proprietor contemplates changing the location of his warehouse, the proprietor shall, before commencing operations at the new location, make an application, on Form 2098 (5200.16) for an amended permit. The application shall be supported by an extension of coverage of the bond filed under this part, in accordance with the provisions of §44.126.

(72 Stat. 1421; 26 U.S.C. 5711, 5712)

[25 FR 4717, May 28, 1960. Redesignated at 40 FR 16835, Apr. 15, 1975, as amended by T.D. ATF–480, 67 FR 30802, May 8, 2002]

§ 44.109   Change in address.

Whenever any change occurs in the address, but not the location, of the warehouse of an export warehouse proprietor, as a result of action of local authorities, the proprietor shall, within 30 days of such change, make application on Form 2098 (5200.16) for an amended permit.

(72 Stat. 1421; 26 U.S.C. 5712)

[T.D. 6961, 33 FR 9492, June 28, 1968. Redesignated at 40 FR 16835, Apr. 15, 1975]

§ 44.110   [Reserved]
§ 44.111   Change in export warehouse premises.

Where an export warehouse is to be changed to an extent which will make inaccurate the description of the warehouse as set forth in the last application by the proprietor for permit, or the diagram, if any, furnished with such application, the proprietor shall first make application on Form 2098 (5200.16) for, and obtain, an amended permit. Such application shall describe the proposed change in the warehouse and shall be accompanied by a new diagram if required under §44.88.

(72 Stat. 1421; 26 U.S.C. 5712)

[T.D. 6961 33 FR 9492, June 28, 1968. Redesignated at 40 FR 16835, Apr. 15, 1975]

§ 44.112   Emergency premises.

In cases of emergency, the appropriate TTB officer may authorize, for a stated period, the temporary use of a place for the temporary storage of tobacco products, and cigarette papers and tubes, without making the application or furnishing the extension of coverage of bond required under §§44.111 and 44.126, or the temporary separation of warehouse premises by means other than those specified in §44.89, where such action will not hinder the effective administration of this part, is not contrary to law, and will not jeopardize the revenue.

[T.D. 6871, 31 FR 50, Jan. 4, 1966. Redesignated at 40 FR 16835, Apr. 15, 1975, and amended by T.D. ATF–232, 51 FR 28088, Aug. 5, 1986; T.D. ATF–243, 51 FR 43194, Dec. 1, 1986]

Subpart F—Bonds and Extensions of Coverage of Bonds

Source:   25 FR 4718, May 28, 1960, unless otherwise noted. Redesignated at 40 FR 16835, Apr. 15, 1975.

§ 44.121   Corporate surety.

(a) Surety bonds required under the provisions of this part may be given only with corporate sureties holding certificates of authority from the Secretary of the Treasury as acceptable sureties on Federal bonds. Limitations concerning corporate sureties are prescribed by the Secretary in Treasury Department Circular No. 570, as revised (see paragraph (c) of this section). The surety shall have no interest whatever in the business covered by the bond.

(b) Each bond and each extension of coverage of bond shall at the time of filing be accompanied by a power of attorney authorizing the agent or officer who executed the bond to so act on behalf of the surety. The appropriate TTB officer who is authorized to approve the bond may, whenever he deems it necessary, require additional evidence of the authority of the agent or officer to execute the bond or extension of coverage of bond. The power of attorney shall be prepared on a form provided by the surety company and executed under the corporate seal of the company. If the power of attorney submitted is other than a manually signed document, it shall be accompanied by a certificate of its validity.

(c) Treasury Department Circular No. 570 (Companies Holding Certificates of Authority as Acceptable Sureties on Federal Bonds and as Acceptable Reinsuring Companies) is published in theFederal Registerannually as of the first workday in July. As they occur, interim revisions of the circular are published in theFederal Register.Copies may be obtained from the Audit Staff, Bureau of Government Financial Operations, Department of the Treasury, Washington, DC 20226.

(July 30, 1947, ch. 390, 61 Stat. 648, as amended (6 U.S.C. 6, 7); sec. 202, Pub. L. 85–859, 72 Stat. 1421, as amended (26 U.S.C. 5711))

[T.D. ATF–92, 46 FR 46923, Sept. 23, 1981]

§ 44.122   Deposits of bonds, notes, or obligations in lieu of corporate surety.

Bonds or notes of the United States, or other obligations which are unconditionally guaranteed as to both interest and principal by the United States, may be pledged and deposited by the export warehouse proprietor as security in connection with bond to cover his operations, in lieu of the corporate surety, in accordance with the provisions of Treasury Department Circular No. 154, revised (31 CFR part 225). Such bonds or notes which are nontransferable, or the pledging of which will not be recognized by the Treasury Department, are not acceptable as security in lieu of corporate surety.

(72 Stat. 1421, 61 Stat. 650; 26 U.S.C. 5711, 6 U.S.C. 15)

§ 44.123   Amount of bond.

The amount of the bond filed by the export warehouse proprietor, as required by §44.86, shall be not less than the estimated amount of tax which may at any time constitute a charge against the bond: Provided, That the amount of any such bond (or the total amount where original and strengthening bonds are filed) shall not exceed $200,000 nor be less than $1,000. The charge against such bond shall be subject to increase upon receipt of tobacco products, and cigarette papers and tubes into the export warehouse and to decrease as satisfactory evidence of exportation, or satisfactory evidence of such other disposition as may be used as the lawful basis for crediting such bond, is received by the appropriate TTB officer with respect to such articles transferred or removed. When the limit of liability under a bond given in less than the maximum amount has been reached, no additional shipments shall be received into the warehouse until a strengthening or superseding bond is filed, as required by §44.124 or §44.125.

(72 Stat. 1421, as amended; 26 U.S.C. 5711)

[T.D. 6871, 31 FR 50, Jan. 4, 1966. Redesignated at 40 FR 16835, Apr. 15, 1975, and amended by T.D. ATF–232, 51 FR 28088, Aug. 5, 1986; T.D. ATF–243, 51 FR 43194, Dec. 1, 1986]

§ 44.124   Strengthening bond.

Where the appropriate TTB officer determines that the amount of the bond, under which an export warehouse proprietor is currently carrying on business, no longer adequately protects the revenue, and such bond is in an amount of less than $200,000, the appropriate TTB officer may require the proprietor to file a strengthening bond in an appropriate amount with the same surety as that on the bond already in effect, in lieu of a superseding bond to cover the full liability on the basis of §44.123. The appropriate TTB officer shall refuse to approve any strengthening bond where any notation is made thereon which is intended or which may be construed as a release of any former bond, or as limiting the amount of either bond to less than its full amount.

(72 Stat. 1421; 26 U.S.C. 5711)

[25 FR 4718, May 28, 1960. Redesignated at 40 FR 16835, Apr. 15, 1975, as amended by T.D. ATF–480, 67 FR 30802, May 8, 2002.

§ 44.125   Superseding bond.

An export warehouse proprietor shall file a new bond to supersede his current bond, immediately when (a) the corporate surety on the current bond becomes insolvent, (b) the appropriate TTB officer approves a request from the surety on the current bond to terminate his liability under the bond, (c) payment of any liability under a bond is made by the surety thereon, or (d) the appropriate TTB officer considers such a superseding bond necessary for the protection of the revenue.

(72 Stat. 1421; 26 U.S.C. 5711)

§ 44.126   Extension of coverage of bond.

An extension of the coverage of any bond filed under this part shall be manifested on Form 2105 (5000.7) by the export warehouse proprietor and by the surety on the bond with the same formality and proof of authority as required for the execution of the bond.

(72 Stat. 1421; 26 U.S.C. 5711)

[25 FR 4718, May 28, 1960. Redesignated at 40 FR 16835, Apr. 15, 1975, as amended by T.D. ATF–480, 67 FR 30802, May 8, 2002.

§ 44.127   Approval of bond and extension of coverage of bond.

No person shall commence operations under any bond, nor extend his operations, until he receives from the appropriate TTB officer notice of his approval of the bond or of an appropriate extension of coverage of the bond required under this part.

(72 Stat. 1421; 26 U.S.C. 5711)

§ 44.128   Termination of liability of surety under bond.

The liability of a surety on any bond required by this part shall be terminated only as to operations on and after the effective date of a superseding bond, or the date of approval of the discontinuance of operations by the export warehouse proprietor, or otherwise in accordance with the termination provisions of the bond. The surety shall remain bound in respect of any liability for unpaid taxes, penalties, and interest, not in excess of the amount of the bond, incurred by the proprietor while the bond is in force.

(72 Stat. 1421; 26 U.S.C. 5711)

§ 44.129   Release of bonds, notes, and obligations.

(a) Bonds, notes, and other obligations of the United States, pledged and deposited as security in connection with bonds required by this part, shall be released only in accordance with the provisions of Treasury Department Circular No. 154 (31 CFR Part 225—Acceptance of Bonds, Notes or Other Obligations Issued or Guaranteed by the United States as Security in Lieu of Surety or Sureties on Penal Bonds). When the appropriate TTB officer is satisfied that it is no longer necessary to hold such security, he shall fix the date or dates on which a part or all of such security may be released. At any time prior to the release of such security, the appropriate TTB officer may, for proper cause, extend the date of release of such security for such additional length of time as in his judgment may be appropriate.

(b) Treasury Department Circular No. 154 is periodically revised and contains the provisions of 31 CFR part 225 and the forms prescribed in 31 CFR part 225. Copies of the circular may be obtained from the Audit Staff, Bureau of Government Financial Operations, Department of the Treasury, Washington, DC 20226.

(Sec. 202, Pub. L. 85–859, 72 Stat. 1421 (26 U.S.C. 5711); July 30, 1947, ch. 390, 61 Stat. 650 (6 U.S.C. 15))

[T.D. ATF–92, 46 FR 46923, Sept. 23, 1981; 46 FR 48644, Oct. 2, 1981]

Subpart G—Operations by Export Warehouse Proprietors

Source:   25 FR 4719, May 28, 1960, unless otherwise noted. Redesignated at 40 FR 16835, Apr. 15, 1975.

§ 44.141   Sign.

Every export warehouse proprietor shall place and keep, on the outside of the building in which his warehouse is located, or at the entrance of his warehouse, where it can be plainly seen, a sign, in plain and legible letters, exhibiting the name under which he operates and (a) the type of business (“Export Warehouse Proprietor”) or (b) the number of the permit issued to the export warehouse proprietor under this part.

§ 44.141a   Use of premises.

Export warehouse premises may only be used for the storage of tobacco products and cigarette papers and tubes, upon which the Internal Revenue tax has not been paid, for subsequent removal under this part, and for the storage of processed tobacco pending export.

Effective Date Note:   By T.D. TTB–78, at 74 FR 29419, June 22, 2009, §44.141a was added, effective June 22, 2009 through June 22, 2012.

§ 44.142   Records.

