CDSE August Webinars

July 23, 2012

"Security Rating Matrix" Webinar - August 7

Join the Center for Development of Security Excellence (CDSE) for its Industrial Security Learn@Lunch webinar, "Security Rating Matrix." Sign up is now open!

Click the sign up button next to the time for the session you wish to attend. Access instructions will be sent via email. Please note that only those individuals who sign up will be sent access instructions.

Description: This webinar will provide an overview of the rating calculation worksheet, to include the definition of vulnerabilities and examples of National Industrial Security Program (NISP) enhancements.

Length: 30 minutes

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"Activity Security Manager Responsibilites" Webinar - August 22

Join the Center for Development of Security Excellence (CDSE) for its information Security webinar, "Activity Security Manager Responsibilities."

Click the sign up button next to the time for the session you wish to attend. Access instructions will be sent via email. Please note that only those individuals who sign up will be sent access instructions.

Description: The DoD activity security manager's basic responsibilities, requirements, and qualifications as defined and enumerated in DoDM 5200.01 Volumes 1 and 3 will be discussed. Additionally, training, education, and performance support resources available to DoD security managers will be reviewed.

Length: 30 minutes

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