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2009 IPR 2 Integrated Program Review (IPR)

What Happened in 2009
The IPR 2 provided participants with: BPA's forecasted costs for the FY 2010-2011 period, reasons for any changes from the forecasts in the 2008 IPR process and an opportunity to comment on forecasts and to suggest changes.

Given the economic circumstances, BPA expanded the scope of the IPR2 to include discussion of risk mitigation and liquidity tools in addition to program level costs.

A workshop was held on March 18, 2009 with Administrator Steve Wright and other Bonneville Power Administration executives. This meeting was the kickoff to the second round of the Integrated Program Review (IPR2). Given the current financial circumstances, this meeting combined the IPR2 discussion with a power rates discussion regarding the tools available to keep BPA’s FY 2010-2011 power rates as low as possible consistent with meeting our other key objectives.

The April 9, 2009 Workshop provided an interim update on efforts to reduce BPA’s FY 2010-2011 program levels as well as on potential risk mitigation tools.

On April 24, BPA posted draft decisions on program levels for FY 2010-2011 for review and comment.

A final workshop to discuss and receive comment on FY 2010-2011 program levels was held on April 29 with Administrator Steve Wright and other Bonneville Power Administration executives. This meeting also included discussion on the tools available for keeping power rates as low as possible consistent with meeting our other key objectives. This meeting was targeted specifically to individuals at the policy level, such as customer and constituent executive directors.

The comment period for the IPR 2 process closed May 4, 2009.

The IPR2 Close-out Letter and Final Report for FY 2010-2011 Program Levels was released on June 19, 2009.

Public Materials for 2009 IPR 2

March 18, 2009

April 9, 2009

Final IPR 2 Workshop Material

Customer comments for the 2009 IPR 2

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Public Calendar

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IPR 2010

IPR2 2009

IPR 2008
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