Every export warehouse proprietor must keep in such warehouse complete and concise records, containing the:

(a) Number of containers;

(b) Unit type ( e. g., cartons, cases);

(c) Kind of articles ( e. g., small cigarettes);

(d) Name of manufacturer and brand; and,

(e) Quantity of tobacco products, cigarette papers and tubes, and any processed tobacco received, removed, transferred, destroyed, lost or returned to manufacturers or to customs warehouse proprietors. In addition to such records, the export warehouse proprietor shall retain a copy of each Form 5200.14 received from a manufacturer, another export warehouse proprietor, or customs warehouse proprietor, from whom tobacco products and cigarette papers and tubes are received and a copy of each Form 5200.14 covering the tobacco products, and cigarette papers and tubes removed from the warehouse. The entries for each day in the records maintained or kept under this section shall be made by the close of the business day following that on which the transactions occur. No particular form of records is prescribed, but the information required shall be readily ascertainable. The records and copies of Form 5200.14 shall be retained for 3 years following the close of the calendar year in which the shipments were received or removed and shall be made available for inspection by any appropriate TTB officer upon request.

(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 1513–0070)

(72 Stat. 1423, as amended; 26 U.S.C. 5741)

[T.D. ATF–421, 64 FR 71925, Dec. 22, 1999]

Effective Date Note:   By T.D. TTB–78, at 74 FR 29419, June 22, 2009, §44.142 was amended in the first sentence of paragraph (e) by adding the words “, and any processed tobacco” after the words “cigarette papers and tubes”, and by revising the Office of Management and Budget control number reference, effective June 22, 2009 through June 22, 2012.

§ 44.143   General.

(a) Every export warehouse proprietor shall at the times specified in this subpart make a true and accurate inventory of products held on TTB Form 5220.3 (3373).

(b) This inventory shall be subject to verification by an appropriate TTB officer. A copy of each inventory shall be retained by the export warehouse proprietor for 3 years following the close of the calendar year in which the inventory is made and shall be made available for inspection by any appropriate TTB officer upon request.

[T.D. ATF–289, 54 FR 48841, Nov. 27, 1989, as amended by T.D. ATF–421, 64 FR 71925, Dec. 22, 1999; T.D. ATF–424, 64 FR 71933, Dec. 22, 1999; T.D. ATF–480, 67 FR 30802, May 8, 2002]

§ 44.144   Opening.

An opening inventory shall be made by the export warehouse proprietor at the time of commencing business. The date of commencing business under this part shall be the effective date indicated on the permit issued under §44.93. A similar inventory shall be made by the export warehouse proprietor when he files a superseding bond. The date of such inventory shall be the effective date of such superseding bond.

(72 Stat. 1422; 26 U.S.C. 5721)

[25 FR 4719, May 28, 1960. Redesignated at 40 FR 16835, Apr. 15, 1975, as amended by T.D. ATF–480, 67 FR 30802, May 8, 2002]

§ 44.145   Special.

A special inventory shall be made by the export warehouse proprietor whenever required by any appropriate TTB officer.

(72 Stat. 1422; 26 U.S.C. 5721)

§ 44.146   Closing.

A closing inventory shall be made by the export warehouse proprietor when he transfers ownership or concludes business. Where the proprietor transfers ownership the closing inventory shall be made as of the day preceding the date of the opening inventory of the successor.

(72 Stat. 1422; 26 U.S.C. 5721)

[25 FR 4719, May 28, 1960. Redesignated at 40 FR 16835, Apr. 15, 1975, as amended by T.D. ATF–480, 67 FR 30802, May 8, 2002]

§ 44.147   General.

Every export warehouse proprietor shall make a report on Form 5220.4 of all tobacco products, cigarette papers and tubes, and any processed tobacco on hand, received, removed, transferred, and lost or destroyed. Such report shall be made at the times specified in this subpart and shall be made whether or not any operations or transactions occurred during the period covered by the report. A copy of each report shall be retained by the export warehouse proprietor at his warehouse for 3 years following the close of the calendar year covered in such reports, and made available for inspection by any appropriate TTB officer upon his request.

(72 Stat. 1422; 26 U.S.C. 5722)

[T.D. 6871, 31 FR 51, Jan. 4, 1966. Redesignated at 40 FR 16835, Apr. 15, 1975; T.D. ATF–232, 51 FR 28088, Aug. 5, 1986; T.D. ATF–243, 51 FR 43194, Dec. 1, 1986; T.D. ATF–421, 64 FR 71925, Dec. 22, 1999; T.D. ATF–424, 64 FR 71933, Dec. 22, 1999; T.D. ATF–480, 67 FR 30802, May 8, 2002]

Effective Date Note:   By T.D. TTB–78, at 74 FR 29419, June 22, 2009, §44.147 was amended in the first sentence by removing the words “tobacco products, and cigarette papers and tubes” and adding, in their place, the words, “tobacco products, cigarette papers and tubes, and any processed tobacco”, effective June 22, 2009 through June 22, 2012.

§ 44.148   Opening.

An opening report, covering the period from the date of the opening inventory, or inventory made in connection with a superseding bond, to the end of the month, shall be made on or before the 20th day following the end of the month in which the business was commenced.

(72 Stat. 1422; 26 U.S.C. 5722)

§ 44.149   Monthly.

A report for each full month shall be made on or before the 20th day following the end of the month covered in the report.

(72 Stat. 1422; 26 U.S.C. 5722)

§ 44.150   Special.

A special report, covering the unreported period to the day preceding the date of any special inventory required by an appropriate TTB officer, shall be made with such inventory. Another report, covering the period from the date of such inventory to the end of the month, shall be made on or before the 20th day following the end of the month in which the inventory was made.

(72 Stat. 1422; 26 U.S.C. 5722)

§ 44.151   Closing.

A closing report, covering the period from the first of the month to the date of the closing inventory, or the day preceding the date of an inventory made in connection with a superseding bond, shall be made with such inventory.

(72 Stat. 1422; 26 U.S.C. 5722)

§ 44.152   Claim for remission of tax liability.

Remission of the tax liability on tobacco products, and cigarette papers and tubes may be extended to the export warehouse proprietor liable for the tax where such articles in bond are lost (otherwise than by theft) or destroyed, by fire, casualty, or act of God, while in the possession or ownership of such proprietor. Where articles are so lost or destroyed the proprietor shall report promptly such fact, and the circumstances, to the appropriate TTB officer. If the proprietor wishes to be relieved of the tax liability, the proprietor must prepare and file a claim on TTB Form 5620.8. The nature, date, place, and extent of the loss or destruction must be stated in such claim. The claim must be accompanied by such evidence as is necessary to establish to the satisfaction of the appropriate TTB officer that the claim is valid. When the appropriate TTB officer has acted on the claim, such officer will return a copy of TTB Form 5620.8 to the proprietor as notice of such action. The proprietor must keep the copy of TTB Form 5620.8 for 3 years following the close of the calendar year in which the claim is filed.

(72 Stat. 1419, as amended; 26 U.S.C. 5705)

[T.D. 6961, 33 FR 9492, June 28, 1968. Redesignated at 40 FR 16835, Apr. 15, 1975, and amended by T.D. ATF–232, 51 FR 28088, Aug. 5, 1986; T.D. ATF–243, 51 FR 43194, Dec. 1, 1986; T.D. ATF–421, 64 FR 71925, Dec. 22, 1999; T.D. ATF–480, 67 FR 30802, May 8, 2002]

§ 44.153   Claim for abatement of assessment.

A claim for abatement of the unpaid portion of the assessment of any tax on tobacco products, and cigarette papers and tubes, or any liability in respect of such tax, alleged to be excessive in amount, assessed after the expiration of the period of limitation applicable thereto, or erroneously or illegally assessed, shall be filed on Form 5620.8. Such claim shall set forth the reasons relied upon for the allowance of the claim and shall be supported by such evidence as is necessary to establish to the satisfaction of the appropriate TTB officer that the claim is valid.

(68A Stat. 792; 26 U.S.C. 6404)

[T.D. 6871, 31 FR 51, Jan. 4, 1966. Redesignated at 40 FR 16835, Apr. 15, 1975, and amended by T.D. ATF–232, 51 FR 28088, Aug. 5, 1986; T.D. ATF–243, 51 FR 43194, Dec. 1, 1986; T.D. ATF–251, 52 FR 19341, May 22, 1987; T.D. ATF–421, 64 FR 71925, Dec. 22, 1999; T.D. ATF–480, 67 FR 30802, May 8, 2002]

§ 44.154   Claim for refund of tax.

The taxes paid on tobacco products, and cigarette papers and tubes may be refunded (without interest) to an export warehouse proprietor on proof satisfactory to the appropriate TTB officer that the claimant proprietor paid the tax on such articles which were after taxpayment lost (otherwise than by theft) or destroyed, by fire, casualty, or act of God, while in the possession or ownership of such export warehouse proprietor, or withdrawn by him from the market. Any claim for refund under this section shall be prepared on Form 5620.8, in duplicate, and shall include a statement that the tax imposed by 26 U.S.C. 7652 or chapter 52, was paid in respect to the articles covered by the claim, and that the articles were lost, destroyed, or withdrawn from the market within 6 months preceding the date the claim is filed. The claim must be filed on TTB Form 5620.8 and supported by such evidence as is necessary to establish to the satisfaction of the appropriate TTB officer that the claim is valid. The duplicate of the claim shall be retained by the export warehouse proprietor for 3 years following the close of the calendar year in which the claim is filed. Where an export warehouse proprietor has paid the tax on tobacco products, or cigarette papers or tubes, he may file claim for refund of an overpayment of tax under subpart A of part 46 of this chapter if, at the time the tax was paid, these articles had been exported, destroyed, or otherwise disposed of in such a manner that tax was not due and payable.

(68A Stat. 791, 72 Stat. 9, 1419, as amended; 26 U.S.C. 6402, 6423, 5705)

[T.D. 6961, 33 FR 9492, June 28, 1968. Redesignated at 40 FR 16835, Apr. 15, 1975, and amended by T.D. ATF–48, 44 FR 55856, Sept. 28, 1979; T.D. ATF–232, 51 FR 28088, Aug. 5, 1986; T.D. ATF–243, 51 FR 43194, Dec. 1, 1986; T.D. ATF–251, 52 FR 19341, May 22, 1987; T.D. ATF–421, 64 FR 71925, Dec. 22, 1999; T.D. ATF–457, 66 FR 32220, June 14, 2001; T.D. ATF–480, 67 FR 30802, May 8, 2002]

Subpart H—Suspension and Discontinuance of Operations
§ 44.161   Discontinuance of operations.

Every export warehouse proprietor who desires to discontinue operations and close out his warehouse shall dispose of all cigars, cigarettes, and cigarette papers and tubes on hand, in accordance with this part, making a closing inventory and closing report, in accordance with the provisions of §§44.146 and 44.151, respectively, and surrender, with such inventory and report, his permit to the appropriate TTB officer as notice of such discontinuance, in order that the appropriate TTB officer may terminate the liability of the surety on the bond of the export warehouse proprietor.

(72 Stat. 1422; 26 U.S.C. 5721, 5722)

[T.D. 6871, 31 FR 51, Jan. 4, 1966. Redesignated at 40 FR 16835, Apr. 15, 1975]

§ 44.162   Suspension and revocation of permit.

