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2012 Power and Transmission Rate Adjustment Proceeding
BPA has conducted the BP-12 rate proceeding to set power and transmission rates for the FY 2012-2013 rate period. Official filings related to this proceeding were made on the BP-12 secure website.

BP-12 Final ROD
On July 26, 2011, BPA released the Administrator's Final Record of Decision, July 2011, BP-12-A-02, in the 2012 Wholesale Power and Transmission Rate Adjustment Proceeding (BP-12), accompanied by Appendix A: Partial Transmission Settlement Agreement (BP-12-A-02A);
Appendix B: Power Rate Schedules (BP-12-A-02B); Appendix C: Transmission, Ancillary and Control Area Service Rate Schedules
(BP-12-A-02C) (Corrected 08/01/2011)
and the Tiered Rate Methodology (BP-12-A-03). Note: Power Rates Schedules and General Rate Schedule Provisions were corrected on October 29, 2011, December 7, 2011, January 17, 2012, and on March 15, 2012. BPA also revised the Tiered Rate Methodology (BP-12-A-03).

Concurrently, BPA conducted another proceeding, referred to as REP-12, to review the terms and conditions of a proposed 17-year settlement of issues regarding the implementation of the Residential Exchange Program. On July 26, 2011, the Administrator released the Administrator's Final Record of Decision, July 2011, REP-12-A-02, in this proceeding. Filings related to the official REP-12 proceeding were made on the REP-12 secure website.

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