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Capital Investment Review (CIR)

Thank you for participating in the Capital Investment Review (CIR), a process designed to provide interested parties an opportunity to review, comment and influence BPA’s long-term capital forecasts and draft asset strategies.

The CIR concluded May 11, 2012 following a nine-week comment period. Public comments will inform BPA’s long-term direction for capital spending and, in the shorter-term, inform the 2012 IPR for near-term capital spending forecasts (FY 2014-2015) and then influence the depreciation and interest expense levels that will be reflected in the 2012 IPR.

Overview of CIR

The Capital Investment Review (CIR) is an outcome of external stakeholder requests to host a process, separate and prior to the 2012 IPR, focused on draft Asset Strategies and 10-year capital forecasts.

The CIR addressed transmission, facilities, security, information technology, fish and wildlife, energy efficiency and federal hydropower. BPA released draft Agency Asset Strategies (including summaries of the individual asset strategies) for review and comment as well as full draft asset strategies.

What's New

Based on feedback received during the 2010 IPR and IPR Lessons Learned, BPA has taken steps to develop and communicate information more effectively and efficiently, as well as improve the use of participant and BPA staff time and resources. As a direct result, the CIR public process incorporated the process changes listed below.
  • Information will be centralized into one comprehensive initial publication.
  • Participants were given three weeks to review the initial publication. During this time, participants requested additional information and/or discussion meetings targeting specific areas.
  • BPA hosted discussion meetings April 19th and 20th based on participants' specific questions and requests.
  • A nine week public comment period (March 8th - May 11th) offered ample time for comment on the draft asset strategies and proposed long-term capital levels.

CIR Related Communications:

Meeting Materials

Power Prepayment Materials are now located on the Power Prepayment Program page.

April 30th (conference call)

April 20th
April 19th
March 8th Kickoff Meeting

CIR Publications

Additional Information Per Participant Request:

Get Finance Related Information Directly:
BPA offers external stakeholders an opportunity to sign up for BPA’s Finance "Master Blaster", an email providing notification of upcoming finance related public processes, scheduled meetings and recently published material. To sign up please email with subject line: “enroll” or contact Stephanie Adams at 503-230-4671.

POC: Stephanie Adams
File format: PDF
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2011 Capital Discussions

Capital Project Prioritization

Power Prepayment Program

Public Calendar

Finance Public Processes

Integrated Program Review

Quarterly Business Review
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