Where the appropriate TTB officer has reason to believe that an export warehouse proprietor has not in good faith complied with the provisions of 26 U.S.C. chapter 52, and regulations thereunder, or with any other provision of 26 U.S.C. with intent to defraud, or has violated any condition of his permit, or has failed to disclose any material information required or made any material false statement in the application for permit, or has failed to maintain his premises in such manner as to protect the revenue, or is, by reason of previous or current legal proceedings involving a felony violation of any other provision of Federal criminal law relating to tobacco products, processed tobacco, cigarette paper, or cigarette tubes, not likely to maintain operations in compliance with 26 U.S.C. chapter 52, or has been convicted of a felony violation of any provision of Federal or State criminal law relating to tobacco products, processed tobacco, cigarette paper, or cigarette tubes, the appropriate TTB officer shall issue an order, stating the facts charged, citing such export warehouse proprietor to show cause why the permit should not be suspended or revoked after hearing thereon in accordance with part 71 of this chapter, which part (including the provisions relating to appeals) is made applicable to such proceedings. If, after hearing, the hearing examiner, or on appeal, the Administrator, finds that such person has not shown cause why the permit should not be suspended or revoked, such permit shall be suspended for such period as the appropriate TTB officer deems proper or shall be revoked.

(72 Stat. 1421; 26 U.S.C. 5713)

[T.D. TTB–75, 74 FR 14485, Mar. 31, 2009]

Subpart I [Reserved]
Subpart J—Removal of Shipments of Tobacco Products and Cigarette Papers and Tubes by Manufacturers and Export Warehouse Proprietors
Packaging Requirements
§ 44.181   Packages.

All tobacco products, and cigarette papers and tubes will, before removal or transfer under this subpart, be put up by the manufacturer in packages which shall bear the label or notice, tax classification, and mark, as required by this subpart. For purposes of this subpart, the package does not include the cellophane wrapping material.

(Sec. 202, Pub. L. 85–859, 72 Stat. 1422 (26 U.S.C. 5723))

[T.D. ATF–421, 64 FR 71925, Dec. 22, 1999]

§ 44.182   Lottery features.

No certificate, coupon, or other device purporting to be or to represent a ticket, chance, share, or an interest in, or dependent on, the event of a lottery shall be contained in, attached to, or stamped, marked, written, or printed on any package of tobacco products, or cigarette papers or tubes.

(72 Stat. 1422; 26 U.S.C. 5723, 18 U.S.C. 1301)

[T.D. 6871, 31 FR 51, Jan. 4, 1966. Redesignated at 40 FR 16835, Apr. 15, 1975, and amended by T.D. ATF–232, 51 FR 28088, Aug. 5, 1986; T.D. ATF–243, 51 FR 43194, Dec. 1, 1986]

§ 44.183   Indecent or immoral material.

No indecent or immoral picture, print, or representation shall be contained in, attached to, or stamped, marked, written, or printed on any package of tobacco products, or cigarette papers or tubes.

(72 Stat. 1422; 26 U.S.C. 5723)

[T.D. 6871, 31 FR 51, Jan. 4, 1966. Redesignated at 40 FR 16835, Apr. 15, 1975, and amended by T.D. ATF–232, 51 FR 28088, Aug. 5, 1986; T.D. ATF–243, 51 FR 43194, Dec. 1, 1986]

§ 44.184   Mark.

Every package of tobacco products shall, before removal from the factory under this subpart, have adequately imprinted thereon, or on a label securely affixed thereto, a mark as specified in this section. The mark may consist of the name of the manufacturer removing the product and the location (by city and State) of the factory from which the products are to be so removed, or may consist of the permit number of the factory from which the products are to be so removed. Any trade name of the manufacturer approved as provided in §40.65 of this chapter may be used in the mark as the name of the manufacturer.) As an alternative, where tobacco products are both packaged and removed by the same manufacturer, either at the same or different factories, the mark may consist of the name of such manufacturer if the factory where package is identified on or in the package by a means approved by the appropriate TTB officer. Before using the alternative, the manufacturer shall notify the appropriate TTB officer in writing of the name to be used as the name of the manufacturer and the means to be used for identifying the factory where packaged. If approved by him the appropriate TTB officer shall return approved copies of the notice to the manufacturer. A copy of the approved notice shall be retained as part of the factory records at each of the factories operated by the manufacturer.

(72 Stat. 1422; 26 U.S.C. 5723)

[T.D. 6871, 31 FR 51, Jan. 4, 1966. Redesignated at 40 FR 16835, Apr. 15, 1975, and amended by T.D. ATF–232, 51 FR 28088, Aug. 5, 1986; T.D. ATF–243, 51 FR 43194, Dec. 1, 1986; T.D. ATF–460, 66 FR 39093, July 27, 2001]

§ 44.185   Label or notice.

Every package of tobacco products shall, before removal from the factory under this subpart, have adequately imprinted thereon, or on a label securely affixed thereto, the words “Tax-exempt. For use outside U.S.” or the words “U.S. Tax-exempt. For use outside U.S.” except where a stamp, sticker, or notice, required by a foreign country or a possession of the United States, which identifies such country or possession, is so imprinted or affixed.

(26 U.S.C. 5704, 5723)

[T.D. 6871, 31 FR 52, Jan. 4, 1966. Redesignated at 40 FR 16835, Apr. 15, 1975, and amended by T.D. ATF–232, 51 FR 28088, Aug. 5, 1986; T.D. ATF–243, 51 FR 43194, Dec. 1, 1986; T.D. ATF–465, 66 FR 45618, Aug. 29, 2001]

§ 44.186   Tax classification for cigars.

Before removal from a factory under this subpart, every package of cigars shall have adequately imprinted on it, or on a label securely affixed to it—

(a) The designation “cigars”;

(b) The quantity of cigars contained in the package; and

(c) For small cigars, the classification of the product for tax purposes; (i.e., either “small” or “little”).

(Sec. 202, Pub. L. 85–859, 72 Stat. 1422 (26 U.S.C. 5723))

[T.D. ATF–80, 46 FR 18312, Mar. 24, 1981]

§ 44.187   Shipping containers.

Each shipping case, crate, or other container in which tobacco products, or cigarette papers or tubes are to be shipped or removed, under this part, shall bear a distinguishing number, such number to be assigned by the manufacturer or export warehouse proprietor. Removals of tobacco products, and cigarette papers and tubes from an export warehouse shall be made, insofar as practicable, in the same containers in which they were received from the factory.

(72 Stat. 1418, as amended; 26 U.S.C. 5704)

[T.D. 6871, 31 FR 52, Jan. 4, 1966. Redesignated at 40 FR 16835, Apr. 15, 1975, and amended by T.D. ATF–232, 51 FR 28088, Aug. 5, 1986; T.D. ATF–243, 51 FR 43194, Dec. 1, 1986]

Consignment of Shipment
§ 44.188   General.

Tobacco products, and cigarette papers and tubes transferred or removed from a factory or an export warehouse, under this part, without payment of tax, shall be consigned as required by this subpart.

(72 Stat. 1418, as amended; 26 U.S.C. 5704)

[T.D. 6871, 31 FR 52, Jan. 4, 1966. Redesignated at 40 FR 16835, Apr. 15, 1975, and amended by T.D. ATF–232, 51 FR 28088, Aug. 5, 1986; T.D. ATF–243, 51 FR 43194, Dec. 1, 1986]

§ 44.189   Transfers between factories and export warehouses.

Where tobacco products, and cigarette papers and tubes are transferred, without payment of tax, from a factory to an export warehouse or between export warehouses, such articles shall be consigned to the export warehouse proprietor to whom such articles are to be delivered.

(72 Stat. 1418, as amended; 26 U.S.C. 5704)

[T.D. 6871, 31 FR 52, Jan. 4, 1966. Redesignated at 40 FR 16835, Apr. 15, 1975, and amended by T.D. ATF–232, 51 FR 28088, Aug. 5, 1986; T.D. ATF–243, 51 FR 43194, Dec. 1, 1986]

§ 44.190   Return of shipment to a manufacturer or customs warehouse proprietor.

Where tobacco products, and cigarette papers and tubes are returned by an export warehouse proprietor to a manufacturer or where cigars are so returned to a customs warehouse proprietor, such articles shall be consigned to the manufacturer or customs warehouse proprietor to whom the shipment is to be returned.

(72 Stat. 1418, as amended; 26 U.S.C. 5704)

[T.D. 6871, 31 FR 52, Jan. 4, 1966. Redesignated at 40 FR 16835, Apr. 15, 1975, and amended by T.D. ATF–232, 51 FR 28088, Aug. 5, 1986; T.D. ATF–243, 51 FR 43194, Dec. 1, 1986]

§ 44.191   To officers of the armed forces for subsequent exportation.

Where tobacco products, and cigarette papers and tubes are removed from a factory or an export warehouse for delivery to officers of the armed forces of the United States in this country for subsequent shipment to, and use by, the armed forces outside the United States, the manufacturer or export warehouse proprietor shall consign such articles to the receiving officer at the armed forces base or installation, in this country, to which they are to be delivered.

(72 Stat. 1418, as amended; 26 U.S.C. 5704)

[T.D. 6871, 31 FR 52, Jan. 4, 1966. Redesignated at 40 FR 16835, Apr. 15, 1975, and amended by T.D. ATF–232, 51 FR 28088, Aug. 5, 1986; T.D. ATF–243, 51 FR 43194, Dec. 1, 1986]

§ 44.192   To vessels and aircraft for shipment to noncontiguous foreign countries and possessions of the United States.

Where tobacco products, and cigarette papers and tubes are removed from a factory or an export warehouse, for direct delivery to a vessel or aircraft for transportation to a noncontiguous foreign country, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, or a possession of the United States, the manufacturer or export warehouse proprietor shall consign the shipment directly to the vessel or aircraft, or to his agent at the port for delivery to the vessel or aircraft.

(72 Stat. 1418, as amended; 26 U.S.C. 5704)

[T.D. 6871, 31 FR 52, Jan. 4, 1966. Redesignated at 40 FR 16835, Apr. 15, 1975, and amended by T.D. ATF–232, 51 FR 28088, Aug. 5, 1986; T.D. ATF–243, 51 FR 43194, Dec. 1, 1986]

§ 44.193   To a Federal department or agency.

Where tobacco products, and cigarette papers and tubes are removed from a factory or an export warehouse and are destined for ultimate delivery in a noncontiguous foreign country, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, or a possession of the United States, but the shipment is to be delivered in the United States to a Federal department or agency, or to an authorized dispatch agent, transportation officer, or port director of such a department or agency for forwarding on to the place of destination of the shipment, the manufacturer or export warehouse proprietor shall consign the shipment to the Federal department or agency, or to the proper dispatch agent, transportation officer, or port director of such department or agency.

(72 Stat. 1418, as amended; 26 U.S.C. 5704)

[T.D. 6871, 31 FR 52, Jan. 4, 1966. Redesignated at 40 FR 16835, Apr. 15, 1975, and amended by T.D. ATF–232, 51 FR 28088, Aug. 5, 1986; T.D. ATF–243, 51 FR 43194, Dec. 1, 1986]

§ 44.194   To district director of customs for shipment to contiguous foreign countries.

Where tobacco products, or cigarette papers or tubes are removed from a factory or an export warehouse for export to a contiguous foreign country, the manufacturer or export warehouse proprietor shall consign the shipment to the district director of customs at the border or other port of exit.

