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Performance Measures Bureau of Reclamation performance data relating to the ExpectMore.gov database and website. The Federal Government is working to ensure its programs perform well. At ExpectMore.gov, they provide you information about where we have been successful and where we fall short. All Federal Agencies are included at ExpectMore.gov
Placer County Water Agency Pump Station Project The Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) and the Placer County Water Agency (PCWA) are pursuing the development of a year-round water diversion facility capable of diverting up to 35,500 acre-feet annually of PCWA?s water entitlements from its Middle Fork Project on the American River. The Project will provide a pumping plant for PCWA to provide year-round access to its Middle Fork American River water entitlements, eliminate the safety hazard associated with the Auburn Dam bypass tunnel; and allow for the beneficial use of the now dewatered river channel.
Policy, Federal Government GSA Office of Government-wide Policy.
Privacy Act The Privacy Act is a companion to the FOIA. The Privacy Act regulates Federal Government agency recordkeeping and disclosure practices. The Act allows most individuals to seek access to Federal agency records about themselves. As with the FOIA, the Privacy Act provides civil remedies for individuals whose rights have been violated. Together with the FOIA, the Privacy Act permits disclosure of most personal files to the individual who is the subject of the files.
Program to Meet Standards (PTMS) Reclamation has initiated implementation of a program - Program to Meet Standards - to provide greater flexibility in meeting existing water quality standards and objectives for which the Central Valley Project has responsibility in order to reduce reliance on releases from New Melones Reservoir for those purposes. Implementation of PTMS is consistent with Public Law 108-361.
Projects and Activities Reclamation Wide Projects and Activities on all Reclamation Projects can be found at this main database

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Bureau of Reclamation, Mid-Pacific Region
2800 Cottage Way, Sacramento CA  95825-1898
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April 5, 2012

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