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DHS HS-STEM Summer Internship Program
2012 Competition Guidelines and Materials

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The current competition cycle for this program is now closed. Those who applied by the Jan 5th deadline will be notified regarding the outcome of the competition in early March. The information and application materials posted on this Web site are for reference only and may change with the next competition cycle, which will begin in Fall 2012.



The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) sponsors a 10-week summer internship program for rising juniors and seniors majoring in homeland security related science, technology, engineering and mathematics (HS-STEM) disciplines. The DHS HS-STEM Summer Internship Program provides students with the opportunity to conduct research in DHS mission-relevant research areas at federal research facilities located across the country.

The goal of this program is to engage a diverse, educated, and skilled pool of scientists and engineers in HS-STEM issues and to promote long-term relationships between student researchers, the DHS Science and Technology (S&T) Directorate, and federal research facilities to enhance the HS-STEM workforce.

DHS has partnered with Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE) to manage the application and review process, notification, and implementation of the program. The DHS Science and Technology Directorate reviews applications and makes the final award selections.


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Application and Selection Process:



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All application materials are available on this web site.

January 5, 2012 is the deadline for submission of the application form, including all essay questions and the list of hosting sites and projects in order of preference. The application form should be submitted by email to

January 12, 2012 is the deadline for all supporting materials. For items submitted by postal mail, the deadline is a postmark deadline, not receipt deadline. There is no need to send information by overnight or special delivery. To protect your personally identifiable information (PII), items submitted by postal mail should be mailed in an envelope marked “To be read by addressee only.” The required supporting materials are:

Materials submitted by applicants by fax will not be accepted. Do not send duplicate items by e-mail. Do not submit resumes, off-prints, manuscripts, videos, slides, photographs, or other extraneous materials; these materials will not be used in the review of applications. Do not submit more than the designated page limit for essay questions in the application.

The application and reference forms should be sent to:

Transcripts, the Citizenship Information Form, and the birth certificate copy (if required) should be sent to:

Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education
DHS HS-STEM Summer Internship Program, MS-36
PO Box 117
Oak Ridge, TN 37831-0117

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Applications are reviewed by ORISE for eligibility and completeness and by DHS for strength and relevance to the DHS mission. Selected applications are then evaluated by the hosting sites chosen by the students. Hosting site reviewers evaluate each application to determine if there is a match between the internship projects selected by the student and the student’s knowledge, skills, and interests. If there is not a match at the student’s first choice of hosting site, an attempt is made to match at the student’s second (and possibly third) choice of hosting site. After matches are made, DHS approves project assignments and makes awards.

In evaluating student applications, DHS and hosting site researchers consider the student’s academic record, reference reports, and essays.

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All selection notifications will be made by ORISE. It is anticipated that students selected will be notified by email beginning March 1, 2012. Additionally, selection notification will be made by email to the hosting sites. Students not selected will be notified by email.

Hosting site representatives, including potential research mentors, do not have the authority to offer or guarantee DHS-funded summer internships to applicants to this program. Only ORISE, on behalf of DHS, can offer DHS-funded summer internships through this program.


For more information:

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