(72 Stat. 1418, as amended; 26 U.S.C. 5704)

[T.D. 6961, 33 FR 9492, June 28, 1968. Redesignated at 40 FR 16835, Apr. 15, 1975, and amended by T.D. ATF–232, 51 FR 28089, Aug. 5, 1986; T.D. ATF–243, 51 FR 43194, Dec. 1, 1986]

§ 44.195   To Government vessels and aircraft for consumption as supplies.

Where tobacco products, and cigarette papers and tubes are removed from a factory or an export warehouse for delivery to a vessel or aircraft engaged in an activity for the Government of the United States or a foreign government, for consumption as supplies beyond the jurisdiction of the internal revenue laws of the United States, the manufacturer or export warehouse proprietor shall consign the shipment to the proper officer on board the vessel or aircraft to which the shipment is to be delivered.

(72 Stat. 1418, as amended; 26 U.S.C. 5704)

[T.D. 6871, 31 FR 52, Jan. 4, 1966. Redesignated at 40 FR 16835, Apr. 15, 1975, and amended by T.D. ATF–232, 51 FR 28089, Aug. 5, 1986; T.D. ATF–243, 51 FR 43194, Dec. 1, 1986]

§ 44.196   To district director of customs for consumption as supplies on commercial vessels and aircraft.

Where tobacco products, or cigarette papers or tubes are removed from a factory or an export warehouse for consumption as supplies beyond the jurisdiction of the internal revenue laws of the United States, the manufacturer or export warehouse proprietor shall consign the shipment to the district director of customs at the port at which the shipment is to be laden.

(72 Stat. 1418, as amended; 26 U.S.C. 5704)

[T.D. 6961, 33 FR 9493, June 28, 1968. Redesignated at 40 FR 16835, Apr. 15, 1975, and amended by T.D. ATF–232, 51 FR 28089, Aug. 5, 1986; T.D. ATF–243, 51 FR 43194, Dec. 1, 1986]

§ 44.196a   To a foreign-trade zone.

Where tobacco products, and cigarette papers and tubes are removed from a factory or an export warehouse for delivery to a foreign-trade zone, under zone restricted status for the purpose of exportation or storage, the manufacturer or export warehouse proprietor shall consign the shipment to the Zone Operator in care of the customs officer in charge of the zone.

(48 Stat. 999, as amended, 72 Stat. 1418, as amended; 19 U.S.C. 81c, 26 U.S.C. 5704)

[T.D. 6871, 31 FR 53, Jan. 4, 1966. Redesignated at 40 FR 16835, Apr. 15, 1975, and amended by T.D. ATF–232, 51 FR 28089, Aug. 5, 1986; T.D. ATF–243, 51 FR 43194, Dec. 1, 1986]

§ 44.197   For export by parcel post.

Tobacco products, and cigarette papers and tubes removed from a factory or an export warehouse, for export by parcel post to a person in a foreign country, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, or a possession of the United States, shall be addressed and consigned to such person when the articles are deposited in the mails. Waiver of his right to withdraw such articles from the mails shall be stamped or written on each shipping container and be signed by the manufacturer or export warehouse proprietor making the shipment.

(72 Stat. 1418, as amended; 26 U.S.C. 5704)

[T.D. 6871, 31 FR 53, Jan. 4, 1966. Redesignated at 40 FR 16835, Apr. 15, 1975, and amended by T.D. ATF–232, 51 FR 28089, Aug. 5, 1986; T.D. ATF–243, 51 FR 43194, Dec. 1, 1986]

Notice of Removal of Shipment
§ 44.198   Preparation.

For each shipment of tobacco products, and cigarette papers and tubes transferred or removed from his factory, under bond and this part, the manufacturer shall prepare a notice of removal, Form 5200.14, and for each shipment of tobacco products, and cigarette papers and tubes transferred or removed from his export warehouse, under bond and this part, the export warehouse proprietor shall prepare a notice of removal, Form 5200.14. Each such notice shall be given a serial number by the manufacturer or export warehouse proprietor in a series beginning with number 1, with respect to the first shipment removed from the factory or export warehouse under this part and commencing again with number 1 on January 1 of each year thereafter.

(72 Stat. 1418, as amended; 26 U.S.C. 5704)

[T.D. 6871, 31 FR 53, Jan. 4, 1966. Redesignated at 40 FR 16835, Apr. 15, 1975, and amended by T.D. ATF–232, 51 FR 28089, Aug. 5, 1986; T.D. ATF–243, 51 FR 43194, Dec. 1, 1986; T.D. ATF–421, 64 FR 71925, Dec. 22, 1999]

§ 44.199   Disposition.

After actual removal from his factory or export warehouse of the shipment described on the notice of removal, Form 5200.14, the manufacturer or export warehouse proprietor shall, except where the shipment is to be exported by parcel post, promptly forward one copy of the notice of removal to the appropriate TTB officer. A copy of each such notice shall be retained by the manufacturer or export warehouse proprietor as a part of his records, for 3 years following the close of the calendar year in which the shipment was removed and shall be made available for inspection by any appropriate TTB officer upon his request. The manufacturer or export warehouse proprietor shall dispose of the other copies of each notice of removal as required by this subpart.

(72 Stat. 1418; 26 U.S.C. 5704)

[25 FR 4722, May 28, 1960. Redesignated at 40 FR 16835, Apr. 15, 1975; T.D. ATF–421, 64 FR 71926, Dec. 22, 1999; T.D. ATF–480, 67 FR 30802, May 8, 2002]

§ 44.200   Transfers between factories and export warehouses.

Where tobacco products, and cigarette papers and tubes are transferred from a factory to an export warehouse or between export warehouses, the manufacturer or export warehouse proprietor making the shipment shall forward three copies of the notice of removal, Form 5200.14 to the export warehouse proprietor to whom the shipment is consigned. Immediately upon receipt of the shipment at his warehouse, the export warehouse proprietor shall properly execute the certificate of receipt on each copy of the notice of removal, noting thereon any discrepancy; return one copy to the manufacturer or export warehouse proprietor making the shipment for filing with the appropriate TTB officer; retain one copy at his warehouse as a part of his records; and file the remaining copy with his report, required by §44.147.

(72 Stat. 1418, as amended; 26 U.S.C. 5704)

[T.D. 6871, 31 FR 53, Jan. 4, 1966. Redesignated at 40 FR 16835, Apr. 15, 1975, and amended by T.D. ATF–232, 51 FR 28089, Aug. 5, 1986; T.D. ATF–243, 51 FR 43194, Dec. 1, 1986; T.D. ATF–421, 64 FR 71926, Dec. 22, 1999]

§ 44.201   Return to manufacturer or customs warehouse proprietor.

Where tobacco products, and cigarette papers and tubes are removed from an export warehouse for return to the factory, or cigars are removed from such a warehouse for return to a customs warehouse, the export warehouse proprietor making the shipment shall forward two copies of the notice of removal, Form 5200.14, to the manufacturer or customs warehouse proprietor to whom the shipment is consigned. Immediately upon receipt of the shipment at his factory or warehouse, the manufacturer or customs warehouse proprietor shall properly execute the certificate of receipt on both copies of the notice of removal, noting thereon any discrepancy, and return one copy to the export warehouse proprietor making the shipment for filing with the appropriate TTB officer. The other copy of the notice of removal shall be retained by the manufacturer or customs warehouse proprietor, as a part of his records, for 3 years following the close of the calendar year in which the shipment was received and shall be made available for inspection by any appropriate TTB officer upon his request.

(72 Stat. 1418, as amended; 26 U.S.C. 5704)

[T.D. 6871, 31 FR 53, Jan. 4, 1966. Redesignated at 40 FR 16835, Apr. 15, 1975, and amended by T.D. ATF–232, 51 FR 28089, Aug. 5, 1986; T.D. ATF–243, 51 FR 43194, Dec. 1, 1986; T.D. ATF–421, 64 FR 71926, Dec. 22, 1999]

§ 44.202   To officers of the armed forces for subsequent exportation.

Where tobacco products, and cigarette papers and tubes are removed from a factory or an export warehouse for delivery to officers of the armed forces of the United States in this country for subsequent shipment to, and use by, the armed forces outside the United States, the manufacturer or export warehouse proprietor making the removal shall forward a copy of the notice of removal, Form 5200.14, to the officer at the base or installation authorized to receive the articles described on the notice of removal. Upon execution by the armed forces receiving officer of the certificate of receipt on the copy of the notice of removal, he shall return such copy to the manufacturer or export warehouse proprietor making the shipment for filing with the appropriate TTB officer.

(72 Stat. 1418, as amended; 26 U.S.C. 5704)

[T.D. 6871, 31 FR 53, Jan. 4, 1966. Redesignated at 40 FR 16835, Apr. 15, 1975, and amended by T.D. ATF–232, 51 FR 28089, Aug. 5, 1986; T.D. ATF–243, 51 FR 43194, Dec. 1, 1986; T.D. ATF–421, 64 FR 71926, Dec. 22, 1999]

§ 44.203   To noncontiguous foreign countries and possessions of the United States.

Where tobacco products, or cigarette papers or tubes are removed from a factory or an export warehouse for direct delivery to a vessel or aircraft for transportation to a noncontiguous foreign country, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, or a possession of the United States, the manufacturer or export warehouse proprietor making the shipment shall file two copies of the notice of removal, Form 5200.14, with the office of the district director of customs at the port where the shipment is to be laden. Such copies of the notice of removal should be filed with the related shipper's export declaration, Commerce Form 7525–V. In the event the copies of the notice of removal are not filed with the shipper's export declaration, when the copies of the notice are filed with the district director of customs they shall show all particulars necessary to enable that officer to associate the notice with the related shipper's export declaration and any other documents filed with his office in connection with the shipment. After the vessel or aircraft on which the shipment has been laden clears or departs from the port of lading the customs authority shall execute the certificate of exportation on both copies of the notice of removal, retain one copy for his records, and deliver or transmit the other copy to the manufacturer or export warehouse proprietor making the shipment for filing with the appropriate TTB officer.

(72 Stat. 1418, as amended; 26 U.S.C. 5704)

[T.D. 6961, 33 FR 9493, June 28, 1968. Redesignated at 40 FR 16835, Apr. 15, 1975, and amended by T.D. ATF–232, 51 FR 28089, Aug. 5, 1986; T.D. ATF–243, 51 FR 43194, Dec. 1, 1986; T.D. ATF–421, 64 FR 71926, Dec. 22, 1999]

§ 44.204   To a Federal department or agency.

Where tobacco products, and cigarette papers and tubes are removed from a factory or an export warehouse and are destined for ultimate delivery in a noncontiguous foreign country, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, or a possession of the United States, but the shipment is to be delivered to a Federal department or agency, or to an authorized dispatch agent, transportation officer, or port director of such a department or agency for forwarding on to the place of destination of the shipment, the manufacturer or export warehouse proprietor making the shipment shall furnish a copy of the notice of removal, Form 5200.14, to the Federal department or agency, or an officer thereof at the port, receiving the shipment for ultimate transmittal to the place of destination, in order that such department, agency, or officer can properly execute the certificate of receipt on such notice to evidence receipt of the shipment for transmittal to a place beyond the jurisdiction of the internal revenue laws of the United States. After completing such certificate, the Federal department, agency, or officer shall return the copy of the notice of removal, so executed, to the manufacturer or export warehouse proprietor making the shipment for filing with the appropriate TTB officer.

(72 Stat. 1418, as amended; 26 U.S.C. 5704)

[T.D. 6871, 31 FR 53, Jan. 4, 1966. Redesignated at 40 FR 16835, Apr. 15, 1975, and amended by T.D. ATF–232, 51 FR 28089, Aug. 5, 1986; T.D. ATF–243, 51 FR 43194, Dec. 1, 1986; T.D. ATF–421, 64 FR 71926, Dec. 22, 1999]

§ 44.205   To contiguous foreign countries.

(a) Where tobacco products, or cigarette papers or tubes are removed from a factory or an export warehouse for export to a contiguous foreign country, the manufacturer or export warehouse proprietor making the shipment shall—

(1) Furnish to the district director of Customs at the port of exit two copies of the notice of removal, Form 5200.14, together with the related shipper's export declaration, Commerce Form 7525–V (if required); and,

(2) If copies of the notice of removal are not filed with the shippers export declaration, or if a shipment is for the armed forces of the United States in the contiguous foreign country and a shipper's export declaration is not required, show all the information on the notice of removal when it is filed so that the Customs officer is able to associate the notice with the related shipper's export declaration (if any) or other documents filed with Customs for the shipment.

(b) When a shipment has been cleared by Customs from the United States, and when the Customs officer at the port of exit is satisfied that the products have departed from the United States, he shall—

(1) Complete the certificate of exportation on both copies of the notice of removal;

(2) Retain one copy of the notice of removal for his records; and,

(3) Return the other copy to the manufacturer or export warehouse proprietor making the shipment for filing with the appropriate TTB officer.

(c) The Customs officer may, when he considers it necessary to establish that the merchandise was actually exported, require a landing certificate before he completes the certificate of exportation specified in paragraph (b)(1) of this section. If practical, the Customs officer will give advance notice to the manufacturer or export warehouse proprietor of the type of transactions for which a landing certificate will be required. However, failure to notify the manufacturer or proprietor in advance will not prevent the Customs officer from requiring a landing certificate for specific exportations when he considers it necessary to protect the revenue. In any case, the Customs officer will advise the manufacturer or proprietor before departure of the shipment from the United States as to those exports for which a landing certificate will be required.

(d) The provisions of this section relating to landing certificates also apply when a Form 5200.14 is not required for each transaction (for example: When multiple exportations, individually documented by commercial records, are consolidated on a single Form 5200.14 pursuant to an approved alternate procedure under §44.72). The provisions apply to each transaction, regardless of the manner in which it is documented, unless specifically provided otherwise in the alternate procedure.

(Sec. 202, Pub. L. 85–859, 72 Stat. 1418; (26 U.S.C. 5704); Sec. 622, Act of June 17, 1930, 49 Stat. 759 (19 U.S.C. 1622))

[T.D. ATF–52, 43 FR 59287, Dec. 19, 1978, as amended by T.D. ATF–232, 51 FR 28089, Aug. 5, 1986; T.D. ATF–243, 51 FR 43194, Dec. 1, 1986; T.D. ATF–421, 64 FR 71926, Dec. 22, 1999]

§ 44.206   To Government vessels and aircraft for consumption as supplies.

Where tobacco products, and cigarette papers and tubes are removed from a factory or an export warehouse for direct delivery to a vessel or aircraft, engaged in an activity for the Government of the United States or a foreign government, for consumption as supplies beyond the jurisdiction of the internal revenue laws of the United States, the manufacturer or export warehouse proprietor making the shipment shall forward a copy of the notice of removal, Form 5200.14, to the officer of the vessel or aircraft authorized to receive the shipment. Upon execution by the receiving officer of the vessel or aircraft of the certificate of receipt on the copy of the notice of removal, he shall return such copy to the manufacturer or export warehouse proprietor making the shipment for filing with the appropriate TTB officer.

(72 Stat. 1418, as amended; 26 U.S.C. 5704)

[T.D. 6871, 31 FR 54, Jan. 4, 1966. Redesignated at 40 FR 16835, Apr. 15, 1975, and amended by T.D. ATF–232, 51 FR 28089, Aug. 5, 1986; T.D. ATF–243, 51 FR 43194, Dec. 1, 1986; T.D. ATF–421, 64 FR 71926, Dec. 22, 1999]

§ 44.207   To commercial vessels and aircraft for consumption as supplies.

Where tobacco products, or cigarette papers or tubes are removed from a factory or an export warehouse for delivery to a vessel or aircraft entitled to receive such articles for consumption as supplies beyond the jurisdiction of the internal revenue laws of the United States, the manufacturer or export warehouse proprietor making the shipment shall file two copies of the notice of removal, Form 5200.14, with the district director of customs at the port where the shipment is to be laden in sufficient time to permit delivery of the two copies of the notice of removal to the customs officer who will inspect the shipment and supervise its lading. After inspection and lading of the shipment the customs officer shall note on the copies of the notice of removal any discrepancy between the shipment inspected and laden under his supervision and that described on the notice of removal or any limitation on the quantity to be laden; complete and sign the certificate of inspection and lading; and return both copies of the notice of removal to the district director of customs. The district director of customs shall execute the certificate of clearance on both copies of the notice of removal, retain one copy for his records, and forward the other copy to the manufacturer or export warehouse proprietor making the shipment for filing with the appropriate TTB officer. Where the vessel or aircraft does not clear from the port at which the shipment is laden, the customs officer supervising the lading of the shipment shall require the person on board the vessel or aircraft authorized to receive the shipment to execute the certificate of receipt on both copies of the notice of removal to indicate the trade or activity in which the vessel or aircraft is engaged.

(72 Stat. 1418, as amended; 26 U.S.C. 5704)

[T.D. 6961, 33 FR 9493, June 28, 1968. Redesignated at 40 FR 16835, Apr. 15, 1975, and amended by T.D. ATF–232, 51 FR 28089, Aug. 5, 1986; T.D. ATF–243, 51 FR 43194, Dec. 1, 1986; T.D. ATF–421, 64 FR 71926, Dec. 22, 1999]

§ 44.207a   To a foreign-trade zone.

Where tobacco products, and cigarette papers and tubes are removed from a factory or an export warehouse for delivery to a foreign-trade zone, under zone restricted status for the purpose of exportation or storage, the manufacturer or export warehouse proprietor making the shipment shall forward two copies of the notice of removal, Form 5200.14, to the customs officer in charge of the zone. Upon receipt of the shipment, the customs officer shall execute the certificate of receipt on each copy of the form, noting thereon any discrepancy, retain one copy for his records, and forward the other copy to the manufacturer or export warehouse proprietor making the shipment for filing with the appropriate TTB officer.

(48 Stat. 999, as amended, 72 Stat. 1418, as amended; 19 U.S.C. 81c, 26 U.S.C. 5704)

[T.D. 6871, 31 FR 54, Jan. 4, 1966. Redesignated at 40 FR 16835, Apr. 15, 1975, and amended by T.D. ATF–232, 51 FR 28089, Aug. 5, 1986; T.D. ATF–243, 51 FR 43194, Dec. 1, 1986; T.D. ATF–421, 64 FR 71926, Dec. 22, 1999]

§ 44.208   For export by parcel post.

Where tobacco products, and cigarette papers and tubes are removed from a factory or an export warehouse, for export by parcel post, the manufacturer or export warehouse proprietor shall present one copy of the notice of removal, Form 5200.14, together with the shipping containers, to the postal authorities with the request that the postmaster or his agent execute the certificate of mailing on the form. Where the manufacturer or export warehouse proprietor so desires, he may cover under one notice of removal all the merchandise removed under this part for export by parcel post which is delivered at one time to the postal service for that purpose. The manufacturer or export warehouse proprietor shall immediately file the receipted copy of the notice of removal with the appropriate TTB officer.

(72 Stat. 1418, as amended; 26 U.S.C. 5704)

[T.D. 6871, 31 FR 54, Jan. 4, 1966. Redesignated at 40 FR 16835, Apr. 15, 1975, and amended by T.D. ATF–232, 51 FR 28089, Aug. 5, 1986; T.D. ATF–243, 51 FR 43194, Dec. 1, 1986; T.D. ATF–421, 64 FR 71926, Dec. 22, 1999]

Miscellaneous Provisions
§ 44.209   Diversion of shipment to another consignee.

If, after removal of a shipment from a factory or an export warehouse, the manufacturer or export warehouse proprietor desires to divert the shipment to another consignee, he shall so notify the appropriate TTB officer. The manufacturer or export warehouse proprietor shall describe the shipment, set forth the serial number and date of the notice of removal under which the shipment was removed from his factory or export warehouse, and furnish the name and address of the new consignee, who shall comply with all applicable provisions of this part.

(72 Stat. 1418; 26 U.S.C. 5704)

[25 FR 4723, May 28, 1960. Redesignated at 40 FR 16835, Apr. 15, 1975]

§ 44.210   Return of shipment to factory or export warehouse.

A manufacturer or export warehouse proprietor may return to his factory or export warehouse, without internal revenue supervision when so authorized by the appropriate TTB officer, tobacco products, and cigarette papers and tubes previously removed therefrom, under this part, but not yet exported. The manufacturer or export warehouse proprietor shall, prior to returning the articles to his factory or export warehouse, make application to the appropriate TTB officer for permission so to do, which application shall be accompanied by two copies of the notice of removal, Form 5200.14, under which the articles were originally removed. If less than the entire shipment is intended to be returned to the factory or export warehouse, the application shall set forth accurately the articles to be returned and shall show what disposition was made of the remainder of the original shipment and any other facts pertinent to such shipment. Where the appropriate TTB officer approves the application, he shall so indicate by endorsement to that effect on each of the copies of the notice of removal, set forth the articles for which return is approved, and return both copies of the notice of removal to the manufacturer or export warehouse proprietor concerned. Upon receipt of the copies of the notice of removal bearing the endorsement of the appropriate TTB officer, the manufacturer or export warehouse proprietor shall return the articles to his factory or export warehouse, properly modify and execute the certificate of receipt on each copy of the notice of removal, return one such copy to the appropriate TTB officer, and retain the other copy as a part of his records.

(72 Stat. 1418, as amended; 26 U.S.C. 5704)

[T.D. 6871, 31 FR 54, Jan. 4, 1966. Redesignated at 40 FR 16835, Apr. 15, 1975, and amended by T.D. ATF–232, 51 FR 28089, Aug. 5, 1986; T.D. ATF–243, 51 FR 43194, Dec. 1, 1986; T.D. ATF–421, 64 FR 71926, Dec. 22, 1999]

§ 44.211   [Reserved]
§ 44.212   Delay in lading at port of exportation.

If, on arrival of tobacco products, and cigarette papers and tubes at the port of exportation, the vessel or aircraft for which they are intended is not prepared to receive the articles, they may be properly stored at the port for not more than 30 days. In the event of any further delay, the facts shall be reported by the manufacturer or export warehouse proprietor to the appropriate TTB officer and unless such officer approves an extension of time in which to effect lading and clearance of the shipment it must be returned to the factory or export warehouse.

[T.D. 6871, 31 FR 55, Jan. 4, 1966. Redesignated at 40 FR 16835, Apr. 15, 1975, and amended by T.D. ATF–232, 51 FR 28089, Aug. 5, 1987; T.D. ATF–243, 51 FR 43194, Dec. 1, 1986; T.D. ATF–480, 67 FR 30802, May 8, 2002]

§ 44.213   Destruction of tobacco products, and cigarette papers and tubes.

Where an export warehouse proprietor desires to destroy any of the tobacco products, or cigarette papers or tubes stored in his warehouse, he shall notify the appropriate TTB officer of the kind and quantity of such articles to be destroyed and the date on which he desires the destruction to take place in order that the appropriate TTB officer may assign an appropriate TTB officer to inspect the articles and supervise their destruction. The export warehouse proprietor shall prepare a notice of removal, Form 5200.14, describing the articles to be destroyed. After witnessing the destruction of the articles, the appropriate TTB officer shall certify to their destruction on two copies of the notice of removal and return them to the export warehouse proprietor, who shall retain one copy for his records and file the other copy with the appropriate TTB officer.

[T.D. 6871, 31 FR 55, Jan. 4, 1966. Redesignated at 40 FR 16835, Apr. 15, 1975, and amended by T.D. ATF–232, 51 FR 28089, Aug. 5, 1986; T.D. ATF–243, 51 FR 43194, Dec. 1, 1986; T.D. ATF–421, 64 FR 71926, Dec. 22, 1999]

Subpart K—Drawback of Tax
§ 44.221   Application of drawback of tax.

Allowance of drawback of tax shall apply only to tobacco products, and cigarette papers and tubes, on which tax has been paid, when such articles are shipped to a foreign country, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, or a possession of the United States. Such drawback shall be allowed only to the person who paid the tax on such articles and who files claim and otherwise complies with the provisions of this subpart.

(72 Stat. 1419, 68A Stat. 908; 26 U.S.C. 5706, 7653)

[T.D. 6871, 31 FR 55, Jan. 4, 1966. Redesignated at 40 FR 16835, Apr. 15, 1975, and amended by T.D. ATF–232, 51 FR 28089, Aug. 5, 1986; T.D. ATF–243, 51 FR 43194, Dec. 1, 1986]

§ 44.222   Claim.

Claim for allowance of drawback of tax, under this subpart, must be filed on Form 5620.7. Such claim must be filed in sufficient time to permit the appropriate TTB officer to detail an appropriate TTB officer to inspect the articles and supervise the affixture of a label or notice bearing the legend “For Export With Drawback of Tax.” Upon receipt of a claim supported by satisfactory bond, as required by this subpart, an appropriate TTB officer will proceed to the place where the articles involved are held and there perform the functions required in §44.224.

[T.D. ATF–480, 67 FR 30803, May 8, 2002]

§ 44.223   Drawback bond.

Each claim for allowance of drawback of tax, under this subpart, shall be accompanied by a bond, Form 2148 (5200.17), satisfactory to the appropriate TTB officer with whom the claim is filed. Such bond shall be in an amount not less than the amount of tax for which drawback is claimed, conditioned that the claimant shall furnish, within a reasonable time, evidence satisfactory to the appropriate TTB officer that the tobacco products, and cigarette papers and tubes have been landed at some port beyond the jurisdiction of the internal revenue laws of the United States, or that after clearance from the United States, the articles were lost (otherwise than by theft) or destroyed, by fire, casualty, or act of God, and have not been relanded within the limits of the United States. The provisions of §§44.121 and 44.122 are applicable with respect to any drawback bond required under this section.

(72 Stat. 1419; 26 U.S.C. 5706)

[T.D. 6871, 31 FR 55, Jan. 4, 1966. Redesignated at 40 FR 16835, Apr. 15, 1975, and amended by T.D. ATF–232, 51 FR 28089, Aug. 5, 1986; T.D. ATF–243, 51 FR 43194, Dec. 1, 1986; T.D. ATF–480, 67 FR 30803, May 8, 2002]

§ 44.224   Inspection by an appropriate TTB officer.

(a) Examination. An appropriate TTB officer will examine the tobacco products, and cigarette papers and tubes listed on TTB Form 5620.7. Such officer will verify the accuracy of the schedule of such articles on TTB Form 5620.7.

(b) Label or notice. If the tax on such articles has been paid by return, the appropriate TTB officer must be satisfied that the articles have in fact been taxpaid and each package bears the label or notice required by §44.222.

(c) Shipping containers. The appropriate officer will supervise the packing of such articles in shipping containers. Each container must be numbered and have affixed to it the notice:

Drawback of tax claimed on contents.

Sale, consumption, or use in U.S. prohibited.

(d) Disposition of TTB Form 5620.7. After the appropriate TTB officer completes the report of inspection on TTB Form 5620.7, such officer will return two copies to the claimant and send a copy to the TTB office listed on the form.

(e) Release. After executing the report of inspection on TTB Form 5620.7, the appropriate TTB office will release the shipment to the claimant for delivery to the port of exportation.

[T.D. ATF–480, 67 FR 30803, May 8, 2002]

§ 44.225   Delivery of tobacco products, or cigarette papers or tubes for export other than by parcel post.

The claimant, upon release of the tobacco products, or cigarette papers or tubes by the appropriate TTB officer for exportation with benefit of drawback of tax under this subpart, shall be responsible for delivery of such articles to the port of exportation for customs inspection, supervision of lading, and clearance of the articles. The claimant shall file with the district director of customs at the port of exportation the two copies of Form 5620.7 returned to the claimant by the appropriate TTB officer in accordance with §44.224. Such copies shall be filed in sufficient time prior to lading to permit customs inspection and supervision of lading of the tobacco products, or cigarette papers or tubes.

(72 Stat. 1419; 26 U.S.C. 5706)

[T.D. 6961, 33 FR 9493, June 28, 1968. Redesignated at 40 FR 16835, Apr. 15, 1975, and amended by T.D. ATF–232, 51 FR 28089, Aug. 5, 1986; T.D. ATF–243, 51 FR 43194, Dec. 1, 1986; T.D. ATF–424, 64 FR 71933, Dec. 22, 1999]

§ 44.226   Delivery of tobacco products, and cigarette papers and tubes for export by parcel post.

Where the tobacco products, and cigarette papers and tubes are to be shipped by parcel post to a destination in a foreign country, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, or a possession of the United States, a waiver of his right to withdraw such articles from the mails shall be stamped or written on each shipping container and be signed by the claimant, after which the claimant shall present the shipment to the post office. The claimant shall request the postmaster or his agent to execute the certificate of mailing on the copy of the claim, Form 5620.7, returned to the claimant by the appropriate TTB officer in accordance with §44.224. When so executed by the postal authorities, the Form 5620.7 shall be transmitted at once to the appropriate TTB officer with whom the form was previously filed.

(72 Stat. 1419; 26 U.S.C. 5706)

[T.D. 6871, 31 FR 55, Jan. 4, 1966. Redesignated at 40 FR 16835, Apr. 15, 1975, and amended by T.D. ATF–232, 51 FR 28089, Aug. 5, 1986; T.D. ATF–243, 51 FR 43194, Dec. 1, 1986; T.D. ATF–424, 64 FR 71933, Dec. 22, 1999]

§ 44.227   Customs procedure.

The customs officer shall satisfy himself that the tobacco products, and cigarette papers and tubes described on the Form 5620.7 and those inspected by him are the same and shall note on the form any discrepancy. After having inspected the articles and supervised the lading thereof on the export carrier, the customs officer shall complete and sign the certificate of inspection and lading on both copies of Form 5620.7 and deliver or transmit such copies to the office of his district director of customs for further processing. After clearance from the port of the export carrier on which the articles are laden, the district director of customs shall execute the certificate of exportation on both copies of Form 5620.7. The district director of customs shall retain one copy of the form for his records and transmit the other copy to the appropriate TTB officer.

(72 Stat. 1419; 26 U.S.C. 5706)

[T.D. 6961, 33 FR 9493, June 28, 1968. Redesignated at 40 FR 16835, Apr. 15, 1975, and amended by T.D. ATF–232, 51 FR 28089, Aug. 5, 1986; T.D. ATF–243, 51 FR 43194, Dec. 1, 1986; T.D. ATF–424, 64 FR 71933, Dec. 22, 1999; T.D. ATF–480, 67 FR 30803, May 8, 2002]

§ 44.228   Landing certificate.

Each claimant for drawback under this subpart agrees in the bond filed by him that he will furnish, within a reasonable time, evidence satisfactory to the appropriate TTB officer that the tobacco products, and cigarette papers and tubes covered by his claim have been landed at some port beyond the jurisdiction of the internal revenue laws of the United States, or that after shipment from the United States the articles were lost, and have not been relanded within the limits of the United States. The landing certificate shall accurately describe the articles involved, so as to readily identify the drawback claim to which it relates. The landing certificate shall be signed by a revenue officer at the place of destination, unless it is shown that no such officer can furnish such landing certificate, in which case the certificate of landing shall be signed by the consignee, or by the vessel's agent at the place of landing, and shall be sworn to before a notary public or other officer authorized to administer oaths and having an official seal. The landing certificate shall be filed with the appropriate TTB officer, with whom the drawback claim was filed, within 6 months from the date of clearance of the tobacco products, and cigarette papers and tubes from the United States. A landing certificate prepared in a foreign language shall be accompanied by an accurate translation thereof in English.

(72 Stat. 1419; 26 U.S.C. 5706)

[T.D. 6871, 31 FR 56, Jan. 4, 1966. Redesignated at 40 FR 16835, Apr. 15, 1975, and amended by T.D. ATF–232, 51 FR 28089, Aug. 5, 1986; T.D. ATF–243, 51 FR 43194, Dec. 1, 1986]

§ 44.229   Collateral evidence as to landing.

In case of inability to furnish the prescribed evidence of landing, application for relief shall be promptly made by the claimant to the appropriate TTB officer. Such application shall set forth the facts connected with the alleged exportation, and indicate the date of shipment, the kind, quantity, and value of tobacco products and cigarette papers and tubes shipped, the name of the consignee, the name of the vessel, the port or place of destination to which the shipment was made, and the date and amount of the bond covering such shipment. The application shall also state in what particular the provisions of this subpart, respecting the proofs of landing, have not been complied with, and the cause of failure to furnish such proofs; that such failure was not occasioned by any lack of diligence on the part of the claimant, or that of his agents; and that he is unable to furnish any other or better evidence than that furnished with his application. Each such application shall be supported by the best collateral evidence the claimant may be able to submit. The evidence may consist of the original or verified copies of letters from the consignee advising the claimant of the arrival or sale of the tobacco products, and cigarette papers and tubes, with such other statements respecting the failure to furnish the prescribed evidence of landing as may be obtained from the consignee or other persons having knowledge thereof. Such letters and other documents in a foreign language shall be accompanied by accurate translations thereof in English, and, when the letters fail to identify sufficiently the tobacco products, and cigarette papers and tubes, the original sales account must be produced.

(72 Stat. 1419; 26 U.S.C. 5706)

[T.D. 6871, 31 FR 56, Jan. 4, 1966. Redesignated at 40 FR 16835, Apr. 15, 1975, and amended by T.D. ATF–232, 51 FR 28089, Aug. 5, 1986; T.D. ATF–243, 51 FR 43194, Dec. 1, 1986; T.D. ATF–480, 67 FR 30803, May 8, 2002]

§ 44.230   Proof of loss.

When the claimant is unable to procure a certificate of landing, in accordance with the provisions of §44.228, in consequence of loss of the tobacco products, and cigarette papers and tubes, his application for relief shall set forth the extent of the loss and, if possible, the location and manner of shipwreck or other casualty and the time of its occurrence. When obtainable, affidavits of the vessel's owners should be furnished detailing the manner and extent of the loss and the time and location of the disaster. If the tobacco products, and cigarette papers and tubes were insured, the claimant shall furnish certificates by officers of the insurance companies that the insurance has been paid, and that, to the best of their knowledge and belief, the tobacco products, and cigarette papers and tubes were actually destroyed. The aforesaid proof shall be furnished to the appropriate TTB officer within 6 months from the date of clearance of the tobacco products, and cigarette papers and tubes from the United States.

(72 Stat. 1419; 26 U.S.C. 5706)

[T.D. 6871, 31 FR 56, Jan. 4, 1966. Redesignated at 40 FR 16835, Apr. 15, 1975, and amended by T.D. ATF–232, 51 FR 28089, Aug. 5, 1986; T.D. ATF–243, 51 FR 43194, Dec. 1, 1986]

§ 44.231   Extension of time.

In case the claimant, from causes beyond his control, is unable to furnish the landing certificate or proof of loss, within the time prescribed therefor, he may make an application to the appropriate TTB officer for an extension of time in which to do so. Such application must state specifically the cause of failure to furnish the evidence. Two extensions of three months each may be granted by the appropriate TTB officer, provided the surety on the drawback bond of the claimant assents in writing thereto.

(72 Stat. 1419; 26 U.S.C. 5706)

[25 FR 4725, May 28, 1960. Redesignated at 40 FR 16835, Apr. 15, 1975]

§ 44.232   Allowance of claim.

On receipt of the executed Form 5620.7 from the district director of customs, the appropriate TTB officer will allow or disallow the claim in accordance with existing law and regulations. If the claim is not allowed in full the appropriate TTB officer will notify the claimant, in writing, of the reasons for any disallowance.

(72 Stat. 1419; 26 U.S.C. 5706)

[25 FR 4725, May 28, 1960. Redesignated at 40 FR 16835, Apr. 15, 1975, as amended by T.D. ATF–424, 64 FR 71933, Dec. 22, 1999]

Subpart L—Withdrawal of Cigars From Customs Warehouses

Source:   25 FR 4725, May 28, 1960, unless otherwise noted. Redesignated at 40 FR 16835, Apr. 15, 1975.

§ 44.241   Shipment restricted.

Cigars produced in a customs warehouse in accordance with customs laws and regulations may be withdrawn under this subpart, without payment of tax, for export or for delivery for subsequent exportation. Duties paid on the tobacco used in the manufacture of such cigars may not be recovered on the exportation of the cigars under this subpart.

§ 44.242   Responsibility for tax on cigars.

A customs warehouse proprietor who withdraws cigars for export under his bond, without payment of tax, in accordance with the provisions of this part, shall be responsible for payment of such tax until he is relieved of such responsibility by furnishing the appropriate TTB officer evidence satisfactory to the appropriate TTB officer of exportation or proper delivery, as required by this subpart, or satisfactory evidence of such other disposition as may be used as the lawful basis for such relief. Such evidence shall be furnished within 90 days of the date of withdrawal of the cigars: Provided, That this period may be extended for good cause shown.

[25 FR 4725, May 28, 1960. Redesignated at 40 FR 16835, Apr. 15, 1975, as amended by T.D. ATF–480, 67 FR 30803, May 8, 2002]

§ 44.243   Bond required.

Where the customs warehouse proprietor desires to withdraw cigars from his warehouse, without payment of tax, under this subpart, he shall, prior to making the first withdrawal, file a bond, Form 2104 (5200.15), conditioned upon compliance with the provisions of 26 U.S.C. chapter 52, and regulations thereunder, including, but not limited to, the timely payment of taxes imposed by such chapter, for which he may be responsible to the United States, and penalties and interest in connection therewith. The provisions of §§44.121 and 44.122 are applicable to the bond required under this section.

[25 FR 4725, May 28, 1960. Redesignated at 40 FR 16835, Apr. 15, 1975, and amended by T.D. ATF–48, 44 FR 55856, Sept. 28, 1979; T.D. ATF–460, 66 FR 39093, July 27, 2001; T.D. ATF–480, 67 FR 30803, May 8, 2002]

§ 44.244   Amount of bond.

The amount of the bond filed by the customs warehouse proprietor, as required by §44.243, shall be not less than the estimated amount of tax which may at any time constitute a charge against the bond: Provided, That the amount of any such bond (or the total amount where original and strengthening bonds are filed) shall not exceed $25,000 nor be less than $1,000. The charges against such bond shall be subject to increase as withdrawals are made and decrease as required evidence of exportation is received by the appropriate TTB officer with respect to cigars withdrawn. When the limit of liability under a bond given in less than the maximum amount has been reached, further withdrawals shall not be made thereunder until a strengthening or superseding bond is filed as required by §44.245 or §44.246.

§ 44.245   Strengthening bond.

Where the appropriate TTB officer determines that the amount of the bond, under which the customs warehouse proprietor is withdrawing cigars for shipment under this subpart, no longer adequately protects the revenue, and such bond is in an amount of less than $25,000, the appropriate TTB officer may require the proprietor to file a strengthening bond in an appropriate amount with the same surety as that on the bond already in effect, in lieu of a superseding bond to cover the full liability on the basis of §44.244. The appropriate TTB officer shall refuse to approve any strengthening bond where any notation is made thereon which is intended or which may be construed as a release of any former bond, or as limiting the amount of either bond to less than its full amount.

§ 44.246   Superseding bond.

The customs warehouse proprietor shall file a new bond to supersede his current bond, immediately when (a) the corporate surety on the current bond becomes insolvent, (b) the appropriate TTB officer approves a request from the surety on the current bond to terminate his liability under the bond, (c) payment of any liability under a bond is made by the surety thereon, or (d) the appropriate TTB officer considers such a superseding bond necessary for the protection of the revenue.

§ 44.247   Termination of liability of surety under bond.

The liability of a surety on any bond required by this subpart shall be terminated only as to operations on and after the effective date of a superseding bond, or the date of approval of the customs warehouse proprietor's request for termination, or otherwise, in accordance with the termination provisions of the bond. The surety shall remain bound in respect of any liability for unpaid taxes, penalties, and interest, not in excess of the amount of the bond, incurred by the proprietor while the bond is in force.

Packaging Requirements
§ 44.248   Packages.

Cigars shall, before withdrawal under this part, be put up by the customs warehouse proprietor in packages which shall bear the label or notice, tax classification, and mark, as required by this subpart.

(Sec. 202, Pub. L. 85–859, 72 Stat. 1422 (26 U.S.C. 5723))

[T.D. ATF–40, 42 FR 5009, Jan. 26, 1977]

§ 44.249   Lottery features.

No certificate, coupon, or other device purporting to be or to represent a ticket, chance, share, or an interest in, or dependent on, the event of a lottery shall be contained in, attached to, or stamped, marked, written, or printed on any package of cigars withdrawn under this subpart.

(72 Stat. 1422; 26 U.S.C. 5723; 18 U.S.C. 1301)

§ 44.250   Indecent or immoral material.

No indecent or immoral picture, print, or representation shall be contained in, attached to, or stamped, marked, written, or printed on any package of cigars withdrawn under this subpart.

(72 Stat. 1422; 26 U.S.C. 5723)

§ 44.251   Mark.

Every package of cigars shall, before withdrawal from the customs warehouse under this subpart, have adequately imprinted thereon, or on a label securely affixed thereto, the name and location of the manufacturer. There shall also be adequately stated on each such package the number of cigars contained in the package.

(72 Stat. 1422; 26 U.S.C. 5723)

§ 44.252   Label or notice.

Every package of cigars shall, before withdrawal from the customs warehouse under this subpart, have adequately imprinted thereon, or on a label securely affixed the words “Tax-exempt. For use outside U.S.” or the words “U.S. Tax-exempt. For use outside U.S.”, except where a stamp, sticker, or notice, required by a foreign country or a possession of the United States, which identifies such country or possession, is so imprinted or affixed.

(72 Stat. 1422; 26 U.S.C. 5723)

§ 44.253   Tax classification for cigars.

Before withdrawal of cigars from a customs warehouse under this subpart, every package of cigars shall have adequately imprinted on it, or on a label securely affixed to it—

(a) The designation “cigars”;

(b) The quantity of cigars contained in the package; and

(c) For small cigars, the classification of the product for tax purposes (i.e., either “small” or “little”).

(Sec. 202, Pub. L. 85–859, 72 Stat. 1422 (26 U.S.C. 5723))

[T.D. ATF–80, 46 FR 18312, Mar. 24, 1981]

§ 44.254   Shipping containers.

Each shipping case, crate, or other container, in which cigars are to be withdrawn, under this subpart, shall bear a distinguishing number, such number to be assigned by the customs warehouse proprietor.

Consignment of Shipment
§ 44.255   Consignment of cigars.

Cigars withdrawn from a customs warehouse, without payment of tax, under internal revenue bond and this part, shall be consigned in the same manner as provided by subpart J of this part with respect to the removal of tobacco products, and cigarette papers and tubes from a factory or an export warehouse.

[T.D. 6871, 31 FR 56, Jan. 4, 1966. Redesignated at 40 FR 16835, Apr. 15, 1975, and amended by T.D. ATF–232, 51 FR 28089, Aug. 5, 1986; T.D. ATF–243, 51 FR 43194, Dec. 1, 1986]

Notice of Removal of Shipment
§ 44.256   Preparation.

For each shipment to be withdrawn under this subpart, the customs warehouse proprietor shall prepare a notice of removal, Form 5200.14. Each such notice shall be given a serial number by the proprietor in a series beginning with number 1, with respect to the first shipment withdrawn under this subpart and commencing again with number 1 on January 1 of each year thereafter.

[25 FR 4725, May 28, 1960. Redesignated at 40 FR 16835, Apr. 15, 1975, as amended by T.D. ATF–421, 64 FR 71926, Dec. 22, 1999]

§ 44.257   Disposition.

After actual withdrawal from his warehouse of the shipment described on the notice of removal, Form 5200.14, the customs warehouse proprietor shall, except where the shipment is to be exported by parcel post, promptly forward one copy of the notice of removal to the appropriate TTB officer. A copy of each such notice shall be retained by the customs warehouse proprietor as a part of his records, for 3 years following the close of the calendar year in which the shipment was withdrawn, and shall be made available for inspection by any appropriate TTB officer upon his request. The proprietor shall dispose of the other copies of each notice of removal as required by this subpart.

[25 FR 4725, May 28, 1960. Redesignated at 40 FR 16835, Apr. 15, 1975, as amended by T.D. ATF–421, 64 FR 71926, Dec. 22, 1999; T.D. ATF–480, 67 FR 30803, May 8, 2002]

§ 44.258   To officers of the armed forces for subsequent exportation.

Where cigars are withdrawn from a customs warehouse for delivery to officers of the armed forces of the United States in this country for subsequent shipment to, and use by, the armed forces outside the United States, the customs warehouse proprietor making the shipment shall forward a copy of the notice of removal, Form 5200.14, to the officer at the base or installation authorized to receive the cigars described on the notice of removal. Upon execution by the armed forces receiving officer of the certificate of receipt on the copy of the notice of removal, he shall return such copy to the customs warehouse proprietor making the shipment for filing with the appropriate TTB officer.

[25 FR 4725, May 28, 1960. Redesignated at 40 FR 16835, Apr. 15, 1975, as amended by T.D. ATF–421, 64 FR 71926, Dec. 22, 1999]

§ 44.259   To noncontiguous foreign countries and possessions of the United States.

Where cigars are withdrawn from a customs warehouse for direct delivery to a vessel or aircraft for transportation to a noncontiguous foreign country, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, or a possession of the United States, the customs warehouse proprietor making the withdrawal shall file two copies of the notice of removal, Form 5200.14, with the office of the district director of customs at the port where the shipment is to be laden. Such copies of the notice of removal should be filed with the related shipper's export declaration, Commerce Form 7525–V. In the event the copies of the notice of removal are not filed with the shipper's export declaration, when the copies of the notice are filed with the district director of customs they shall show all particulars necessary to enable that officer to associate the notice with the related shipper's export declaration and any other documents filed with his office in connection with the shipment. After the vessel or aircraft on which the shipment has been laden clears or departs from the port of lading the customs authority shall execute the certificate of exportation on both copies of the notice of removal, retain one copy for his records, and deliver or transmit the other copy to the customs warehouse proprietor making the shipment for filing with the appropriate TTB officer.

[T.D. 6961, 33 FR 9494, June 28, 1968. Redesignated at 40 FR 16835, Apr. 15, 1975, as amended by T.D. ATF–421, 64 FR 71926, Dec. 22, 1999]

§ 44.260   To a Federal department or agency.

Where cigars are withdrawn from a customs warehouse and are destined for ultimate delivery in a noncontiguous foreign country, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, or a possession of the United States, but the shipment is to be delivered to a Federal department or agency, or to an authorized dispatch agent, transportation officer, or port director of such a department or agency for forwarding on to the place of destination of the shipment, the customs warehouse proprietor making the shipment shall furnish a copy of the notice of removal, Form 5200.14, to the Federal department or agency, or an officer thereof at the port, receiving the shipment for ultimate transmittal to the place of destination, in order that such department, agency, or officer, can properly execute the certificate of receipt on such notice to evidence receipt of the shipment for transmittal to a place beyond the jurisdiction of the internal revenue laws of the United States. After completing such certificate, the Federal department, agency, or officer, shall return the copy of the notice of removal, so executed, to the customs warehouse proprietor making the shipment for filing with the appropriate TTB officer.

[25 FR 4725, May 28, 1960. Redesignated at 40 FR 16835, Apr. 15, 1975, as amended by T.D. ATF–421, 64 FR 71926, Dec. 22, 1999]

§ 44.261   To contiguous foreign countries.

Where cigars are withdrawn from a customs warehouse for export to a contiguous foreign country, the customs warehouse proprietor making the shipment shall furnish to the district director of customs at the border or other port of exit two copies of the notice of removal, Form 5200.14, together with the related shipper's export declaration, Commerce Form 7525–V. In the event the copies of the notice of removal are not filed with the shipper's export declaration or, in the case of a shipment for the armed forces of the United States in the contiguous foreign country where no shipper's export declaration is required, the copies of the notice when filed with the district director of customs shall show all particulars necessary to enable that officer to associate the notice with the related shipper's export declaration, if any, and any other documents filed with his office in connection with the shipment. After the shipment has been cleared by customs from the United States, the customs authority at the port of exit shall complete the certificate of exportation on both copies of the notice of removal, retain one copy for his records, and transmit the other copy to the customs warehouse proprietor making the shipment for filing with the appropriate TTB officer.

[T.D. 6961, 33 FR 9494, June 28, 1968. Redesignated at 40 FR 16835, Apr. 15, 1975, as amended by T.D. ATF–421, 64 FR 71926, Dec. 22, 1999]

§ 44.262   To Government vessels and aircraft for consumption as supplies.

Where cigars are withdrawn from a customs warehouse for direct delivery to a vessel or aircraft, engaged in an activity for the Government of the United States or a foreign government, for consumption as supplies beyond the jurisdiction of the internal revenue laws of the United States, the customs warehouse proprietor making the shipment shall forward a copy of the notice of removal, Form 5200.14, to the officer of the vessel or aircraft authorized to receive the shipment. Upon execution by the receiving officer of the vessel or aircraft of the certificate of receipt on the copy of the notice of removal, he shall return such copy to the customs warehouse proprietor making the shipment for filing with the appropriate TTB officer.

[25 FR 4725, May 28, 1960. Redesignated at 40 FR 16835, Apr. 15, 1975, as amended by T.D. ATF–421, 64 FR 71926, Dec. 22, 1999]

§ 44.263   To commercial vessels and aircraft for consumption as supplies.

Where cigars are withdrawn from a customs warehouse for delivery to a vessel or aircraft entitled to receive such articles for consumption as supplies beyond the jurisdiction of the internal revenue laws of the United States, the customs warehouse proprietor making shipment shall file two copies of the notice of removal, Form 5200.14, with the district director of customs at the port where the shipment is to be laden in sufficient time to permit delivery of the two copies of the notice of removal to the customs officer who will inspect the shipment and supervise its lading. After inspection and lading of the shipment the customs officer shall note on the copies of the notice of removal any discrepancy between the shipment inspected and laden under his supervision and that described on the notice of removal or any limitation on the quantity to be laden; complete and sign the certificate of inspection and lading; and return both copies of the notice of removal to the district director of customs. The district director of customs shall execute the certificate of clearance on both copies of the notice of removal, retain one copy for his records, and forward the other copy to the customs warehouse proprietor making the shipment for filing with the appropriate TTB officer. Where the vessel or aircraft does not clear from the port at which the shipment is laden, the customs officer supervising the lading of the shipment shall require the person on board the vessel or aircraft authorized to receive the shipment to execute the certificate of receipt on both copies of the notice of removal to indicate the trade or activity in which the vessel or aircraft is engaged.

[T.D. 6961, 33 FR 9494, June 28, 1968. Redesignated at 40 FR 16835, Apr. 15, 1975, as amended by T.D. ATF–421, 64 FR 71926, Dec. 22, 1999]

§ 44.264   To export warehouses.

Where cigars are withdrawn from a customs warehouse for delivery to an export warehouse, the proprietor of the customs warehouse shall forward to the proprietor of the export warehouse three copies of the notice of removal, Form 5200.14, covering the shipment, for execution and disposition in accordance with procedure similar to that set forth in §44.200 in connection with a shipment of tobacco products, and cigarette papers and tubes from a factory to an export warehouse. The executed copy of the notice of removal, Form 5200.14, returned to the customs warehouse proprietor by the export warehouse proprietor shall be filed with the appropriate TTB officer.

[T.D. ATF–48, 44 FR 55856, Sept. 28, 1979, as amended by T.D. ATF–232, 51 FR 28089, Aug. 5, 1986; T.D. ATF–243, 51 FR 43194, Dec. 1, 1986; T.D. ATF–421, 64 FR 71926, Dec. 22, 1999; T.D. ATF–480, 67 FR 30803, May 8, 2002]

§ 44.264a   To a foreign-trade zone.

Where cigars are withdrawn from a customs warehouse for delivery to a foreign-trade zone, under zone restricted status for the purpose of exportation or storage, the customs warehouse proprietor making the shipment shall forward two copies of the notice of removal, Form 5200.14, to the customs officer in charge of the zone. Upon receipt of the shipment, the customs officer shall execute the certificate of receipt on each copy of the form, noting thereon any discrepancy, retain one copy for his records, and forward the other copy to the customs warehouse proprietor making the shipment for filing with the appropriate TTB officer.

[T.D. 6564, 26 FR 4362, May 19, 1961. Redesignated at 40 FR 16835, Apr. 15, 1975, as amended by T.D. ATF–421, 64 FR 71926, Dec. 22, 1999]

§ 44.265   For export by parcel post.

Where cigars are withdrawn from a customs warehouse for export by parcel post, the customs warehouse proprietor shall present one copy of the notice of removal, Form 5200.14, together with the shipping containers, to the postal authorities with the request that the postmaster or his agent execute the certificate of mailing on the form. Where a customs warehouse proprietor so desires, he may cover under one notice of removal all the cigars removed under this part for export by parcel post which are delivered at one time to the postal service for that purpose. The customs warehouse proprietor shall immediately file the receipted copy of the notice of removal with the appropriate TTB officer.

[25 FR 4725, May 28, 1960. Redesignated at 40 FR 16835, Apr. 15, 1975, as amended by T.D. ATF–421, 64 FR 71926, Dec. 22, 1999]

Return of Shipment
§ 44.266   Return of cigars from export warehouses.

Where cigars are returned to a customs warehouse from an export warehouse, the officer in charge of the customs warehouse shall execute the certificate of receipt on each of the copies of the related Form 5200.14 received from the export warehouse proprietor, after checking the containers to determine whether all the cigars described on the notice have been received. Thereafter, both copies of the Form 5200.14 shall be turned over to the proprietor of the customs warehouse who shall return one copy to the export warehouse proprietor for disposition as provided in §44.201. The customs warehouse proprietor shall retain the other copy of the notice of removal, as a part of his records, for 3 years following the close of the calendar year in which the shipment was received. Such copy shall be made available for inspection by any appropriate TTB officer upon his request.

[T.D. ATF–48, 44 FR 55856, Sept. 28, 1979, as amended by T.D. ATF–421, 64 FR 71926, Dec. 22, 1999]

§ 44.267   Return of cigars from other sources.

A customs warehouse proprietor may return to his warehouse cigars previously withdrawn therefrom, under this subpart, provided he promptly files with the appropriate TTB officer a copy of the Form 5200.14 under which the cigars were originally withdrawn, with the certificate of receipt properly modified and executed by the customs officer in charge of the warehouse to show return of the shipment. If less than the entire shipment is returned to the warehouse, the form shall state what disposition was made of the remainder of the original shipment and any other facts pertinent to such shipment. The customs warehouse proprietor shall retain a copy of such form as a part of his records for 3 years after the close of the calendar year in which the shipment was returned. Such copy shall be made available for inspection by any appropriate TTB officer upon request.

[25 FR 4725, May 28, 1960. Redesignated at 40 FR 16835, Apr. 15, 1975, as amended by T.D. ATF–421, 64 FR 71926, Dec. 22, 1999]

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